any other curvy girls out there?!



    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I have the ultimate hourglass figure, and I definitely have the same issue. I can't wear short shorts, dresses for very long, and hoodies NEVER fit right because my freaking boobs are too large for my frame. UUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm waiting for someone to come up with clothing that flatters a woman with a large chest that doesn't say "Stare Here PLZ"

    Also, I have yet to find an exercise to get rid of the issue. Just general weight loss for an all-over size difference.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member

    my thighs are so strong i could crush a man's head between them.

    ...Marry me? I am so turned on right now.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    It might be just the way you're made. I'm an hourglass with big thighs and I had the same sort of shape even when I was slim and fit. In fact, exercise made my thighs bigger! I like that look on other women, though, so it doesn't bother to me to know that I'll never have slim thighs.
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    Work your inner thighs. My favourite exercise for this is the lying adduction I've copied this description wholesale from a website as they describe it far better than I could!

    Lie on your right side and keep your right leg straight. Keep the left knee in a bent position and place the left foot on the floor, right ahead of your right knee. Steadily lift your right leg 2-3” off the floor and keep it like that for 2 seconds. Slowly bring it down and repeat. Do 10-12 sets and then switch sides.

    As everyone says, you can't spot-reduce but a few of these will tone you up a treat!