iam new here and i have no underwear



  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    is this real life?
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I love you. I'm not sure if it's because of all the creative ways you've found to name/describe your man-bits, or if it's because you have pictures with goats on your profile. I love goats. And I love men who pose with goats.

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaahaaah!!!! :laugh: Thank you for the great laugh...... Feels good to laugh this morning..... Its good for me.... :tongue:
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    heyyy i just want to thank each person that added me as a friend this weight loss stuff is tough stuff laughter helps but support from people here will also help me lose my weight plus all friends get hourly status updates on my lizard leg with photos on progress
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    omg - massive thanks you have just made me laugh out loud after a really crappy day.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Gotta get in on this before it gets locked. Pure awesomeness.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Cod piece day!
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    This is a tale of beans and franks that I have no frame of reference for as lady parts don't dangle near zippers. :happy:
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    You are a very weird, but funny man.

    let us pray:

    oh heavenly father please keep this weird but funny man's noony nackers safe from all zip, nip, burn and unwanted turn.
    Please give him the strength to recover from this awful delay of having no under garments to keep him protected until his laundry is done. Also Lord, please make sure no ants will be harmed during the unthinkable when this good man lays his humbly sacks of sons and daughters down to rest onto the cool earth mound.


    Good luck chuck!

    Oh my gosh..this has me lol here at work!!! I have to admit that the title to your post caught my eye, lol
  • misskelli22
    misskelli22 Posts: 34
    You truly made me LOL!!! You must be a blast at a party, or well, anytime! I love your pics, too...goats, dog, duck...awww! I hope you get through the day unharmed and decide to do laundry more often. I will have noony nackers in my head all day - that's a new one for me!

    Have a great day!
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    I'll give you a pair of mine. I like going commando.
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    OM friggin G. I stumbled upon this thread and the wacko mood I"m in today .. it could be dangerous. But .. I will maintain professional composure and merely say:

    I have experience in this particular area. I once had to render first aid and do an incident investigation involving a toilet seat, droopy and I quote "little boys", no underwear and .. oh snap! The flashbacks are starting .. I've gotta go.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    I hope you have found some protection for your man parts!! Thanks for the chuckles. LOL :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Oremus pro vobis: pro nulla salus ex saluto periculum

    did that just translate to my buttocks are sublime?

    Something about praying for safety from danger?? Latin's a bit rusty. LOL
  • wendy8883
    wendy8883 Posts: 50
    Duck tape..........
  • craftydeb
    craftydeb Posts: 77 Member
    Should have done your laundry when you saw only one pair in the drawer!! lol
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    My first real "belly laugh" today. . .thanks. (Saying a little prayer for your "naughty bits" until you figure hout how to work the washing machine. . .lol.) If you go to the laundromat and look really helpless, some lady will offer to help you.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    Duck tape..........
    haa haa quack quack