I just ate icecream :(



  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I eat ice cream too - try churned ice cream (1/2 the fat) at 120 for a 1/2 cup. Or Sorbet.

    Work it into your day, or if you can't, take it as a teaching tool and start again tomorrow.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I have fallen in love with Krogers Private selection Summer Raspberry Sorbet. Soooo yummy! I try to make sure to fit 1/2 cup in my daily cals at least 3 times a week!
  • preservation
    ice cream is not your enemy:) just try to plan ahead and fit it in your day's calorie count. don't dispair.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    I eat the Safeway "Eating Right" brand frozen yogurt. To me, the black cherry chocolate chip is almost better than ice cream! And only 90 calories per half cup serving! I also LOVE TCBY white chocolate mousse frozen yogurt!
  • Kandigirl05
    Kandigirl05 Posts: 78 Member
    Don't fret! You ate the ice cream, I bet it was good, so just smile tomorrow is a new day. I eat ice cream too, I LOVE IT!! A friend of mine told me about Skinny Cow ice cream, I save some room in my calories just for a nice treat. You're working hard and deserve a treat, you ate 2 servings...NOT 2 PINTS. NO WORRIES!!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'm about to go hit up the store for some ice cream after reading this actually. I'm in the mood for half baked ben and jerrys
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!!

    'scuse me while I go get my cookies and cream on!
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 112 Member
    I love ice cream. If I want it, I make it fit in my day. Lately, I love making my own frozen Greek yogurt...the protein and yummyness and making your own flavors is incredible.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Ice cream is my favorite!! I've had it twice this week and loved every bit of it! Congratulations!
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I try to plan for a modest portion of something I love and not to overdo it. And I don't plan to eat it every day. I also try to make choices on the day - well, I really indulged so later I will make sure to not indulge in something else.

    Moderation is my friend!

    Don't beat yourself up and enjoy it in moderation, and plan your calories around it.
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    I brush my teeth, take a shower or chew gum. If that doesn't work, I eat some ice cream - usually Oreo Cookie.
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I walk two miles after dinner every evening just so that I can eat ice cream! I make sure I have at least 130 calories left after dinner so that I can at least have a half cup of plain vanilla ice cream. On days when I have tons of calories left, I can bump it up to a full cup, add fruit and fudge topping and have a nice little sundae, still within my calorie allowance! No need to feel guilty if you build it into your days calories!
  • threasarenee
    threasarenee Posts: 78 Member
    I eat ice cream about 5 times a week. It is my all time favorite thing to eat!!! I try to buy ice cream that is 120 calories or less for a half cup serving. That way if I eat a cup its still under 250 calories :) As with anything just eat in moderation and remember that you are making a lifestyle change. Are you NEVER gonna eat sweets again? Dont feel guilty over a small slip up, just get back at it tomorrow!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    SKINNY COW ICE CREAM SANDWICHES BABY!!! I have a 20 pack in my freezer, can't get enough
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I eat ice cream 3 or 4 times a week... usually the homemade kind with real cream, half and half and whole milk! And guess what...Not one morsel of guilt!!

    This is your life. You can eat anything you're willing to pay for (meaning exercising more or eating less of something else.)

    If you want it, make room for it. No need to feel guilty! :)
  • rurujr
    rurujr Posts: 5
    Don't beat your self up. We didn't put this weight on us over night and it's coming off over night. It's progress. Blue Bunny yogurt ice cream or the skinny cow that TiaBia9 suggested
  • DanaNicolle
    DanaNicolle Posts: 16 Member
    I eat ice cream about once or twice per week...just make sure you build it into your daily intake, and don't do it every day. The best thing about mfp, is it teaches us to calculate. It's all about the calories. Eat what you enjoy, because you have to learn how to eat for the rest of your life, and I can't imagine you want that life to continue with NO ICE CREAM, I mean...that would stink!!! :frown:
  • lyerlasr
    lyerlasr Posts: 1
    I ate ice cream tonight. After looking at my calories for the day I found I was 300 under. It was like a treat for doing well but I certainly don't torture myself over this. I probably would have eaten the ice cream anyway. I just get up and start again tomorrow. I am new at this along with some coworkers and just signed my husband up. You could always burn off the calories in a fun way...it doesn't have to be exercise. :-)
  • rosy_08
    rosy_08 Posts: 51 Member
    I really wanted to have ice cream so I tried a frozen yogurt by blue bunny i think. It's vanilla and a half cup serving is only like 100 or so calories. It's simply delicious and pretty much guilt free. But on those times when I do go over on calories all I can do is try not to do it again, eat better the following days, and exercise. I find that if I start beating myself up for it I want to throw in the towel and would only eat worse. It's how I got to this weight in the first place. So enjoy your ice cream! :D