High School Reunions (The good, the bad, the ugly)



  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I actually really liked high school, and I've really enjoyed all my reunions so far.

    It was interesting to note that by the 10th, most of the guys were bald and fat. At the 20th, some of those bald guys had hair again!! :laugh:

    Regardless, everyone seemed to have a really great time and enjoy seeing each other again.

    LOL. That is hilarious. The miracles of hair growth. I had a similar experience and had a pretty balanced HS career and have kept in contact with lots of friends. We shared all the drama and insecurities of adolescence together, so there is a bond that is pretty deep. Reunions are only as fun as you want them to be. I missed my 20th last summer, but Skyped in on a friend's laptop and had a blast talking to everyone. I will be back this summer and plan to get together with as many folks as I can. I've lost a few classmates over the years to tragedies and disease, so I focus on the positives and refuse to harbour bad feelings toward anyone that might have made me feel bad in HS. Life is too short. Go to your reunions with confidence and pride in who you are, and you will be guaranteed to have a good time.
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    How did your H.S. buddies make you feel about yourself? what did they say that hurt your feelings? what would you like them to say about you today? and what would you say to them?

    My 20th year reunion is this October and I'm thinking of how I looked and felt during those years... I was super skinny. During my freshmen year, I was still "developing". Yeah, I was a late-bloomer! I used to be called chicken legs and that I looked like an ironing board. I wanted nicer legs, hips, boobs, and you know...to look like my friends. I felt unattractive, had low self-confidence/self-esteem.

    Honestly, I don't really care what they say about how I look now. At this stage in my life, it doesn't make a difference bc I will still remember what they called me then (childhood names - really make an impression on some ppl...to this day, I am still conscious of my skinny legs/knobby knees and do not wear skirts or dresses (if I do, they are always below the knees)....

    I would say to them (in my mind, though) lol..."YUP, I swapped my ironing board for a washboard...How you like dem apples?" I would also say, "what happened to you: Mr./Ms. Popular, Most Likely to Succeed, Prom King/Queen??? (I'm exaggerating and being mean but you know what I mean!)

    What's your story???

    Hey, you look great so quit letting some a-holes in high school who where trying to find out where/how they fit in life affect your choice of dress today. I say life is short....wear something above the knee. Just do it once and see how you feel to lose the baggage and be free to be YOU. And hey, if you find out you are a person who wears things below the knee then so be it but you don't know if you don't break free. Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it . :)
  • daaamon
    daaamon Posts: 25
    I graduated less than four years ago, but I was about 70 pounds heavier and was called names like Fat Albert and Teddy Bear. Those names are what keep me motivated to work out everyday
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks to Facebook and my 20th reunion, I'm better friends with some classmates than when we were students. A lot of the people who seemed to have it all together back then were just as shy and awkward as I was.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I think it's funny that the people who had a good time in high school tell those of us that were miserable, picked on, mistreated, outcast and wished we were dead for those awful four years to "Get over it...high school was a long time ago. Take the chip off your shoulder. Be the bigger person." etc.

    Personally you couldn't pay me enough money to go back to my 20 year reunion in 2 years. Those people were awful. While I don't have a desire for revenge, I just don't want to go back to the place that made me so miserable for those years. I would rather enjoy the life I live with my amazing family and friends, and not be reminded of a time where I was damn near suicidal because of the horrible things these people put me through.

    Those people don't bring good memories, so why would I revisit that on purpose?
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I was a size 5 and thought I was fat. Sigh!

    NOTE: To anyone avoiding their reunion. I organized my 20 year high school reunion. I wasn't the most popular kid in school. Heck, I wasn't popular at all. I was on the phone for months reaching people to invite them. Some people were excited right off the bat. They were the oddballs. Most people had some reason or other they didn't want to go. Most popular reasons: I'm overweight now, Kids were mean to me in school, I'm bald now, I've gotten divorced, My job isn't what I wanted it to be.

    I started to tell people what others were saying and just retort "Everyone's got something they're self-consious about. Let it go. You've got a connection with your classmates that you'll never have with any other group of people. Just come on out and have fun."

    We had over 200 people and everyone had an awesome time. I got tonnes of thank-you's and a whole lot of stories from people who didn't think they wanted to go. They were SO glad they did.

    No matter what kind of school you grew up in, believe you me, you are not the only person who grew up. You should take a deep breath and go and just decide to have a great time. Life might surprise you! :O)
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I can't wait for my 20th HS reunion. I had a very brief preview of what it's like to go home and stick to your tormentors (who don't remember tormenting you BTW).

