would any low carb dieters mind taking a look



  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Try eating at your BMR. I'm a woman, and I eat WAY more than you, lol!! So your body doesn't have enough fuel. I'm not sure where your trying to hit on carb count, but I've been doing low carb and I'm average about 70/day. I'm also averaging about +1700 calories a day. I lowered my carbs, raised my protein and upped my calories all at the same time and have been able to lose weight consistently after doing so. Maybe that will help you.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating low carb, but some days your net calories are in the negative numbers! I notice you always put down exactly 1748 for calories burned? How are you arriving at that number? I suggest you wear a heart rate monitor to get an accurate number of calories burned. I'm no nutrition expert, but I would say a man your size should probably not go under 1500 net calories unless under the supervision of a doctor. Eating too few calories will put your body in starvation mode and make it very hard to lose.
  • leatitiaa
    leatitiaa Posts: 17
    Hey Mubb,

    have taken a brief look at your foodlog. You really aren't eating a lot. A 1000 cals for a fullgrown man in an active job? I think that's not the way to go. You may loose a lot of pounds now (in fact you aren't), but what about long term? Can you keep this diet for 2-4 months? I really have my doubts about that. And what and how will you be eating once you've reached your goal? You want to become fit, slim and toned, but also stay that way (indefinitely), right?

    Make a plan on how you want to achieve your goal in a reasonable pace, and think about how you want to live and eat once you've achieved that goal. Think about a long term, happy healthy life. Not loosing all the pounds in 6-8 weeks. We all know that isn't working.

    Also, you might want to search for some threads on 'eating your calories back'.

    That's my advice. All the best!
  • Labtech718
    Labtech718 Posts: 3
    I don't think you are eating enough green/yellow vegetables. Many people believe that burning ketones means your are burning fat...this isn't really true. What you are burning is protein. I see your breakfast is eggs and bacon, try instead of bacon (which is really high in calories) use salsa (as much as you want), a tablespoon or so shredded cheese and fat free sour cream. You should still get in at least 4 serving of vegetables each day even on a low carb diet. Broccoli and cheese is a good choice, almost any steamed vegetable with a spritz of italian dressing is delicious. Zuchinni and squash are about to be in season and they are great spritzed with olive oil, sprinkled with your favorite seasoning (I like garlic) and grilled until tender. In the end it is the lack of calories that allow you to loose weight. If you stay in ketosis you will go into "starvation mode". Limiting carbs like bread is a good idea no doubt but in the end it is all about the calories.
  • Mubb
    Mubb Posts: 90
    If you are truly on a low carb diet and "managing" your ketosis (which I take to mean you are attempting to remain in ketosis), you are eating WAY too many carbs. I see on Saturday and Sunday, you had close to, or over 400 carbs. In order to stay in ketosis, you should be eating, in most cases, less than 50 carbs per day. How are you managing your ketosis? The only way you can tell if you are in ketosis is to buy some keto-stix and measure them in your urine. The stick should look some hue of purple..the darker, the more ketones in your urine. If you are not staying in ketosis and seeing how many carbs you are eating, you should be gaining weight, not losing. If you are going to do "low carb" educate yourself and follow a reputable plan. So, start peeing on your keto-stix and lower your carb intake dramatically. You should start losing in less than a week. If you stick to this diet you should lose weight rather rapidly. I have been there, done that. This is one diet you can't have cheat days on. And.. if you keep your carbs very low (20-50), it doesn't matter how many calories you eat.

    I'm sorry you must have Mister read my diet, this site gave me a goal of 400 carbs. I don't think I eat that many in two weeks. Yes I use keto sticks, and they have been as dark maroon as the chart goes.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I notice that if I take out "sugar free" foods Ill lose better. And something ive heard, is it takes like.. 2 days? to deplete your carb reserves, which means you dont start losing again for 2 days after "cheating". If you cheat every week, it only gives a few days to really "diet".

