To Catch a Lunch Thief



  • hahandel
    hahandel Posts: 134 Member
    I just can't wrap my head around going in a refrigerator and grabbing a sandwich or whatever someone else has obviously prepared for them self.
    Among other reasons I don't know if their hands were clean when they made it or what state their kitchen was in.

    Double way would I eat what someone brought
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I had a friend who went to the cheese cake factory for lunch and brought her left overs back to work. The cheese cake left overs (as in she'd already eaten off of it) was under her meal left overs. Someone had opened the bag, removed the cheesecake and put the meal back. I mean who eats an already half eaten cheesecake from someone you don't know?

    When I was pregnant we were talking on a board about this one day. One of the ladies said that she shared a floor with another company and one of the guys from the other company kept coming over and emptying her rockyroad, or eating right out of the container. When she confronted him he said "well it's a community refrigerator right?" She said "yeah, with personal food, i bought that with my own money!" he said "well it's a community refrigerator right?" He was so shameless about stealing ice cream from a pregnant woman that he kept do it after the confrontation. Who steals food from a pregnant woman?
  • farm_mamaX9
    farm_mamaX9 Posts: 67
    I used to pack my husband's lunch when he worked in a warehouse. People began stealing stuff from his lunches. I also regularly sent a sweetheart note too so then I started writing on his notes "I mixed your medication into your food. Love you, etc..." That worked for us.
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    Someone was telling me that one of their coworkers got fired for stealing people's lunches - and the lunches were even clearly marked with the owners names since this had been happening so frequently! If this were happening to me, I wouldn't even bother with chilies or exlax, I'd just get a nanny cam
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member

    This looks awesome!