June Starters Weigh in July 13



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Well, another week with no more weight loss :cry:
    It IS my TOM, but I don't like using that as an excuse. I can't seem to break into the 50s and I keep telling myself that it's not just about a number, it's about health, but I would really love to get to my goal of 144 because I haven't weighed that in a really long time and even when I did weigh that much, I thought I was fat and it's so stupid because the obsession with a number is overriding all of the positive changes I am making. I am really stressed out I think because this weekend I'm running my first half-marathon in Napa and, I mean, COME ON! I have skinny friends that can't even walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing because they are so out of shape! If only I could stop obsessing and just learn to accept. We only get one body and life is too short to worry about some society-manufactured, unattainable ideal of perfection. Okay, a little too early in the morning to be so serious :laugh:
    Good job to everybody! You are all an inspiration about what this is really about!

    YOu really sound like you already have your own solution :smile: We all get a little obsessive about numbers....its not just you.... BUT look at what you have accomplished. You are running in a half marathon!!!! That's amazing!! How incredibly proud you have to be. I wish I was where you are now.... BUT I know steady plodding and I WILL get there.
    Try to take the moments and be happy and proud of yourself! You HAVE accomplished great things in your weight loss journey.... I also know that the closer you get to your goal, the slower it comes off :wink: But you are making HUGE strides to a healthier you and that is what this journey is REALLY all about :drinker:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!

    WOW ... that ain't so funny to me. :devil: :angry: :grumble: :mad:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Somehow I'm just feeling really hurt by it, they know how hard I struggle, it' s a small office and we're all very close. I think they are bothered that I'm losing and making an effort but they aren't(we all have wieght issues)
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Yay! I had a good weigh in!

    SW: 142
    LW: 137
    CW: 135.8

    I just want to say, Daisy_May, that was not cool how people rubbed the ice cream in your face. Next time, don't let it show that it bothered you! It's the old school yard thing where they do it to get a reaction! Besides, eating an ice cream cone would've made you feel like crap all day long. I bet some of those people had upset tummy's all day!! :laugh:
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Morning Ladies!
    Well I didn't have such a great week. I am actually up two pounds from last week. I think I am destined to weigh 175! I just need to get out of the 170's for my own piece of mind! I have even been working out harder-burned 3300 calories last week! Sunday alone I went on a mtn bike ride-22 miles almost 3 hours! THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!:explode:
    Ok, enough of my rant. I just hope that next week will be better. We are leaving on vacation the 29th of July and I wanted to be 168-165 by then. FAT CHANCE...
    Have a good afternoon all!

    LW 173.5
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Ok...My turne :happy:

    SW 230
    LW 222
    TW 220
    So, I lost 2 lbs this last week. I was really hoping to get out of the "20's" :laugh: But ya know, a 2 lb loss...I'll take it :laugh:
    Congrats to everyone else...Your losses are looking GREAT!!!
    For those of you who didn't lose are gained....Hey, its a journey... Discouragement is one of our biggest enemies...don't give in.... Keep with it!!! :drinker:
    Yay! First 10 lbs!! Good milestone. I think you go down a size for each 10lbs you lose right? :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Somehow I'm just feeling really hurt by it, they know how hard I struggle, it' s a small office and we're all very close. I think they are bothered that I'm losing and making an effort but they aren't(we all have wieght issues)

    Honestly, some people can be so hurtful. :frown: And for some reason ... it hurts more coming from the ones we're close to. I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS for not giving in to their taunts. Seriously, that was a great accomplishment. They'll get use to the fact that your making a lifestyle change and back off eventually. It's been said that the best revenge is your own happiness. To heck with them ... YOU ROCK!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!

    I know how you feel...my mother-in-law just did the same thing with Dunkin' Doughnuts! Went so far as trying to put it on my lips and having me smell it. She thought it was so funny. The funny thing is I really felt nothing and didn't even want it. When I step on that scale and it is down even an ounce I am the happiest person in the world. They can HAVE the doughnuts and ice cream- stay strong!:laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Yay! I had a good weigh in!

    SW: 142
    LW: 137
    CW: 135.8

    I just want to say, Daisy_May, that was not cool how people rubbed the ice cream in your face. Next time, don't let it show that it bothered you! It's the old school yard thing where they do it to get a reaction! Besides, eating an ice cream cone would've made you feel like crap all day long. I bet some of those people had upset tummy's all day!! :laugh:

    Look at you ROCKIN' the weigh-in!! :happy: Way to go!!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!