    Just my opinion!
  • Mubb
    Mubb Posts: 90
    You people are awesome, and thank you. I will definitely cut out the sodas and v8's and try and get my calories up. The sodium is something I never thought of.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    Try no soda/no sweetner for a week and see if the scale moves. I have to avoid Diet Coke, I can't lose when drinking it.
  • jennyb612
    jennyb612 Posts: 83
    Hi there - I'm doing lower card too, but recently tried upping my calories - especially with protein. Try a Greek Yogurt (you can even go full fat, but it should be plain so the sugar isn't crazy - I set mine up the night before with Sliced strawberries and a drop of vanilla and then add splenda if I want to sweeten it) Also - Nuts are a great source of protein and add calories. I am trying to eat 1500 calories a day now and I'm only 5'2 !! I would also second the Drink more water sentiment.

    Good luck!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I don't think you are eating enough green/yellow vegetables. Many people believe that burning ketones means your are burning fat...this isn't really true. What you are burning is protein. I see your breakfast is eggs and bacon, try instead of bacon (which is really high in calories) use salsa (as much as you want), a tablespoon or so shredded cheese and fat free sour cream. You should still get in at least 4 serving of vegetables each day even on a low carb diet. Broccoli and cheese is a good choice, almost any steamed vegetable with a spritz of italian dressing is delicious. Zuchinni and squash are about to be in season and they are great spritzed with olive oil, sprinkled with your favorite seasoning (I like garlic) and grilled until tender. In the end it is the lack of calories that allow you to loose weight. If you stay in ketosis you will go into "starvation mode". Limiting carbs like bread is a good idea no doubt but in the end it is all about the calories.

    .."In the end it is the lack of calories that allow you to loose weight"..

    NO NO NO. For example, and it may not be healthy, you could eat 10,000 calories a day and lose weight if you keep your carbs at about 20-30 per day. If you are in ketosis (you HAVE to be in ketosis), your body does not draw energy from the food you eat. Ketosis is what happens when your body burns its fat storage. Your body does not burn fat storage because it's in ketosis. It is in ketosis BECAUSE it is burning fat in storage.

    If people are not familiar with the way a *truly* low carb diet works, they are just confusing the matter by saying stuff like the above quotation.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Would you mind taking a look at my diet, and maybe give a little advise on what I'm doing wrong. I monitor my keytosis. And I have been in the highest margin for about a week now. And I'm not really loosing anything, almost gaining. I have a very physical job,and work 12 hours a day, so it can't really be exercise. Thank you for any advise.

    I have not read more than 2-3 replies. (I have done low carb on and off)

    But based on your activity level and you are a grown man, it looks like you are NOT eating enough and fueling your body enough. Spend some time researching TDEE and see where you would be best at. My guess is you will want to NET at least 1,500-1,800 calories.

    Just my two cents!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    You people are awesome, and thank you. I will definitely cut out the sodas and v8's and try and get my calories up. The sodium is something I never thought of.

    Sodium does NOT affect true weight loss. It only temporarily makes you retain water, which is why weight can fluctuate from day to day.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I looked at several days of your diary and it appears to me you're not getting nearly enough calories. For one thing, a man should get far more than a woman in most cases. And your goal and mine are the same. I'm sure you need more food than I do at my 5'1" frame (albiet a large frame.)

    I'd check with the fat2fitradio.com site and see how many calories you "really" need. This site is way too low and many people are really under eating. You might also want to consider drinking iced tea (green is best) instead of the Mountain Dew.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    If you are truly on a low carb diet and "managing" your ketosis (which I take to mean you are attempting to remain in ketosis), you are eating WAY too many carbs. I see on Saturday and Sunday, you had close to, or over 400 carbs. In order to stay in ketosis, you should be eating, in most cases, less than 50 carbs per day. How are you managing your ketosis? The only way you can tell if you are in ketosis is to buy some keto-stix and measure them in your urine. The stick should look some hue of purple..the darker, the more ketones in your urine. If you are not staying in ketosis and seeing how many carbs you are eating, you should be gaining weight, not losing. If you are going to do "low carb" educate yourself and follow a reputable plan. So, start peeing on your keto-stix and lower your carb intake dramatically. You should start losing in less than a week. If you stick to this diet you should lose weight rather rapidly. I have been there, done that. This is one diet you can't have cheat days on. And.. if you keep your carbs very low (20-50), it doesn't matter how many calories you eat.

