Tell me about your rock bottom



  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    Looking at pictures of myself from 8 years ago when I was at my goal weight.

    Took a ski trip with the family and friends this winter and everyone was trying snowboarding instead of skiing so I though I would give it a go. I couldn't get off the ground from my butt with the board strapped on.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I've had a few but the major one (a little vain) was when I went out to a nightclub with a girlfriend. We were dancing and this guy wants to hit on her and he keeps trying to get his buddy to remove me from the picture.

    She left me to go dance with this guy and lick the back of his throat while his friend fat bashed me.

    I decided the next time I go out with her, I'll be the one drawing the attention.
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    My rock bottom was a process. I became anorexic following a breakup (guy cheated on me with a skinny girl who literally modeled for a lie). I went from 5'9 and 134 all the way down to 116 and fit into zeros.

    I then became addicted to food during the recovery process. I swiftly gained 70 lbs and refused to take my pea coat off even in the dead of Georgia summers. I went to an outdoor BBQ where it was 90+ and I still had the darn coat on because I was too embarassed to take it off. I got there by bingeing. I would freak out after each binge and eat nothing for a few days, but would always binge again and gain even more weight.

    I also realized I'd rather sit at home with a tub of icing (and 3 Mcdonalds meals) than go out with my friends.

    I had to turn my life around. It's been a process because if I focus too much on the scale I slip back into old ways, but I'm SO much healthier now (mentally and physically)
  • sweetmspea
    sweetmspea Posts: 87
    For me it was walking a short distance and feeling and breathing and sweating as though I ran a mile.
  • Pearl0105
    Pearl0105 Posts: 35 Member
    For me it was when I thought I could hide my weight gain after having my daughter 14months later with spanks. I ordered XL size online and to my disbelief when I tried them on I couldn't get the past my thighs! That's when I realized I had to do something!
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    I was out at a bar with a couple of my thinner friends a few months ago and I realized while standing next to them that I had become the "fat friend" was heart breaking for me and gave me a much needed wake up call at the same time! I am a recently divorced mom of 2 and I would love to feel good about myself again and find "Mr. Right" and even a couple of "Mr. Right Nows" in the process! I want to feel sexy again!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    The day my wife thought I was having an asthma attack while doing the mattress shuffle.
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    Rock bottom was 60 pounds heavier, borderline diabetic, fat on my liver, high blood pressure, and the threat of having to take choloesterol medication for the rest of my life. At that point I decided it was time to get it in gear.
  • terrabit
    terrabit Posts: 33 Member
    One night I started watching Anchorman with a bag of cheetos and blacked out. In the morning I woke up in a closed supermarket sprawled out in the aisle, my face buried in cheetos and cookies. Apparently I had broken in. I ran home screaming and crying and went to the washroom only to see myself in the mirror, face covered in orange cheeto cheese and my mouth smeared with chocolate... I screamed for a few minutes then had a 2 hour shower.

    I had a light snack of an entire turkey w/trimmings, thenI went to bed, and when I pulled back the cover the bed was filled with chips and cookies... I passed out again.
    That was truly rock bottom for me.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    When I realized that it wasn't my husband who didn't find me attractive was me.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    My husband deployed when my son was two months old. I still had the baby wight. One night I ordered a pizza in. I ate almost the whole thing to my self. I realized I had a choice while he was gone, to either sit around and get fat or get in shape! I am now in the best shape of my life after two kids.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I had a friend who weighed about 300 pounds, and I vowed that I'd never let myself get that bad. Well, two years ago I saw a photo of myself and realized that at 275 I looked just like him. I didn't really "feel" fat, but I sure looked it.
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    Hey everybody I'm interested to hear your story about the moment you knew beyond a shadow of doubt that you had to lose weight. For me it was a few month after I had my son. I breastfed him for about 4months so I pretty much ate whatever I wanted because I was burning so many calories. At one point I was the smallest I had been in years but due to a lot of different factors I stopped nursing and at that exact time I was laid off from my job and just began to stress eat and just sit on the couch all day watching son was only about 5months at the time so I didn't really have to do much moving around. Immediately I started noticing the pounds sneaking back up on me at an accelerated rate and before I knew it I was 8lbs shy of my PREGNANCY WEIGHT and wearing two damn girdles just to fit into my clothes. I was horrified at the way I looked in pics with my baby so I had to lose the weight

    Crazy! This sounds almost exactly like my story!!! I had my son in December and was 236. Within 4 weeks was 207, but stopped breastfeeding. About 8 weeks later, noticing I was having to wear my maternity clothes again, and thinking I was probably 210 or so, I stepped on the scale and was 219.8!!! I literally stood there with my jaw dropped. I knew at this rate I'd be over 300 pounds by the end of the year. So I started that day, that morning, that moment! It scared me that I had gained 12 pounds in about 8 weeks and barely noticed.

    It's scary how quick and easily those extra pounds can sneak up unnoticed!! Same thing happened to me!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I actually had an intestinal blockage not related to my weight. When I got home I read through all my medical papers and it talked about my "morbid obese" problem. That kind of hit me so I started the process in my mind of I need to lose. It took me about a year to actually realize and get on it.

    My real breaking point came when my BF and I went out to eat during the times I was really feeling about ready. I ate a lot to the point I felt sick and on the way home I told my BF we should buy a scale. We did. I went home and stood on it. I was not shocked by the number. I knew I was fat. Lol. The next day I started my change. Have lost 79lbs in a past year.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    You guys, can I give EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU a hug?


    I'm glad we're all in this together.
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    I've had a lot of moments in my life that felt like rock bottom but last week I really feel like I hit rock bottom when the guy I was in love with for the last 4 years and thought felt the same way about me, got engaged to someone else, a mutual friend who had moved in on him when I left to finish my degree in another city. Rather than staying at rock bottom, I chose to get up and rather than overeat and feel sorry for myself, my response was to get weight lifting and exercising again....10 pounds lost in week one!
    Cannot wait to see where I'll be this time next year - My b-day is on the 28th of May :-)
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I hit rock bottom when I got a job at a Police Department and when I got there I was the biggest female that worked there. So it came to me to start a biggest loser contest. I didn't win but I only lost by 1 lb. and it has encouraged me to lost the rest of my desired weight.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I actually have a couple of them...but really in truth, only one of them is what motivated me to get real with myself and get started. Back in 2005 we went to Cedar Point. There was a new ride there called Top Thrill. I waited in line for 2.5 hours and when it finally got to be my turn, I couldn't fit in the seat belt. It was beyond humiliating, but not enough to kick start my journey.

    The last two things were health related. I had an episode back in September where they thought I was having a heart attack. I got hooked up to every machine, poked, prodded, questioned, had multiple tests, and the end result ended up being that it was nothing. Then when I went to see my doctor in February, she said the worst test I had was my blood sugar, and that I am borderline diabetic. She said that I had until June to get my numbers down, or I would be put on medication. My brother died back in 1996 of diabetic related condition, and I swore I would not suffer his fate. He was 41 when he died, I am 45.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    You guys, can I give EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU a hug?


    I'm glad we're all in this together.
    My rock bottom was when I went shopping and realized that I was wearing a size 20 almost 22 jeans! Also I exceeded the weight I was the day I gave birth to my daughter. At that point I knew I had to do something, anything to get my weight off. Now I am happy to say my pants are falling off of me!