    I live in DFW now, but I grew up in podunk VA for the first 30 years of my life.

    I went back home for a brief visit and went with an old friend to the local bar which is a tiny bit bigger than my bedroom. Ran into a guy who used to pick on my friends. Not me specifically. He didn't recognize me at first. When he did he was shocked and wanted to chat me up like we were old friends. Told me how great I looked, etc. Mind you, I'm a TINY bit smaller than I was when I graduated. Amazing what maturity can do to perspective.

    I told him that I needed to stop him right there and let him know that him and his friends were real male appendages in high school. He seemed shocked and apologized. I told him it wasn't that big of a deal. I held one hand up in the air with my BMW key in it and held one hand low and told him if that was the social ladder, I was below the bottom rung and I'm OK with that. He said "You drive a BMW?" I said yes. He then kept going on and on with the "Wow, I can't believe it"s and the "I'm so sorry we were mean to you and your friends". I just told him that it's OK because the best revenge really is living well and I live VERY VERY well.

    Turned on my heel, waved and strutted away. Was it *****y? Yes. Will I hold that moment in my heart forever with a sense of pride? Damn right.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    great topic! I hated high school! I was fat, insecure, and had no female influences that were positive. The great thing about reunions is that I could see all the people that I thought were popular and had it together, didnt when it came to real life. I ended up with a great life, great husband, great kids, and a great body eventually! I was happy, they were not. I dont know if it had anything to do with them being shallow or what. We are getting a few people together from facebook from our grade school in a month. This is the best I think I have ever looked. Yes, I admit it, I am vain! I can admit that I like myself so much more than then! In reality, now, 25 years after graduating, I just wish everyone happiness in life, no matter how mean they were to me in high school.
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    I went to my 10 year and things were the same. The groups were still intact, The people that talked to me talked to me and the others that didn't didn't. The best part of that reunion for me was the star football player who I might add ruined his chance at a college and possible NFL career due to drugs went up to a friend of mine who was an honor student trying to be all nice and she went off on him. Stating how dare you try to be all nice after the mean things you did to me for 4 years. It was priceless. I didn't go to the 20 year but am thinking of attending the 25 year just because.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    How did your H.S. buddies make you feel about yourself? what did they say that hurt your feelings? what would you like them to say about you today? and what would you say to them?

    My 20th year reunion is this October and I'm thinking of how I looked and felt during those years... I was super skinny. During my freshmen year, I was still "developing". Yeah, I was a late-bloomer! I used to be called chicken legs and that I looked like an ironing board. I wanted nicer legs, hips, boobs, and you know...to look like my friends. I felt unattractive, had low self-confidence/self-esteem.

    Honestly, I don't really care what they say about how I look now. At this stage in my life, it doesn't make a difference bc I will still remember what they called me then (childhood names - really make an impression on some ppl...to this day, I am still conscious of my skinny legs/knobby knees and do not wear skirts or dresses (if I do, they are always below the knees)....

    I would say to them (in my mind, though) lol..."YUP, I swapped my ironing board for a washboard...How you like dem apples?" I would also say, "what happened to you: Mr./Ms. Popular, Most Likely to Succeed, Prom King/Queen??? (I'm exaggerating and being mean but you know what I mean!)

    What's your story???

    I can't see your profile but from your picture in this post I'd say you are getting the last laugh - you are stunning!

    I have insecurities too that relate to when I was picked on as a chubby, short 7th grader (that didn't really like the new place I had moved to at the time). However I grew taller and slimmed down and had a pretty enjoyable time in high school. Just remember that "freaky" person that doesn't seem to fit in and how much many of us could relate at one time or another. Step in and offer her/him a hand.

    Enjoy your reunion - have fun and reconnect with the true friends.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I think it's funny that the people who had a good time in high school tell those of us that were miserable, picked on, mistreated, outcast and wished we were dead for those awful four years to "Get over it...high school was a long time ago. Take the chip off your shoulder. Be the bigger person." etc.

    Personally you couldn't pay me enough money to go back to my 20 year reunion in 2 years. Those people were awful. While I don't have a desire for revenge, I just don't want to go back to the place that made me so miserable for those years. I would rather enjoy the life I live with my amazing family and friends, and not be reminded of a time where I was damn near suicidal because of the horrible things these people put me through.

    Those people don't bring good memories, so why would I revisit that on purpose?

    I loved high school (but I did not tell anyone who didn't to get over anything). However, even though I loved high school in general, there were certainly people there that weren't nice, or were downright mean.

    At my 20th reunion, one of those really mean people came up to me and apologized for being mean. I figured he was on a 12-step program or something, but anyway I accepted his apology and that was it. I still have no desire to seek him out or be friends with him now, but honestly I had not thought about that guy even once in 20 years, so why would I think about him now?

    I will say that I still encounter people everywhere who are obnoxious, rude, mean and hurtful. I choose not to accept their negativity, and I choose to be happy.

  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I think it's funny that the people who had a good time in high school tell those of us that were miserable, picked on, mistreated, outcast and wished we were dead for those awful four years to "Get over it...high school was a long time ago. Take the chip off your shoulder. Be the bigger person." etc.

    Personally you couldn't pay me enough money to go back to my 20 year reunion in 2 years. Those people were awful. While I don't have a desire for revenge, I just don't want to go back to the place that made me so miserable for those years. I would rather enjoy the life I live with my amazing family and friends, and not be reminded of a time where I was damn near suicidal because of the horrible things these people put me through.

    Those people don't bring good memories, so why would I revisit that on purpose?

    Sorry you went through such hell. The only reason I could think that you might want to go would be to exercise demons that might still haunt you. Only you know best for sure.
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    I went to my 10-year after filing for divorce a week and a half before it. I ran into the guy that had taken my virginity our senior year (we hadn't talked since), and we are now dating. Been together for a year and a couple of months. :) He wasn't going to go (same old people doing the same old ****), but his mother made him go, saying that he could just leave if he wasn't having fun. He considered taking a random girl as a date. I went VERY HAPPILY by myself, was only one of five single people, and he went by himself, and the rest is history. :D
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I wouldn't say anything. Who cares. I f-ing HATED high school. I had a really good group of very close friends, some of which I am still good friends with, and the rest can just go jump off a bridge. i really don't care. Just because we went to the same school together, doesn't mean I have to care about them. Same goes for work. LOL. Some people think I'm crazy because I think that way, but I can't help it. Your proximity to me does not mean we are friends, or that I even care about your opinion on any topic.

    Ha! So there.
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    My 5 year was like school all over again but people got fatter and slightly better jobs. All the cliques were in solid form. I swore I'd never go to another one. I didn't hate high school. I had a pretty decent time. I just don't like acting 17 with a bunch of old people. Some of thd behavior was okay for kids but for grown ups ... It's just lame.
    Now... Ask me at goal if I'd go. I might change my mind. It would be a tiny bit fun to walk in and rock the joint.

    .... WE HAD A 5 YEAR?!?!?!?!?! I went to the 10 year and I would have been okay ..... if I hadn't walked in behind Archie Stambush. BAM. Immediately 13 years old again hearing Sarah Tanner taunt "JESSICA LOVES ARCHIE" with him standing RIGHT. FREAKING. THERE. But yeah, you're right - even at the 10 year, the "cliques" were all still there. I hid behind a plate of fried chicken, my husband, and a Smirnoff for the hour (and a half?) I allowed myself to be there. I'm just glad no one said, "Oh, hey, look .It's Thunderthighs! EARRRTTTTHHHHQUUUUAAAKE!" Though, looking back, if they had, there would have been a fight. My now ex would have stepped up and planted his foot in someone's *kitten*.

    But, speaking of 20 years... How'se about you and me, doll, we make a date to go together? We'll both be at goal by then. :D
  • rocklguz9
    rocklguz9 Posts: 18
    I thought it was funny how the people I felt had it all together and were on the path to success still lived at home or had never amounted to the expectations. not that I would hope they wouldn't but you realize that you were a little hard on yourself during those years. You get older, mature a little and realize you’re pretty good.

    Thanks for sharing your experience! I agree )
  • rocklguz9
    rocklguz9 Posts: 18
    Be the bigger person and kill them with kindness. I'm sure the way you look and act will have them all very jealous!

    Thanks for the feedback :) I will kill them with kindness!
  • rocklguz9
    rocklguz9 Posts: 18
    Thanks for your feedback and experience, everyone! I really enjoyed reading your comments...some were hilarious!!! I'm sure I will enjoy the reunion and will be happy just to see those that I remember or were my friends. Regardless of how they look, I am going to he happy seeing them again :) For all those that will be going to yours soon, have fun and forgive them---unless of course, they're still jerks!!! lol
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had my ten year reunion in 2010..it was decent. No one made any comments...we just drank and danced and had a great time.

    The only down side was I went to a bar with some old friends.;..and then lost them and my husband had to drive out and pick me up at a gas station at 2am. :::crickets:::
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    My 25th is this year....I've already posted somewhere on the forums about my 20th....my H.S. bully and I finally settled up....he lost.