High School Reunions (The good, the bad, the ugly)

How did your H.S. buddies make you feel about yourself? what did they say that hurt your feelings? what would you like them to say about you today? and what would you say to them?

My 20th year reunion is this October and I'm thinking of how I looked and felt during those years... I was super skinny. During my freshmen year, I was still "developing". Yeah, I was a late-bloomer! I used to be called chicken legs and that I looked like an ironing board. I wanted nicer legs, hips, boobs, and you know...to look like my friends. I felt unattractive, had low self-confidence/self-esteem.

Honestly, I don't really care what they say about how I look now. At this stage in my life, it doesn't make a difference bc I will still remember what they called me then (childhood names - really make an impression on some ppl...to this day, I am still conscious of my skinny legs/knobby knees and do not wear skirts or dresses (if I do, they are always below the knees)....

I would say to them (in my mind, though) lol..."YUP, I swapped my ironing board for a washboard...How you like dem apples?" I would also say, "what happened to you: Mr./Ms. Popular, Most Likely to Succeed, Prom King/Queen??? (I'm exaggerating and being mean but you know what I mean!)

What's your story???


  • El_guapo22
    El_guapo22 Posts: 902 Member
    I thought it was funny how the people I felt had it all together and were on the path to success still lived at home or had never amounted to the expectations. not that I would hope they wouldn't but you realize that you were a little hard on yourself during those years. You get older, mature a little and realize you’re pretty good.
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Be the bigger person and kill them with kindness. I'm sure the way you look and act will have them all very jealous!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Unless you show up wearing a space suit, then you've failed. Everyone wants to be an astronaut when he or she grows up...might as well make everyone at school really jealous.

    That said, phinphan has the best advice.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    At my 10 year reunion I was so gratified to see that all of the "cliques" and lines had completely disappeared. People were genuinely happy to see each other and compare notes on their lives. Twenty year was the same.

    Don't carry those old chips on your shoulder. Assume everyone has grown up and changed, just like you have. I hope you were pleasantly surprised, like I was, that everyone had matured and all those petty, childish attitudes are gone.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    My 5 year was like school all over again but people got fatter and slightly better jobs. All the cliques were in solid form. I swore I'd never go to another one. I didn't hate high school. I had a pretty decent time. I just don't like acting 17 with a bunch of old people. Some of thd behavior was okay for kids but for grown ups ... It's just lame.
    Now... Ask me at goal if I'd go. I might change my mind. It would be a tiny bit fun to walk in and rock the joint.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    high school was fine. i wasn't the most popular, but I wasn't the outcast either. i think most people felt unattractive during those times. i know i did. the sad thing is, years later, people told me that they thought i was very attractive in high school. i could have had way more "action" in those years... but i never knew it.

    that said, i have no interest in any of the reunions. I had my time there, and enjoyed the people while there - but have no real interest in reconnecting with strangers for a few hours. and i don't think i have anything to prove. plus - those i have wanted to keep in touch with, i have.

    i am sure the people are fine, good people - for the most part. I just have a new circle of friends.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    My 35th reunion is this summer and I'm still debating whether to go or not. I went to the 25th and it was sooo interesting. There were people there with grandchildren and people there just starting their families. Most of them were like strangers to me- I hung with a very small group in school, not the popular kids but not the group that they really picked on either - we were just sort of invisible. But, by the 20th reunion, it seemed that most of those groups had mellowed and everyone was interested in seeing what others were doing. But, it seems to me it's only fun "people watching" and catching up for an hour or too - not an entire evening, unless my bestie comes in from Texas (not likely).
  • Meliklotz
    Meliklotz Posts: 66 Member
    Hearing "there she blows" when I walked down the hall wasn't very good for my self esteem. I was a size 16 in high school with hearing aides and glasses. Didn't want to live during those days. I live 3000 miles away now and will not go back to any reunion as I don't value their opinions or perceptions of me. The hurt has been in my heart and subcon. for all my life, feeling less than and hideous for all you life does not bode well for self esteem. I am 40 now and realized it was time for ME. I quit smoking and have lost weight and feel like I actually DO LIKE ME!! I am a good person, great mom, wonderful wife and I am valued. I can sleep at night feeling good about myself and every single step I have taken recently.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I have my 10 year this November! Alot of my close friends don't want to go to it but I will convince them otherwise. It could be fun, it could suck, but the only way we'll know is if we go. People change with age and experience. I know I've certainly changed since High School!!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I have my 10 yr H.S reunion this memorial weekend; at first my husband and I weren't going to go ( we went to HS together) b/c we basically see all the friends from H.S that we care to keep up with... But b/c one of our friends was one of the main persons planning we are deciding to go to show support...

    I say go with an open mind and hope that everyone has grown up... I know I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago and I would hate to think that people still thought I was... We shall see, 2 weeks to go... LOL...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My 40th HS reunion is this year. I may or may not go. I have changed physically and follically, but my humor, attitude and fundamentals are exactly the same.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    My 20 yr reunion is this coming July and I am planning on going. I had a good time in High School, but that has nothing to do with my plans for attending. I havent seen but a few of the folks I went to school with in 20 years and am looking forward to saying hello and seeing where everyone is and how they are doing. I also live 1500 miles from where I grew up and it will be a good excuse to see my family as well.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I attended my 20th reunion last November...it was fun! I look better now than I did in high school so I was glad to see everyone.

    Yes, there was satisfaction in seeing the now overweight former head cheerleader...but only because she was always a nasty b!tch to everyone...and still is!

    Just be you and have fun. People change, physically and mentally and spiritually. Enjoy the entertainment! :flowerforyou:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My 15th is next Saturday.

    My highschool friends make me feel like a snobby elitest traitor.

    I grew up in a tiny sugar cane field/crawfish pond hamlet in the bayou near the atchafalaya swamp in louisiana. We had a chicken joint, a boucherie, a Texaco and a caution light. You married your prom date and you were effing happy about it. You got pregnant by fall and you were effing happy about it. You got your own double wide to put in your parents' property, and you were effing ecstatic about that. You gained 100 pounds after popping out 4 kids and you didnt care. Allllllllllllllllllll the food you cook is different varying shades of brown and orange and white ONLY. You dont fix your hair after 35. You dont wear anything but sweatpants and a tweety bird shirt out of the house or 'youre showing off' even though the only place to go is the Wal-Mart two towns over. Your husband, who works offshore for two weeks and then comes home for two weeks, ended up having an affair but you didnt let him get a divorce even though you cant stand him cause you own him and youre still married and he better be effing happy about it or you'll cut off his weenie. Your kids are in the country's worst school system and come home with no homework ever and just get steadily more and more obese in front of their PS3 and they're effing ridiculously happy about it. Exercise is for RICH BlTCHES and people who think they are better than their happy little life, people who should be ashamed to want more than this perfect little country life and wife. You spoil your kids, treat your hubby like sht and forget you even have your own needs, your own body and your own WANTS. And you're taught to be effing happy about it.

    I didnt get married.
    I didnt have kids.
    I live a life filled with exercise.
    I travel all the time. (or can when I have the $$)
    Im fit and happy.
    I eat all the colors of the rainbow.
    I moved to NYC after several other amazing metropolitan areas (starting 2 weeks after graduation)
    I spent a few years on the back of a motorcycle.
    I dont have a mini van
    I dont have ANY car
    I shoot rock concerts in Gotham.
    Im a VIP at events.
    Dyed my hair blonde, grew a foot and got these amazing freckled titties.
    I have a brilliantly bright shiny amazing trembly holy godtastic sex life.

    You think Im walking into that room, you're out your dang mind.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I actually really liked high school, and I've really enjoyed all my reunions so far.

    It was interesting to note that by the 10th, most of the guys were bald and fat. At the 20th, some of those bald guys had hair again!! :laugh:

    Regardless, everyone seemed to have a really great time and enjoy seeing each other again.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    My 15th is next Saturday.

    My highschool friends make me feel like a snobby elitest traitor.

    I grew up in a tiny sugar cane field/crawfish pond hamlet in the bayou near the atchafalaya swamp in louisiana. We had a chicken joint, a boucherie, a Texaco and a caution light. You married your prom date and you were effing happy about it. You got pregnant by fall and you were effing happy about it. You got your own double wide to put in your parents' property, and you were effing ecstatic about that. You gained 100 pounds after popping out 4 kids and you didnt care. Allllllllllllllllllll the food you cook is different varying shades of brown and orange and white ONLY. You dont fix your hair after 35. You dont wear anything but sweatpants and a tweety bird shirt out of the house or 'youre showing off' even though the only place to go is the Wal-Mart two towns over. Your husband, who works offshore for two weeks and then comes home for two weeks, ended up having an affair but you didnt let him get a divorce even though you cant stand him cause you own him and youre still married and he better be effing happy about it or you'll cut off his weenie. Your kids are in the country's worst school system and come home with no homework ever and just get steadily more and more obese in front of their PS3 and they're effing ridiculously happy about it. Exercise is for RICH BlTCHES and people who think they are better than their happy little life, people who should be ashamed to want more than this perfect little country life and wife. You spoil your kids, treat your hubby like sht and forget you even have your own needs, your own body and your own WANTS. And you're taught to be effing happy about it.

    I didnt get married.
    I didnt have kids.
    I live a life filled with exercise.
    I travel all the time. (or can when I have the $$)
    Im fit and happy.
    I eat all the colors of the rainbow.
    I moved to NYC after several other amazing metropolitan areas (starting 2 weeks after graduation)
    I spent a few years on the back of a motorcycle.
    I dont have a mini van
    I dont have ANY car
    I shoot rock concerts in Gotham.
    Im a VIP at events.
    Dyed my hair blonde, grew a foot and got these amazing freckled titties.
    I have a brilliantly bright shiny amazing trembly holy godtastic sex life.

    You think Im walking into that room, you're out your dang mind.

    You're awesome and I throughly enjoyed reading that. Keep on Keeping on!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    My 15th is next Saturday.

    My highschool friends make me feel like a snobby elitest traitor.

    I grew up in a tiny sugar cane field/crawfish pond hamlet in the bayou near the atchafalaya swamp in louisiana. We had a chicken joint, a boucherie, a Texaco and a caution light. You married your prom date and you were effing happy about it. You got pregnant by fall and you were effing happy about it. You got your own double wide to put in your parents' property, and you were effing ecstatic about that. You gained 100 pounds after popping out 4 kids and you didnt care. Allllllllllllllllllll the food you cook is different varying shades of brown and orange and white ONLY. You dont fix your hair after 35. You dont wear anything but sweatpants and a tweety bird shirt out of the house or 'youre showing off' even though the only place to go is the Wal-Mart two towns over. Your husband, who works offshore for two weeks and then comes home for two weeks, ended up having an affair but you didnt let him get a divorce even though you cant stand him cause you own him and youre still married and he better be effing happy about it or you'll cut off his weenie. Your kids are in the country's worst school system and come home with no homework ever and just get steadily more and more obese in front of their PS3 and they're effing ridiculously happy about it. Exercise is for RICH BlTCHES and people who think they are better than their happy little life, people who should be ashamed to want more than this perfect little country life and wife. You spoil your kids, treat your hubby like sht and forget you even have your own needs, your own body and your own WANTS. And you're taught to be effing happy about it.

    I didnt get married.
    I didnt have kids.
    I live a life filled with exercise.
    I travel all the time. (or can when I have the $$)
    Im fit and happy.
    I eat all the colors of the rainbow.
    I moved to NYC after several other amazing metropolitan areas (starting 2 weeks after graduation)
    I spent a few years on the back of a motorcycle.
    I dont have a mini van
    I dont have ANY car
    I shoot rock concerts in Gotham.
    Im a VIP at events.
    Dyed my hair blonde, grew a foot and got these amazing freckled titties.
    I have a brilliantly bright shiny amazing trembly holy godtastic sex life.

    You think Im walking into that room, you're out your dang mind.

    I think I love you.
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
    My 10yr reunion is coming up next month and I already know people are going be like wow you have put on some weight, b/c I was like 110 in HS. Now Im at least 90lbs more than that. Luckily I have my twin sister, which both of us have gained weight. At this point I kinda of dont care, Since my home is in St. Croix Im just going to enjoy myself & if I dont feel like being around negative people I'll just go hang out on the beach.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    There was a girl in my school who terrorized me only because her ex-boyfriend called me. She wrote bit$h on my garage door in Ketchup, which, if you didn't know, actually takes paint off....so, that looked nice until my dad painted it. She used to prank call me yelling slut and *kitten* and then hang up and then during a girl's powder puff football game, she tackled me and started to choke me until the Superintendent pulled her off of me.

    This lovely lady is all grown up now, has two daughters and runs her own business that COUNCILS WOMEN ON HOW TO BE THE BEST MOTHER THEY CAN BE. She teaches spiritual dance too.

    I guess, maybe she had some bad stuff going on at home back then - I don't know. It doesn't help me to think about it too much.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Personally, I have some major chips on my shoulder from high school. We haven't had any reunions yet, but I'm going to have a hard time deciding whether or not to go.

    My main problem is that the real reason I would want to go is so that I can punch a few people in the face, hopefully sending them flying onto a table that has a large bowl of punch on it. Or onto a large cake. Y'know, something like that.

    I'll bring a checklist of people's names, and some brass knuckes. It'll be great.

    "No, no, Mary, that's terrible don't do that."
    "But it would be so funnnnn"
    "No, it's mean. You aren't allowed to bring brass knuckles to your high school reunion"
    "How about a sock full of quarters?"
    "NO. BAD MARY."