What Helps you NOT quit - when you want to give up?



  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I sign up for a 5K. I like to compete, so that is my motivation to keep going.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Constant self evaluation, I look in the mirror and invision my new body; compliment myself on the changes I have made and basically give myself a pep talk, this always motivates me
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    I am with slamb, Remember why you started. There was that reason for wanting to make that change. I made the decision I was not going to be that person anymore and be a great example for my son. Days that I do not feel like going I ask my self what will that get me? No where! So I suck it up and just do it then I am done.
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    I think about how healthy I'll be in the long run and try to envision myself in a hot bikini. Or I've looked at my high school photos were I was so much smaller. I'm trying to get back in shape for my high school reunion next year and a trip to Florida with my boyfriend next March.
  • marcia0501
    marcia0501 Posts: 2
    Knowing that if I stop what I have started I will go back to that lazy person who just sat around snacking and watching tv. That is not an option anymore :-)
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    When I have "quit" in the past was nothing more than reverting back to old habits. New routines, and changing habits takes patience and practise. We have this idea that willpower is the secret ingrediant to success. It isn't. Everyone eventually will fail if willpower is the only tool you have. We also think once that willpower fades we are doomed and quit because it seems so impossible. I focus on the fact it comes from slow and steady changes, new ideas and routines become habit. I depend on learning healthy alternatives so they become habit. There is no such thing as quitting!!!
  • wagner1199
    wagner1199 Posts: 4 Member
    I know after the first couple of weeks I felt like that but I realize quitting is not an option that I wanted to take. I stuck with it and with the support I've been getting from friends & family have been a blessing. Plus getting compliments from everyone I know about how I look now makes me what to stick with it even more. It makes me feel good that I have actually been able to stick with this since the beginning.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    If I don't do this my health might be in the balance. With Cancer, Strokes, bad hips, and knees (among other things in my family) I win't live to a ripe old age.

    Then I realized over the years I have gotten my mothers hips. She went through two hip replaments..I do not want to go through that.

    I rather not get a knee replament...

    And frankly, I am tried of fat clothes. So, thats my motivation.
  • daffy_girl
    daffy_girl Posts: 29
    Both of my parents died from the complications of diabetes and never got the chance to see my youngest 2 children born. My older 2 don't even remember them and that hurts. I will NOT do the same to my kids, I want to grow old and see my grandchildren brought into this world and spoil the heck out of them. That makes me not want to quit.

  • Tribbey143
    Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
    youre right old ways are gross...why would I want to do that? thx!
    Last night I was so stressed out and was considering giving up, but then I thought of the alternative.

    "What, so I'm just gonna go back to living like a fat lard again? How can I possibly go back to salting and slopping everything in butter, knowing what I know now?"
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    My body!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Personally, I've motivated myself by picking an athletic event that I think is at the very ragged edge of my capabilities and signing up for it (with plenty of time to train). Next month, I'm bicycling the "Trek Across Maine", a 3-day 180-mile bicycle ride. I'm raising money for the American Lung Association and upping my daily exercise levels considerably at the same time.

    If living longer and feeling better isn't enough, train for an event that helps others as well as yourself.
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
    Mostly Before and After Pics really help me stay motivated. I think" If they cab do it, so can I". As well as all the great quotes and sayings like" You have to earn your body" and "Sweat is fat crying". I love those.

    Also, when my daughter asks me questions like " Mommy, when you got married were you skinny?" (This question just came up this morning and I'm not THAT overweight!) Daaaang! It make me want to show my daughter what HEALTHY and thin looks like. Not just "Skinny".
  • emily_kenyon
    emily_kenyon Posts: 76 Member
    For me its how great i now feel about myself and so helps when i look at pics from a year ago till now and see how much ive achieved and i now love to try on clothes which i use to hate. Ive also done it so i can have a breast reduction which i gave up smoking for too and im having it done in 5 weeks and i cant wait :) good luck to eveyone on here :))

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  • Danielle2344
    I've only been a member here for 11 days, but I just recently saw a picture of myself from a couple of years ago - I was the chubby blonde girl! NEVER AGAIN!! No, I know not there now and I realize that, but with what I was doing (nothing), I'll be back to that point without even realizing it. Also, I like the clothes I have now - I want them to fit and to look good on me again - to my standards, nobody elses...because yeah, I've heard the "You look fine, you don't need to lose weight" and the snorts when I mention calorie counting or working out, but I just don't say much about it in real life. You guys on here are definitely the motivation I need and reading the comments, the stories, so much that I can relate to, makes me want to keep on doing the best that I can & not be a quitter.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    First and foremost, I think about the people who made my life miserable for being fat. I take all the anger and bitterness out on the machines at the gym.
    Then I think about how I don't want to shop in the plus size department.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I have four daughters, and the oldest if 14; we've always been an active family and I pride myself in promoting that, but somewhere along the line I didn't pay attention to myself and got lost in parenting. I looked in teh mirror and realized I didn't want them to think this is what motherhood was about... I want to be strong, healthy, fit and I want to set challenging goals and have my daughters know I earned all of it. I want them to know that taking care of yourself is okay, and although I started late, I think I'm already impacting them.
  • hunterjumper642
    hunterjumper642 Posts: 115 Member
    I honestly print out pictures of models, thin and muscular people and especially people i REALLY dont like who have gained a bit of weight recently and I put them everywhere. in the pantry, on the dresser, on my bedposts, in the bathroom, and in the closet mirror area. But make sure you do it with tape so you can take them off when people come over, because otherwise you have a lot of explaining to do...haha :)
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Shopping for clothes is a lot more fun now..
    Being a model of healthy living for my daughters.
    Several of the older people at church gush over how well I've done--I know that if I slack and revert, they'll notice.
    A few of my friends have said that my success has motivated them to get healthier as well.
    Being able to move around more easily.
    Sometimes I make myself go out for a walk, and I always feel better after.
    Looking at old pictures and thinking, "NEVER. AGAIN."

    Sometimes when I get bummed that I haven't lost faster or more consistently, I think back to last summer, when I was so happy to get to 275. And then in the fall, when I was thrilled to get below 250. So I look at where I am now, and the perspective helps.

    I forgot to mention--seeing how much difficulty my Dad has in getting around. He's spent a lifetime not taking care of himself, and I want to avoid that!
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Apart from success stories and imagining myself in awesome clothes....I think of the darker side....healthwise. Clogged arteries, strokes, heart attacks etc..those things scare the s#@t outta me and I simply dont want to die!