June Starters Weigh in July 13

I didn't see anything started yet so here goes!
SW 179
LW 172
CW 169

3lbs this week! WOW and I even had some ice cream! I reached the 10 lb milestone today and I am very happy with how MFP has helped me lose the weight .


  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    Good for you...we are on the same track, haha.

    Current 169...........It is great to be in the 160's!!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning all ...

    SW 208.5
    LW 192.5
    CW 191.5

    With this crazy busy week and my TOM I'll gladly accept a 1 lb. loss :drinker:
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    Morning Everyone!
    I am so excited I had to jump on here early!
    SW 261
    LW 253
    CW 247
    I did not weigh last week at all so this was such a surprise! I am so grateful to have found this website and this group.
    Keep up the good work everyone it is so worth it!
  • SShay832001
    SShay832001 Posts: 11 Member
    Well I was doing good, until I went on vacation last Monday, we did a lot of eating out and unhealthy snacking:ohwell: .....so unfortunately I gained 5 lbs:cry: , but my goal the next two weeks is to lose them all and maybe more!

    SW 244.5
    GW 140
    CW 236
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Good morning June starters!

    SW 4/21/09-223
    SW 6/22/09-198

    So that's a 5 lb weight loss this week....I'll take it! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    SW - 253.4
    GW - 140.0
    LW - 244.0
    CW - 242.8

    Loss this week: 1.2lbs

    Not quite as much as before but I am quite happy anyway since I am so close to the 230's and I already surpassed the 6 week mini goal (Aug 3) which I had originally set for myself. My goal now for Aug 3 is to be 240. I am also thrilled to be in the double digits of lbs lost! :bigsmile:

    Have a great week everyone!!!

    Take care,
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Slow and steady, one pound per week. But now my karate classes are over for the summer. I've got to muster up the discipline to keep up with exercise - to continue to lose weight, and so I won't be flattened the first sparring class in September :laugh:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Way to go everyone!! :flowerforyou:
    I lost a 1 1/2 this week! which brings me to 197 1/2 lbs! :drinker:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I'm disappointed..I gained 2 pounds and I've been staying within my calories and exercising-everynight it says I'll be 140 in 5 weeks. What happened? I do feel bloated......

  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    Good for you...we are on the same track, haha.

    Current 169...........It is great to be in the 160's!!!!

    Cool! Hope we can continue the weight loss together! It is so great to be in the 160's.
    BABYLILAC Posts: 148 Member
    Hey everyone

    I am so disappointed this week.Last week 160 and this week I am still stuck at 160.I just dont know what the hell is happening:angry:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Bump :wink:

    You guys are doing awesome!!! I have set Wed. as my weigh in day, so I'll see you again on this post on Wed. :happy:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    SW - 176.5
    Last Week - 174
    This week - 170

    A great loss but I had a lot to make up from last week...was looking forward to the 160's but maybe next week :0)
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Great job everyone! Even if we didn't lose what we wanted to- we're now more able to pinpoint *why*- verra important! :flowerforyou:

    I lost two pounds this week- not too shabby! I was at a mini plataeu because I was working out tooooo much and not eating enough. BAD Team Gemi! :grumble:

    It's hard not to go to the gym everyday! I keep thinking 'More Is Better'. Wrong! I have to keep reminding myself that taking a day of IS working. That's when we lose weight- not when I pound out cardio for hours.

    Start- 250
    Goal- 175
    Current 230 :)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Awesomeness!!! Everyone is looking great!!!
    Keep weighing in.... Or give this a bump every now and then, so those of us who are weighing in later in the week can easily find it! :wink:
  • s_sanchez
    s_sanchez Posts: 96
    Great job everyone :happy:
    I'll be weighing in on Wed so I will check back in then!
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    SW: 134
    LW: 132
    CW: 130.5 :happy:
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Lost 1.5pounds (0.7kg)

    SW 228.1 (103.7kg)
    LW 208.8 (94.9kg)
    CW 207.2 (94.2kg)

    I think my pounds may be off??? I tried a different conversion site yesterday and it gave me a different weight???

    Great work everyone!
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    bump...need to weigh still :happy:
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    SW - 243
    GW - 130
    LW - 232
    TW - 228

    WEIGHT LOST - 4 POUNDS :happy:

    Yippee!!! I've lost my first 15 pounds!!! I'm so excited :happy: And hubby says he can see it in my face a little bit, and my mom also said the same thing!!!

    Everyone else, you all are doing such an awsome job :flowerforyou: