Mother of 4- FINALLY taking time for myself!



  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I also have 4, about the same age ranges as yours. I exercise while my toddler is awake and she mimics me. It's hysterical! I'm on Level 3 of 30 Day Shred and have lost 10 pounds so far. Sometimes you just have to let everything fall to the side and concentrate on you.
  • Emili03
    Emili03 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm a mom of 4. 16, 11, 2 and 7 months. For the FIRST time ever, I am finally taking time for myself to make ME healthy, and put ME FIRST!

    Sometimes I struggle, I NEVER have enough time in a day, and most of the time, everything is falling by the wayside... BUT I am still here... and finally over all the BS... I work out daily (MOSTLY!) I just started P90X, I'm on week 2, I Log every thing I eat, and I am bound and determined to live a healthier lifestyle. I try to eat clean, for the most part... but sometimes I have 2% Mac N Cheese, and once in a while a Lean Cuisine. I am on a huge mission to lose weight, gain strength, and show my kids that you don't have to have a fat mom, and veggies aren't all bad.

    I wan't to be sexy to my husband, not because he thinks I'm not, but because I THINK I'm not. Some days I wake up at 5 to exercise because its the only time I have where the whole house is still asleep and I can finally have time for myself. Some days... I don't wake up at 5 and I have to use baby nap times just to exercise, which means my laundry isn't done and my living room looks like a toddler ran through it ... Oh wait... A toddler DID run through it! I am also on a mission to STOP being so OCD over every dirty dish, and start channeling my OCD into fitness... meaning, my house can be SLIGHTLY dirty until a little later, because I have to take time for Lauren, and that means ONE hour a day devoted to exercise. Screw everyone else who may stop by (which never happens... but, for some reason I think it will lol)

    I am ready to lose this weight, to remind myself of the person I want to be.... I've lost 14 so far, Im on a mission to lose 50-60.. oh and by the way... I will do it!.
    I am looking for friends that want the same thing!. I am not looking for lectures... "Im better than you" attitudes, or people who only log into MFP once a week, month etc... Not that I judge you on your ways, but , those ways aren't for me. Just sayin'. I am however, looking for a place to be held accountable... if I'm lazy, its ok for you to say that... if I'm slackin' its ok for you to say that too.... I am looking for FRIENDS!. .... People who support you, but also call you out on your shi-- poo poo. :)
    Ok.. Thanks lol... I think thats all :)

    Your title got me because that is EXACTLY how I feel right now! 2 kids of my own and my neice who lives with me...this is the ONLY thing I have done for me in a long time. I still have about 50 lbs. to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend. I log in everyday and usually have a cheat meal once a week.
  • makainui
    makainui Posts: 31
    I'm a mom of 4. 16, 11, 2 and 7 months. For the FIRST time ever, I am finally taking time for myself to make ME healthy, and put ME FIRST!

    Sometimes I struggle, I NEVER have enough time in a day, and most of the time, everything is falling by the wayside... BUT I am still here... and finally over all the BS... I work out daily (MOSTLY!) I just started P90X, I'm on week 2, I Log every thing I eat, and I am bound and determined to live a healthier lifestyle. I try to eat clean, for the most part... but sometimes I have 2% Mac N Cheese, and once in a while a Lean Cuisine. I am on a huge mission to lose weight, gain strength, and show my kids that you don't have to have a fat mom, and veggies aren't all bad.

    I wan't to be sexy to my husband, not because he thinks I'm not, but because I THINK I'm not. Some days I wake up at 5 to exercise because its the only time I have where the whole house is still asleep and I can finally have time for myself. Some days... I don't wake up at 5 and I have to use baby nap times just to exercise, which means my laundry isn't done and my living room looks like a toddler ran through it ... Oh wait... A toddler DID run through it! I am also on a mission to STOP being so OCD over every dirty dish, and start channeling my OCD into fitness... meaning, my house can be SLIGHTLY dirty until a little later, because I have to take time for Lauren, and that means ONE hour a day devoted to exercise. Screw everyone else who may stop by (which never happens... but, for some reason I think it will lol)

    I am ready to lose this weight, to remind myself of the person I want to be.... I've lost 14 so far, Im on a mission to lose 50-60.. oh and by the way... I will do it!.
    I am looking for friends that want the same thing!. I am not looking for lectures... "Im better than you" attitudes, or people who only log into MFP once a week, month etc... Not that I judge you on your ways, but , those ways aren't for me. Just sayin'. I am however, looking for a place to be held accountable... if I'm lazy, its ok for you to say that... if I'm slackin' its ok for you to say that too.... I am looking for FRIENDS!. .... People who support you, but also call you out on your shi-- poo poo. :)
    Ok.. Thanks lol... I think thats all :)

    I am proud of you!!! continue on the right it
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member

    Some days I wake up at 5 to exercise because its the only time I have where the whole house is still asleep and I can finally have time for myself. Some days... I don't wake up at 5 and I have to use baby nap times just to exercise, which means my laundry isn't done and my living room looks like a toddler ran through it ... Oh wait... A toddler DID run through it! I am also on a mission to STOP being so OCD over every dirty dish, and start channeling my OCD into fitness... meaning, my house can be SLIGHTLY dirty until a little later, because I have to take time for Lauren, and that means ONE hour a day devoted to exercise. Screw everyone else who may stop by (which never happens... but, for some reason I think it will lol)

    I'm not a mom but I can relate to the crazy-busy schedule, having no time, and stressing because the only way to fit in exercise or even take the time to cook a healthy-but-yummy meal is to let something else go- laundry or dishes, etc. I've been trying to have the same attitude- to put myself first, even if it's just for 30-60 minutes a day, because that's what I need to do in order to reach my goal. It's sooooo hard to do that but I've gotten better about it (and it's working!) Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    Fellow mom here too! I have 3 kids 10, 9 and 3, and they keep me super busy too! I'd love for any other moms to add me as a friend so I can be motivated by seeing what they accomplish while home with kids. I also really need people to keep me accountable too! :smile:
  • chanty1234
    chanty1234 Posts: 56
    Hi There,
    I am new to the program, well this is actually my first day.. I too started p90x and need some motivation. my husband is not in the army but he too travels and is gone for 6months out of the year for work purposes...I have a sister here where i live, but most of my family lives out of state (texas) its hard to find friends that will encourage you to loose weight and help you at the same time. My sister is not very much into healthy eating or excercising .... well with that said, I would love to be your friend or if you would request me....I plan on loosing at least 25 pounds and am very determined... i want to feel sexsy again, i want to look in the mirror and be proud of what i see...I am also a mother of a wonderful 12 year old boy..soon to be a teenager, want him to feel proud of his momma
  • emilymomof3
    Hey there, I totally understand what you are saying . I have 4 year old twin boys that are always getting into trouble and a 1 year old daughter that keeps me on my toes. But I really want a change in my life. I have lost 30 lbs since started in February and try to workout every day. Would love your support and be a support to you.