What supplements do u take?



  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Effervescent 1000mg Vitamin C+zinc, Vitamin B Complex, Multivitamin with Iron, Omega 3-6-9 and Vitamin D+Calcium.
  • cowgirlup327
    cowgirlup327 Posts: 58 Member
    I don't always take all of them daily, but my vitamin collection consists of a Trader Joe's women's multi-vitamin, a Trader Joe's calcium and magnesium supplement, Vitamin D, and Amazing Grass Green Super Food (spirulina, algea, wheat grass, etc.) The one that makes the most noticeable impact is the Amazing Grass...I tend to get fewer headaches and have noticeably more energy when I take it consistently (usually mixed with OJ or plain yogurt).
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    multivitamin, ZLA, fish oil, creatine, BCAA, and whey protein.
  • ready2tryagain42
    I take a one a day active metabolism vitamin, Mega Red, Citracal Calcium Vitamin D plus Magnesium, enzymes for digestion, L-Carnitine.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Multivitamin, B Complex, Calcium with D, Vitamin D, Magnesium, a vegan DHA supplement, and Evening Primrose Oil
  • steve1686
    steve1686 Posts: 346 Member
    protein, creatine
  • goosepappa
    goosepappa Posts: 20 Member
    I've tried cla for about a month now. I haven't noticed anything either. I agree, spend the money somewhere else :)
  • caytee118
    caytee118 Posts: 55
    B12 (because I'm a vegetarian)
    Green Tea Extract
    Acai Berry Vitain
    Vitamin C
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i take extenze
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    multi vitamin, calcium supplement, fish oil, b complex
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Just B12
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Gummy Multi, Fish Oil, CLA

    Re CLA: I do actually notice my stomach becoming less pronounced and I've always had a pouch, even when I was a size 2 before having my daughter. I'm not even at that weight yet but to me (and my husband) it is noticeably smaller. I do ZERO stomach/core specific exercise.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Cod Liver Oil
    Korean Ginseng
    Green Tea Extract
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I take a food rich multi-vitamin (capsule, hard pills don't really absorb well) 3 times a day (breakfast/lunch/dinner), a fish oil 3 times a day, and I drink an Emergen-C every day. I can definitely notice when I'm slacking on my vitamins, especially the fish oil, because it really helps with my tendonitis issues.

    I got told a kinda gross story by my nutritionist about those Centrum 1-a-days...they are a hard pill, and the glues and bonding agents used to hold the pill together aren't really things your body knows how to digest. So anyway, she was volunteering for some outdoor event where they used port-a-potties. When she had to go in and clean them, she would see almost whole vitamins in the toilet. Turns out that by the time they pass through your digestive system, your body hasn't been able to break them down enough to absorb the nutrients. So, you poop most of the vitamin out. Sorry for the gross story, but it's good to know! Taking liquid vitamins or a capsule made of natural ingredients is a much better way to actually absorb the vitamins you're taking :)

    I heard that same story. I tried taking one a day for women, and got so sick to my stomach every time. Had to run to the bathroom ready to puke countless times. I told that to my program director and she has the same problem with them. She said she takes the vitacraves gummy vitamins and hasn't had any problems with them. I agree, I have been taking them for a week now and have had no issues with them.

    I also take Evening primrose oil when I remember it. No problems with that either. the nurse at my doctor's office said she had problems with it and had to stop taking it.
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    L-Carnitine, Flaxseed Oil, Biotin
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    Calcium/magnesium/zinc tablet, glucosamine,b12,chromium picolinate and ginkgo biloba. I notice nothing other than I'm hopefully protecting my fragile joints with the glucosamine. The MCZ was on the advice of my dr.

    Does anyone take st. John's wort?
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    CoQ10 - I have high blood pressure. This should help and it keeps me awake.
    Calcium + D3 (latest blood work showed defficiency in Vit D)
    Fish Oil (latest blood work showed difficiency in good cholesterol)
    Flinstones vitamins - because my daughter hates them and I don't want them to go to waste.

    I stopped taking:
    Creatine: it seemed to mess with my blood sugar. I don't know why. I hate the grittiness.
    Protein: I prefer to get it from food but I will have a shake if I can't fit in a meal or I'm low.
    Green Tea Extract - I do take this to stay awake sometimes but I cut back because of blood pressure issues.
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    Fish oil, Prenatal, biotin, bcaa & glutamine, whey, calcium, and creatine.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Just started taking multiminerals as I noticed how low I was on potassium and calcium. Not sure if it's worthwhile though.... Never even considered whether I need things like Chronium and Manganese before!