    I'm sorry you must have Mister read my diet, this site gave me a goal of 400 carbs. I don't think I eat that many in two weeks. Yes I use keto sticks, and they have been as dark maroon as the chart goes.

    You are right, I did misread your diet. If you are getting dark purple on your keto stix, you should be losing weight. However, the premise is the same. If you stay in ketosis, the calories you eat are not important in losing weight. Here is a link to the Atkins bulletin boards. Maybe someone there can help you. There are too many mixed messages here. Good luck!

    Edit: Oops.. I sent you the link in an email. Posting it may be a violation. :wink:
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I would do more egg whites without all the yolk and maybe some carbs for beakfast instead of later in the day. Also, yeap eating more will help you. Add in healthy calories like nuts, avocado and things high in protein etc.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Its 100% I just don't input all the water I drink,usually 5-6 bottles a day. I can get some snacks in. I would have just never thought I wasn't eating enough.

    Sometimes we eat large meals thinking it will help with not eating so often but, actually, it isnt about how much we eat at each meal but, eating SOMETHING. If you eat a smaller breakfast, then a smal snack between breakfast and lunch, like a piece of fruit, or carrot sticks, or something like that, or even a Special K drink or something, that keeps your metabolism moving and keeps the energy there.

    Sodium could be a problem...it is for some people and not others. Just like some people, like me, cant lose weight effectively if there is a slightly high sugar intake but that doesnt seem to effect others.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Cals are way too low. Don't eat below your BMR - and if your job is physically strenuous eat more than that. You'll find that eating more will help you lose faster....I know it sounds crazy but it has worked for many of my MFP friends. I started the eating more routine on May 1, and after a four month plateau, have lost 9 lbs since then.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I don't think you are eating enough green/yellow vegetables. Many people believe that burning ketones means your are burning fat...this isn't really true. What you are burning is protein. I see your breakfast is eggs and bacon, try instead of bacon (which is really high in calories) use salsa (as much as you want), a tablespoon or so shredded cheese and fat free sour cream. You should still get in at least 4 serving of vegetables each day even on a low carb diet. Broccoli and cheese is a good choice, almost any steamed vegetable with a spritz of italian dressing is delicious. Zuchinni and squash are about to be in season and they are great spritzed with olive oil, sprinkled with your favorite seasoning (I like garlic) and grilled until tender. In the end it is the lack of calories that allow you to loose weight. If you stay in ketosis you will go into "starvation mode". Limiting carbs like bread is a good idea no doubt but in the end it is all about the calories.

    .."In the end it is the lack of calories that allow you to loose weight"..

    NO NO NO. For example, and it may not be healthy, you could eat 10,000 calories a day and lose weight if you keep your carbs at about 20-30 per day. If you are in ketosis (you HAVE to be in ketosis), your body does not draw energy from the food you eat. Ketosis is what happens when your body burns its fat storage. Your body does not burn fat storage because it's in ketosis. It is in ketosis BECAUSE it is burning fat in storage.

    If people are not familiar with the way a *truly* low carb diet works, they are just confusing the matter by saying stuff like the above quotation.

    This kind of nonsense makes us in the community look bad. You cannot eat 10,000 calories a day and lose weight unless your name is Michael Phelps and/or you are doing intense exercise for 6 hours a day.

    Your body does draw energy from the food you eat regardless of whether you're in ketosis. And ketosis occurs when your body does not have sufficient glucose readily available to fuel the brain, so it seeks an alternate fuel source in the form of ketones which are derived from fat.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    What you are eating looks good. It's what you're not eating that I find problematic. When you're eating low-carb, you need to fill that gap with more vegetables. So double up on your vegetables and see how that works. Good luck!
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Just a repeat of what others said, you are not eating enough, it you can eat a good deal more and remain in ketosis by keeping your carbs low, I honestly do not know how you could be in ketosis on a consistent basis with the amount of carbs in your diet. You can change your macros around and if you are serious about doing low carb you should do that. Do you have a medical reason or do you just feel better without the carbs? I am a keto dieter (medical necessity) you can add me if you like.