What Helps you NOT quit - when you want to give up?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    remembering why you're doing it in the first place.

    my theory is i dont really need to be motivated 100% of the time as long as i'm truly committed to what i want to get done.
  • PurpleCoookie
    PurpleCoookie Posts: 334
    sad to say but it is mostly vanity lol but when I'm feeling down I go the success stories and that get me moving
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    I've got into the habit of posting on MFP my exercise plans for the next day the night before. Just means my friends have an idea what I should be logging and it makes me more determined to see it through!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    The strong desire to rebuild my wardrobe...I hate spending money on temporary sizes which motivates me to get to the goal and STAY there.
  • Tribbey143
    Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
    thanks everyone this is helping me!!! I'm frustrated right now but I'm not going to give up on my 12 pounds I've lost in 2 months that's good! I HAVE TO KEEP GOING.... :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    If you don't do this for yourself no one else can do it for you. There is plenty of help and information but ultimately only I can do this.
  • Peppychristian
    Peppychristian Posts: 157 Member
    I have had to think about this several times lately (have felt like calling it quits a few times) but I remember why I got on here and I set mini goals to reach (something attainable but forces me to push myself).
  • Simply_Lisa
    I love the response "Think of you have to GAIN." What a great response and attitude. Now I want to start a list of all that I have to look forward to and post it on my fridge! Thanks for sharing!!
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    I find it most helpful to remember what/why I'm doing this. For my health. To live a long life with the man I love. To decrease weight/stress on my knee. To better my odds against my family's history of heart disease. That's reason enough for me to keep going. I didn't want to work out today but honestly, those things work for me. Just need a reminder some times.
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    Well maybe I'm being petty, but there are a few people that I really want to show them how I can look again. I get to see them in September and I want look hotter than ever, lol.

    Seriously tho, my daughters and husband should have a healthy, vibrant mom and wife, and frankly that hasn't been me for many years. I'm sure they were tired of seeing me unable to get the energy to do basic stuff around the house instead of staying in bed or sitting in front of the computer and eating all day.

    Exercise and eating better has reduced my depression and I'm thinking it's going to stick this time.

    In short I keep a few things in my mind when I'm struggling, and I'm not ever using "I can't."
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    The ability to delay immediate gratification, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to persist when it seems like you are getting nowhere are all major indicators of who you really are. Weights are not going to lie to you to make you feel better about yourself. Exercise will always be honest with you about who you REALLY are. All self-deception and pleasant delusions go out the window as soon as the weights come off the rack. So who do you want to be? Someone who quits as soon as things get hard? Someone who is too weak to push themselves outside of their comfort zone? Someone to weak to change or improve, even though you want to? Or do you want to push yourself to your limits and beyond? To set aside pain and fatigue, and push out one more rep. To push through whatever obstacles or temptations get in the way of doing what you know is the right thing.

    What example do you want to set for your children, and for the people who look up to you? That it's ok to quit when things get hard? That it's ok to cheat when you feel like you deserve to indulge yourself? That it's ok to fail because you are entitled to do what you want, instead of what you must? Or do you want to show them that strength of character and will can carry you through towards your goals, even when your body is failing? That the mind and spirit can overcome, and that effort, commitment and dedication pay off. That the satisfaction that comes from doing what's best, even when it's hard, is superior to the instant gratification that comes from doing the wrong thing, even though it's easy.

    Strength of character cannot be faked. Your body, your mind, and your spirit are who you are. So who are you going to choose to be?

    That's what keeps me going. Fitness is not about looking good, it's about life. It's about who you are.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    i just think of it as either im getting better or im getting worse. i may not see instant results but over time its going to pay off, just gotta continue to complete my goals that i set out to do.
  • mystinamarie
    mystinamarie Posts: 51 Member
    I live at the beach, so I imagine squishing my current pale, soft, cellulite, stretch marked body into a tiny bikini in a month or two. That does the trick 99% of the time.


    -I look at the progress I've made and know I don't want to disappoint myself by erasing that hard work.
    -I set small, easily attainable goals so the big goal doesn't seem so out of reach. (ie: do 2 workout vids tonight)
    -I really focus on the "If everyday was like today you would weigh XXX lbs" at the end of checking in on a good day. I sit there and let it sink in, envisioning my body at that weight, and realizing that 5 weeks is a relatively short amount of time.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    The ability to delay immediate gratification, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to persist when it seems like you are getting nowhere are all major indicators of who you really are. Weights are not going to lie to you to make you feel better about yourself. Exercise will always be honest with you about who you REALLY are. All self-deception and pleasant delusions go out the window as soon as the weights come off the rack. So who do you want to be? Someone who quits as soon as things get hard? Someone who is too weak to push themselves outside of their comfort zone? Someone to weak to change or improve, even though you want to? Or do you want to push yourself to your limits and beyond? To set aside pain and fatigue, and push out one more rep. To push through whatever obstacles or temptations get in the way of doing what you know is the right thing.

    What example do you want to set for your children, and for the people who look up to you? That it's ok to quit when things get hard? That it's ok to cheat when you feel like you deserve to indulge yourself? That it's ok to fail because you are entitled to do what you want, instead of what you must? Or do you want to show them that strength of character and will can carry you through towards your goals, even when your body is failing? That the mind and spirit can overcome, and that effort, commitment and dedication pay off. That the satisfaction that comes from doing what's best, even when it's hard, is superior to the instant gratification that comes from doing the wrong thing, even though it's easy.

    Strength of character cannot be faked. Your body, your mind, and your spirit are who you are. So who are you going to choose to be?

    That's what keeps me going. Fitness is not about looking good, it's about life. It's about who you are.

    As soon as I get back on a computer instead of a phone, I'm sending you a friend request. Seriously-- you just spoke to me. This really does nail it.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    The ability to delay immediate gratification, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to persist when it seems like you are getting nowhere are all major indicators of who you really are. Weights are not going to lie to you to make you feel better about yourself. Exercise will always be honest with you about who you REALLY are. All self-deception and pleasant delusions go out the window as soon as the weights come off the rack. So who do you want to be? Someone who quits as soon as things get hard? Someone who is too weak to push themselves outside of their comfort zone? Someone to weak to change or improve, even though you want to? Or do you want to push yourself to your limits and beyond? To set aside pain and fatigue, and push out one more rep. To push through whatever obstacles or temptations get in the way of doing what you know is the right thing.

    What example do you want to set for your children, and for the people who look up to you? That it's ok to quit when things get hard? That it's ok to cheat when you feel like you deserve to indulge yourself? That it's ok to fail because you are entitled to do what you want, instead of what you must? Or do you want to show them that strength of character and will can carry you through towards your goals, even when your body is failing? That the mind and spirit can overcome, and that effort, commitment and dedication pay off. That the satisfaction that comes from doing what's best, even when it's hard, is superior to the instant gratification that comes from doing the wrong thing, even though it's easy.

    Strength of character cannot be faked. Your body, your mind, and your spirit are who you are. So who are you going to choose to be?

    That's what keeps me going. Fitness is not about looking good, it's about life. It's about who you are.

    Internet quote of the year award.

    Wow you should do this for a living (if you didnt steal it from someone else.)
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I think of the two little girls in my pic and how I want to see them grow up and walk down the isle with a man as awesome as me. :bigsmile:
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    The thought that both my ex husbands are going to be at my daughter's wedding and they will both be bringing their wives/girlfriends.
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    my wedding dress hanging in my closet waiting for me to wear it! talk about some huge motivation!
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    Honestly? The buddies here on MFP. When I am not having success, they are, and when they are having a tough time, I'm doing ok, and the little "you can do it's" and "don't give ups" mean the world to me. Other times it is noticing that my scale is going up or not budging, or I see super fit people running by me outside and want to BE them, knowing it just takes a little more work. There are days, though, when it's all I can do to keep trying or even care that I should portion my food.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    motivational quotes... At the end of the day, you are choosing to get healthy for you. A year from now, you'll wish you just kept going. Don't Quit.