What are the food staples you buy at the grocery store?



  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Beans (all kinds)
    Clearance meat/fish
    Ice cream
    Tomatoes, spinach, bell peppers, potatoes, sweet potatoes (all on one line because it's only when they're not fresh from the garden)
    Whole wheat bread
    Peanut Butter (Adam's)
    Almond milk

    The above are on my list pretty much every week (or month for the longer shelf life stuff)

    Recipes: Healthy Doesn't Mean Boring @ http://www.hdmb.net
  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    A few things I usually keep on hand for when the sweet tooth kicks in, are fiber one brownies, skinny cow ice cream treats, and/or edys sugar-free real fruit popsicles.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    Fruit - Grapes, bananas, apples, pears, strawberries
    Veggies - Asparagus, broccoli, peppers, carrots, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant
    Whole grain bread/sandwich thins, eggs, reduced fat cheese, whole grain pasta, yogurt, chicken breast
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Spinach, Tomatoes, Lean Meat, Eggs, Cheese, Whole Wheat Bread, Salad Dressing (Ken's Steakhouse Light), Dole Pineapple Orange Juice (to mix with protein powder for recovery shakes), Peppers, Onions, Garlic, whatever produce is in season and on sale.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    goats milk, eggs, soya alpro plain yoghurt, bananas, apples, potatoes, salad inc tomatoes etc, other fruits that are in season, other veg that is in season, breakfast cereals, turkey or chicken and fish, spicy sausage, pasta and cous cous. I tend to mix it up as much as possible to avoid boredom.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    chicken breast (not the ones with any rib meat or additives)
    Grapeseed oil
    oranges (any variety)
    Grapes (work as natural diuretic)
    green beans
    lean pork
    Lauras lean beef
    Ground turkey - only the 97-99% FF, the other stuff is just as bad as burger. :)
  • crissy1110
    crissy1110 Posts: 29 Member
    Hmmm, there are TONS of healthy food staples that will be easy to find at the local grocery store! For starters, hit the fresh fruit veggie aisle...HARD! Fruits in season now? Watermelon (seriously the BEST fruit EVER...tons of water, so it keeps you full longer), apples (loaded with fiber, again, keeps you full longer), strawberries, etc., etc. Consider purchasing grape tomatoes and baby carrots and hummus dip to snack on. Bagged salad is an easy meal that you can top with Starkist tuna flavored pouches (my favorite is the lemon pepper flavor!) and a low cal/low fat dressing. I would recommend measuring your dressing, since alot of times, the dressing can ruin your good intentions! Meats...go for low fat percentage if you want hamburger meat (93/7 is a good alternative to the full-fat hamburger meat). Ground turkey is also a great choice! It's super low in fat and calories, and when you make it as a base to spaghetti, you cant even tell it's not hamburger meat! A good choice for deli meats/cheeses...turkey (try to get the low-sodium kind!) and swiss cheese (lower in cals and fat than most). Stick with whole grain breads and cereal with low sugar count (Cheerios, Fiber One, Special K, etc.). Be wary of granola as this stuff is high in calories and sugar content! Dairy...low fat/skim milk is best. Soy milk is also a yummy alternative to dairy milk, and it has a nice, creamy consistency, too! String cheese is also a good, low-cal snack. Greek yogurt is high in protein and makes for a great meal or snack. I like to eat the Fage 0% with a tablespoon of honey, frozen fruit and slivered almonds. I often eat this for breakfast and it keeps me full all morning! Frozen foods...frozen fruit is a wonderful, versatile food that you can mix in yogurt or blend with milk to make a smoothie! Speaking of smoothies...get yourself a blender, girl! There are SO MANY awesome smoothie recipes out there! Snacks...If you're an ice cream gal (like me!), there are good alternatives to the full-fat, full-cal stuff! Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers are two good ice cream/dessert options. Alot of ice cream makes (Ben & Jerry's Hagen Daaz, etc.) have started making individual serving size ice creams so you're not tempted to go overboard, too! Other good snack options -- FiberOne bars, FiberOne brownies, nuts...all good choices!

    Hungry-girl.com is a great website for fatty foods that have been "healthified". Eatbetteramerica.com is also a good website that does the same as Hungry Girl.

    Good luck!
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Fat Free Milk
    Whey protein shake
    Greek Yogurt
    Cheese Sticks
    Black Beans
    Taco Seasoning
    Lettuce - all kinds
    Popcorn - air popped
    Popcorn white cheddar seasoning - YUM!
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    -lean chicken or pork chops
    -plain almond milk
    -kellogs red berries cereal
    -frozen berries
    -plain or vanilla greek yogurt
    -organic brown eggs
    -tex mex shredded cheese (oops this isnt healthy lol)
    -broccoli or cabbage slaw mix (just the mix not with any condiments)
    -pears, apples, plums, strawberries, black berries, etc
    -pomegranate and concord grape juice
    -a lot of garlic

    In the winter, I pick up the vegetable varieties of campbells gardennay soups instead of my slaw salad mix
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for the lists guys, I found it help too. I'm going to have to try Almond Milk, seems to be a favorite!
  • evafury
    evafury Posts: 15 Member
    I always get:
    Whole Pineapple (or other in season fruit)--I cut it up at the beginning of the week and then have fresh pineapple every day with no work :)
    Reduced fat Woven wheat crackers (Triscuits)
    Low-fat string cheese
    1% milk
    plain low fat yogurt (great in place of sour cream, especially the Greek yogurt)
    Whole wheat bread
    Thin sliced turkey breast
    fresh spinach
    Mixed greens
    fresh tomatoes
    (I try to keep reduced fat balsamic vinagrette dressing on hand also as well as straight balsamic vinagrette--so much flavor and very few calories)
    Fiber bars and/or trail mix bars
    Almonds (unsalted)

    I think those are the basics...
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Soya milk, wholewheat bread, fresh fish/meat/fruit/veg, crackers, tinned tuna, greek/natural yoghurt, cottage cheese (I only get that for my smoothies), sandwich thins, wraps, eggs..

    Just looking at my list shows me how much I really have changed since I started caring about my food :smokin:
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    I try to eat as clean as possible, though i have to admit i will have a pizza and a coke for dinner, occasionally...but everything in moderation ;) I recommend buying fresh produce, if possible. I prefer organic if its available. It's a little more expensive, but much healthier. I think it's worth the extra change. Shopping weekly will mean less waste. If you can't do fresh, next would be frozen. Canned foods are only a last resort, for me. Finding out what is in season will help. Also, just wanted to point out, that most of the stuff you need to be healthy can be found around the edges of the store.
    Anyways, this is my list...and i just wanted to agree with PPers about Almond Milk! It is super tasty and i actually prefer it to cow milk! Plus, i personally think it's better on the body (but thats just my opinion and in no way am i suggesting it for everyone or judging anyone...im on cows milk, as a matter of fact because im a breastfeeding mom and my son has a tree nut allergy :ohwell: )

    *Carrots (fresh) ---> baby carrots AND regular carrots. I purchase the baby carrots to snack on during the week. The regular sized carrots i will chop up and freeze them, just in case i cant get to the grocery store for the week.
    *Green Beans (fresh!)
    *Peas (fresh, though you may not always be able to find them fresh if they are not in season, so may have to use frozen)
    *Broccoli (always fresh)
    *Cauliflower (always fresh)
    *Leafy Spring Greens Mix
    *Peppers (yellow, red, green)
    *Pineapple (fresh! I slice it and store a few slices in my fridge, the rest gets store in the freezer, then i can use that once i run out...its hard to use an entire pineapple before it goes bad!)
    *Coconut (fresh, whole...the benefits of this food is amazing, especially for metabolism!)
    *Blueberries/Strawberries/Blackberries (when in season)
    *Organic Yogurt
    *Low-fat Granola
    *Organic, whole wheat bread
    *English Muffins (or bagels)
    *Breakfast Cereals
    *Cream cheese
    *Slices of American Cheese
    *0% Fat Milk (normally would be almond, but have to use cows milk)
    *Goat Milk (for the toddler)
    *Cheese slices

    I am a "Weekday Vegetarian" so i eat meat on the weekends. Therefore, we purchase some fish, chicken, steak, beef, and turkey. Always purchase lean cuts.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hey folks, I am about to do my first big shopping trip since starting MFP (I started taking this seriously in the last week of April). What do you recommend that I should pick up? I never really ate healthy before so I am kind of at a loss as to what would be best for me. Here are some things that may factor into your answer-
    1) I am a housewife so I have time to make food (any recipes you could point me to would be much appreciated).
    2) I don't own a blender but may pick one up at a later date.
    3) My husband is not on a diet but wouldn't be opposed to eating healthier.
    4) Onions and tomatoes are on my list of most hated foods.

    When eating/living... healthier, forget most of the OLD Stuff you know about nutrition AND YOUR OLD MIND Set about what You LIKE and Dislike. Tast buds CAN be re-taught (Changed.) Give yourself a chance by staying open to what may be Best Choices. REMEMBER: MODERATION NOT STARVATION!!! Plan " A Treat" "NOT A Cheat" as a regular part of your Eating Habit or you may fail. If you are going on a DIET>>>YOU WILL FAIL because you will reach a Destination THEN GO Back to BAD EATING HABITS...YOUR Husband has the Right Idea>>>Healthy Eating FOR LIFE!

    STAPLES: Whole Grain Brown Rice; Old Fashioned Oatmeal (The Kind You COOK or Micro for 5/10 min, those little packets are like eating thin white bread! NO Nutrition); Unsweetened Almond/Coconut Milk, Good Coffee and Creamer; OLIVE Oil; Minced Garlic and Granulated Garlic, Chicken; Frozen or Fresh Broccoli, Green Beans; Dry Beans; Zero Calorie Soda; Fresh Water (A Brita Water Pitcher, always full); Fresh Frozen Berries and Banana Pieces; Lactos Free Protein Powder; Various Spices and Herbs!
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    The less processed food, the better. Initially when i joined MFP i was only about losing weight, but since i have learned a bit about food and a healthy body, i have realized its not just about calorie counting. When you eat better, you feel better! It's okay to have a fun piece of food here and there, and i agree with a PP about allowing yourself a little treat. If you dont ever give in, you will, one day, and will fail miserably with it. Give yourself room to mess up, but not so much that its going to impede your health.
  • kuregisto
    kuregisto Posts: 124 Member
    Cottage Cheese
    Ground Turkey
    Skim milk
    Popcorn (unbuttered, unsalted)
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    It's awesome to see everyone's healthy food suggestions! I second (third) shopping the perimeter and planning for good, whole-food treats every now and then. Mine are popcorn with truffle oil and Parmesan cheese, and a full-fat Tillamook extra sharp cheddar quesadilla on a mini corn tortilla. :D

    However, rather than just buying everything we all say is healthy, how about planning out a healthy weekly menu you and your family will like, *then* going shopping? That will prevent you from possibly ending up with a kitchen full of healthy food you're not sure what to do with.

    Menu planning for a month is most efficient, but I can't handle that level of planning ahead so I just do the week. Pre-planning is cheaper, prevents waste, and keeps me from a 4pm OH GOD WHAT AM I MAKING FOR DINNER freakout. I like to keep the "menu" on the fridge next to the grocery shopping list so I can see it all at once.

    The staples I always have in the kitchen are dried beans & legumes, garlic, onion, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, canned tomatoes, dried mushrooms, chicken broth, light coconut milk, almond milk, egg whites, frozen meat & chicken, Laughing Cow cheese snacks, oatmeal, protein powder, almonds, lemon juice, popcorn, corn tortillas.

    For just this week's menu, I am adding Turkey Louisiana-style hot links/sausages (x2); fresh veggies and fruits; eggs; Greek yogurt; and wine to the shopping list.

    Final piece of advice: don't fall into the "LOW FAT!" "100 CALORIES!!" trap. Processed food is fine for a treat (who doesn't want cookies every now and then?) but isn't what your body needs to thrive. Focus on whole foods and you'll be just fine.
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    Whole wheat bread,
    Almond milk unsweetened vanilla/coconut/chocolate
    almond and peanut butter, sugar free jelly
    Eggs, cheese and laughing cow cheese wedges
    Non fat Greek Yogurt
    Rice (Jasmine rice/ wild rice)
    Carrots, cabbage, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, edamame
    Red and black beans, chickpeas and lentils.
    Chicken and salmon fillets
    Olive oil spray
    Oranges and bananas
    Oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, kashi, steel cut oats, quinoa
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    my boyfriend doesn't like to eat the same foods that i do, unless they aren't "diet" foods, but this is what i usually always get:

    unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    frozen tilapia filets and shrimp
    chicken legs (these are cheap and you can separate and freeze them)
    tuna and chicken in a can
    Low carb tortillas (taste just like regular ones)
    peanut butter
    Ground turkey
    chicken breasts
    pork chops
    all kinds of seasonings (diet food tastes better with proper seasoning)
    green yogurt (tastes like **** unless you add other stuff to it.. i mix it with protein powder, cinnamon and pumpkin spice)
    and different veggies (my favorites are squash, zucchini, broccoli, peas, corn and green beans)
    sugar free jello and redi-whip

    things i don't buy at the store:
    rice, bread, junk food, processed crap, tv dinners, etc.