    Oh, wow! NOT COOL!!! So, you right...... when you're 50 lbs lighter you can say, "you shouldn't have had that ice cream"!!! :laugh:
    Its so going to be worth it. AND you are also setting an amazing example for those other guys....whether you realize it or not. Keep it up!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Morning Ladies!
    Well I didn't have such a great week. I am actually up two pounds from last week. I think I am destined to weigh 175! I just need to get out of the 170's for my own piece of mind! I have even been working out harder-burned 3300 calories last week! Sunday alone I went on a mtn bike ride-22 miles almost 3 hours! THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!:explode:
    Ok, enough of my rant. I just hope that next week will be better. We are leaving on vacation the 29th of July and I wanted to be 168-165 by then. FAT CHANCE...
    Have a good afternoon all!

    LW 173.5

    Your work will pay off. Our bodies are so weird like that.... I bet tomorrow you will even have a better weigh-in.... Keep it up!! That scale will catch up. I know you have to be feeling fantastic...physically! All the awesome work you are doing! :drinker: Just stick with it!! You're amazing!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!

    Not funny to me either. :huh:

    As hubbs would say- 'Why were they acting the donkey?"
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok...My turne :happy:

    SW 230
    LW 222
    TW 220
    So, I lost 2 lbs this last week. I was really hoping to get out of the "20's" :laugh: But ya know, a 2 lb loss...I'll take it :laugh:
    Congrats to everyone else...Your losses are looking GREAT!!!
    For those of you who didn't lose are gained....Hey, its a journey... Discouragement is one of our biggest enemies...don't give in.... Keep with it!!! :drinker:
    Yay! First 10 lbs!! Good milestone. I think you go down a size for each 10lbs you lose right? :flowerforyou:

    That's probably really close to being right.... I was a size 20. Now I am in a loose 18!!
    Thanks for the encouragement!! :heart:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!

    Not funny to me either. :huh:

    As hubbs would say- 'Why were they acting the donkey?"

    OMG!!!! "acting the donkey"!!!! That is fantastic!! I so have to use that one.... So much better than saying "Jack *kitten*'!!!! :laugh:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    OK everyone at work decided to go to the icecream truck! and they litterally did it to upset me and then came in to flant thier cones in front of me:mad: and my Dad was the one who suggested it! GRRRR ok come Christmas when I'm 50 lbs lighter I will be the one laughing!

    I know how you feel...my mother-in-law just did the same thing with Dunkin' Doughnuts! Went so far as trying to put it on my lips and having me smell it. She thought it was so funny. The funny thing is I really felt nothing and didn't even want it. When I step on that scale and it is down even an ounce I am the happiest person in the world. They can HAVE the doughnuts and ice cream- stay strong!:laugh:

    Ok, these rude people are just mad because they know that they should be doing what you are doing! Good for us for finding others that understand how hard this really is. Go MFP!
    When they need to lose a few pounds you can be there to help support them and that will be the best way for them to understand what they should be doing to help you now!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    Bit late with my weigh in this week. But thats good cause i had a mare of a weekend splurge.
    I have been helping my friend move house for the last two days and i think its the best workout i've done in ages.:happy:

    SW: 180 lbs
    LW: 173 lbs
    CW: 169 lbs

    Thats a weight loss of 4lbs:bigsmile:

    However it's my 30th birthday today and my boyfriends cooking and he bought me a box of chocolates.
    Oh well i'm going to enjoy them. It's only your birthday once a year after all.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Have a very very Happy Birthday Kaja :flowerforyou:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I am days late for weigh in I know. Back from vacation. Up 2 lbs. I am hoping it is mostly water weight, I would even just like to be back down those 2 lbs for Monday's weigh in.

    Looks like most people had excellent weeks. Great job everyone.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Bit late with my weigh in this week. But thats good cause i had a mare of a weekend splurge.
    I have been helping my friend move house for the last two days and i think its the best workout i've done in ages.:happy:

    SW: 180 lbs
    LW: 173 lbs
    CW: 169 lbs

    Thats a weight loss of 4lbs:bigsmile:

    However it's my 30th birthday today and my boyfriends cooking and he bought me a box of chocolates.
    Oh well i'm going to enjoy them. It's only your birthday once a year after all.

    Happy B'day and awesome weigh-in!!! :drinker: