Smoke Free Group



  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Thanks for making this group!!

    I quit the first week of May... I did really well until I ended the patch a little over a week ago. This past week I have been craving really bad... not craving the nicotine, I'm just craving holding and the act of smoking. I really miss it.

    I think its because a lot of my family and my bf's family smokes so whenever I go out they all smoke. Its great because I can smell their cigarette smoke and its soothing to me but at the same time it makes me miss it even more.

    Any tips to not miss it so much??

    I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from...i have even went to so far as asking them blow the smoke in my face! I know soooo bad but as far as tips for not missing it, I really have none. I have found that when I have the urge of holding and act I grab a straw or a pen or a pencil and "fake" smoke I know that sounds crazy but it helps. My biggest challenge with that is while I am in the car driving. I have even went so far as to "smoke" a tube of chapstick while driving, I even cracked the window and faked ashing out the window :laugh: :laugh: I know it sounds dumb, but it really helped and my craving subsided. I am like you its not so much the nicotine, its the act of doing it I miss. A friend of mine just quit also and she puts a toothpick in her mouth everytime she wants to smoke.
    Try some different things, you may look like an idiot but think of what you are doing for your health.
    Let's stay strong Together!!!! :happy: :happy:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Oh if anyone wants a smoke free meter for their signature or blog the website to get one is!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks for making this group!!

    I quit the first week of May... I did really well until I ended the patch a little over a week ago. This past week I have been craving really bad... not craving the nicotine, I'm just craving holding and the act of smoking. I really miss it.

    I think its because a lot of my family and my bf's family smokes so whenever I go out they all smoke. Its great because I can smell their cigarette smoke and its soothing to me but at the same time it makes me miss it even more.

    Any tips to not miss it so much??

    The only thing I've found is time. It does get better. I've always loved the smell since I grew up around smokers. I still kind of want one when I see someone smoking, but once I get close to the smell I change my mind. It smells so awful now. :sick:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from...i have even went to so far as asking them blow the smoke in my face!

    HAHAHA I do this too! :bigsmile: I've actually asked so much that when a family member goes out to smoke they'll say 'you wanna come smell it? I'll blow some in your face'. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I was using a straw, pen, anything round shaped to hold while I was on the patch. I guess I'm not completely past that part yet. I don't crave very often - maybe a couple times a week at the most, but when I do crave its really strong!

    I recently borrowed my bf's dad's car (my car had a flat) and he is a big chain smoker. I was driving along the road and I flipped on the AC... and about a minute after I flipped it on the air blowing out smelled like an old very stale ashtray just full of ashes. It was so gross it definately killed any cravings I had and made me so happy and proud that I don't smell like that anymore and neither does my hair, clothes, house, or car!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Me Too! I have sooo noticed that I don't smell like an ashtray anymore. My mom is the same way and she even smokes in the house, I went over there the other day and the smell was overwhelming which made me feel even better that I don't stink like that anymore! More power to us!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    When my parents quit, my mom started accusing my dad of smoking in the bathroom at night because she would go to bed and smell cigarette smoke. (He's usually in the bathroom when she goes to bed.) He kept telling her he wasn't. Took her a while to believe him. Turned out it was the smell left in the sheets, blankets, and curtains. She stripped everything out of the bedroom and washed it. We never smoked in the house, so luckily I haven't had to do that.
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    I would love to join, I need all the support I can get!!! I have been smoking for 17 years and I need to quit badly for myself, my family, and my bank account.

    I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and got on Wellbutrin, I have faithfully taken it daily, but I was not feeling any difference, then this weekend I stopped going outside as often and that pack of cigarettes was stretching out and then I was getting to the point that I did not even want to go. So last night @ 6 I have official quit smoking.

    Today was actually not as bad as I thought, I stayed pretty busy, did a lot of workout dvd's and played with my son. Then my hubby got home and had a pack, so then my not too bad of a day turned into thinking about a cig, so yes I gave into the craving:frown: . To be honest I am glad that I did because I got a headache, a bad taste in my mouth and smelly hands, that was enough for me and a half of a cig later I was walking back in the house. So I told my hubby that if he is going to smoke:smokin: he needs to make sure that he either leaves the pack in the truck or hides them, but either way I do not want to know that he has them.

    So I guess that tommorow is a new day and I refuse to beat myself over a slip up, and I think that I will start doing jumping jacks when the cravings sneak up on me.

    Sorry about the ramblings, I have a bad habit of doing this.:embarassed:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Congrats on your decision! Dont feel bad at all about the slip happens, the good thing about it is, the cig tasted bad! A friend of my took Wellbutrin and it made her quit smoking b/c she said that cigs tasted awful when she was taking it. On the other hand, my mom takes Wellbutrin and still smokes like a freight train. It must have to do with body chemistry or something...anyways, i am so proud of you for making the decision to quit. I would love to tell you that it gets easier but the first week was the hardest for me and i am now going into my third week and still get the cravings but they arent as bad. Let's stay strong together! :wink:
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    Congrats on your decision! Dont feel bad at all about the slip happens, the good thing about it is, the cig tasted bad! A friend of my took Wellbutrin and it made her quit smoking b/c she said that cigs tasted awful when she was taking it. On the other hand, my mom takes Wellbutrin and still smokes like a freight train. It must have to do with body chemistry or something...anyways, i am so proud of you for making the decision to quit. I would love to tell you that it gets easier but the first week was the hardest for me and i am now going into my third week and still get the cravings but they arent as bad. Let's stay strong together! :wink:

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, I will take all that I can get. My doctor was trying it get me to take the chantix, and I know that it works, but I wanted the "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" option, because in about 3 1/2 weeks it will have been 1 year since my mom passed away and I wanted the anti-depressant as well as the help to stop smoking. I am trying to approach the smoking as I have with the eating, it is just going to take bit more to break the routines and daily habits that I have become so accustom too.

    Thanks again and good for you as well :drinker: !!

    One day at a time
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Just checking in for today..this morning has been tough for me. I have had a very stressful morning and usually when stress strikes I would go out for a smoke. Instead I took a walk around the building and took some deep breaths which def helped the craving subside. One day at a time...i have to keep saying that to myself...One day at a time.
    Tommorrow I am going to a concert (Aerosmith) I am soooooooo excited and the people I am going with ALL smoke! Ahhh! I am going to stay strong though and not give into temptation. I have volunteered to be the DD so I will not have the urge to smoke because I drank a beer or two. I find that when I drink alcohol is when I actually crave the most! It's like they go hand in hand or something (lol) and another plus I will save the calories and the bloat from the beer since I am the DD! Double Plus!
    Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! :flowerforyou:
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    Today started out really well, I got up and walk/jogged for about 45 minutes ( would have been longer, but had to get home so hubby could go to work).
    Then in the last hour I have been craving one bad, but the only thing that is stopping me is that I don't have any here and I would have to get out to go to the gas station and it is storming, so hopefully by the time it stops I will be past the craving (fingers crossed).
    I guess I will go do a little strength training maybe that will help?!?!

    Have a good day everyone.:smile:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493

    Just think about how nasty that last cig tasted and what you could spend the $5.00 you would spend on a pack of smokes on that would be more beneficial to your health and well being! You can beat the craving!!! :wink:
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    Just checking in for today..this morning has been tough for me. I have had a very stressful morning and usually when stress strikes I would go out for a smoke. Instead I took a walk around the building and took some deep breaths which def helped the craving subside. One day at a time...i have to keep saying that to myself...One day at a time.
    Tommorrow I am going to a concert (Aerosmith) I am soooooooo excited and the people I am going with ALL smoke! Ahhh! I am going to stay strong though and not give into temptation. I have volunteered to be the DD so I will not have the urge to smoke because I drank a beer or two. I find that when I drink alcohol is when I actually crave the most! It's like they go hand in hand or something (lol) and another plus I will save the calories and the bloat from the beer since I am the DD! Double Plus!
    Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! :flowerforyou:

    Aerosmith? Definitely jealous, but what fun for you! You have made it 2 weeks so far, and you worked out a craving this morning, so I am sure that you will find the inner strength to resist the temptation at the concert.

    I know how you feel about being with a group of smokers, my entire family are smokers, and my best friend is a social smoker, so when we go out or even just hang out, she drinks/smokes and I smoke (not much of a drinker), usually we do things on Friday nights, but I am worried that it will be a problem, but she is really supportive so maybe it will be fine and she will do her best to keep her smoking at bay, at least until I can control my better..

    Have a great time and be safe!! :happy:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Today has been okay so far for me... last night was rough as for some reason i began to crave a cig around bedtime...which is actually quite odd. I just went to sleep anyways, hope everyone is doing good today!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Sorry I've been absent, in training this week. I can understand not wanting to drink. I went to a party Friday night and didn't drink for that reason. I know it will be tough. Good luck at the concert tonight.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Peapods - How are you doing today? I hope you are still smoke-free... just remember your much stronger than that nasty cigarette that tries to control you!

    My bf (who quit with me, which made a great support system and helped keep eachother motivated and not wanting to quit or give up) and I just got a roommate in our house, who happens to be a smoker. While they are smoking outside/in the garage... I've been seeing butts and its making me crave. I saw a barely smoked cigarette laying in the garage last night and I just really wanted to smoke it... it took so much willpower to look away and walk inside, but I did it! And now I'm really glad I avoided that temptation! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well and keeping strong. We can do this! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    Peapods - How are you doing today? I hope you are still smoke-free... just remember your much stronger than that nasty cigarette that tries to control you!

    My bf (who quit with me, which made a great support system and helped keep eachother motivated and not wanting to quit or give up) and I just got a roommate in our house, who happens to be a smoker. While they are smoking outside/in the garage... I've been seeing butts and its making me crave. I saw a barely smoked cigarette laying in the garage last night and I just really wanted to smoke it... it took so much willpower to look away and walk inside, but I did it! And now I'm really glad I avoided that temptation! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well and keeping strong. We can do this! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    YAY for you on avoiding the temptation:flowerforyou: ! You should be very proud of yourself for 70 days smoke free.

    Yesterday was a great smoke free day, hardly even craved and did not have one! Today started out good again, I went wogging this morning, and actually made it 2min twice on my jogging (others barely 60 sec), which was great since I burned an insane amount of calories in 60 min.

    BUT then on the way home, my car veered into the gas station and I bought a pack, and smoked 2:sad: . So instead of keeping them with me I sent them with my hubby in his truck, but the funny thing is that I hid them from him too, so that he did not smoke all day at work too. So we both have had 2 cigarettes this morning, and I plan on keeping it that way. I actually am not that worried about when he gets home, b/c today is his B-Day and I have a ton of stuff to do to keep me distracted.

    I refuse to beat myself up over this, b/c I have gone from smoking 30-40 cig a day:embarassed: to slipping up and having only 2, so good for me in that aspect, but I also do not want to give myself a free pass and say that it was ok either.

    :ohwell: there is always tommorow!

    I have always smoked in my garage and/or deck and I despise people putting
    cigarettes out on the floor in garage, b/c then when people come into the house the bring them in on their shoes and make a mess of the house. I keep a no smoke butt ashtray out there so that they can put them in there, it puts them out right away and you do not have to actually have to see the butts like a normal ashtray/floor.

    Ok, I rambled enough, but sometimes my rambling works through a THANK YOU for letting be winded!!

    HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    You are a strong woman! Slip-ups happen, but you are so strong for only smoking 2 and then going right back on track. Most people (myself included) would go through the entire pack and then onto the next one. :laugh:

    Major kudos to you!! :flowerforyou:

    I had a dream last night (and let me tell you these dreams are very frequent but the situation usually changes). Anyways, I was hanging out with my old high school crush and I was going through some things in my bedroom and I found a pack of smokes that was only missing around 2-3 smokes. I yelled "there it is! I knew I lost a pack a while ago" and took out a smoke and lit up. :blushing: I'm so bad in my dreams!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    can i join too.
    its been a struggle for ages with me and if im honest i was only a full time smoker for about 3 years of my life.
    for the past 4 i have been quittin on and off for ages.
    It's only after joining this website and recently (july 1st) started doing the exercise everyday that i felt it was time again to improve fitness. there are some many inspirational people on here. way better than any government advetisement.
    I have taken it easy on myself this time too. I don't like the taste or the smell or the bits of tobacco that acummulate in every pocket of my clothes (I was a hand roller). The extra moeny is good too.
    I'm doing the patches this time after several attempts cold turkey, so i know the feeling of 'dying for a cig' but if I'm honest they are so good this time i just feel like normal. only thing is i can;t sleep on them so i take them off before bed and I'm sorted.
    Got to do 4 weeks on this patch and two weeks on the small then i got to deal with it myslef.

    The things i love about not smoking is waking up the next morning with the smell of aftershave still present. my hands and clothes smelling good.
    the horrible cough in the morning reminds me of how my lungs are clearing and i will breath easier.
    the fact that each day I'm closer to all the goals i want to accomplish now and keep for the future.
    i just feel like I'm in a slow motion transformation to the person I had forgotten existed. Even though I'm still young but i feel like the past 7 years since leaving school have been so up and down with weight, health,exercise, love , relationships, but then no one said growing up was easy ha ha.
    I do feel extra positive this time though, just can't explain why!

    man i talk alot ha ha:smile:

    good luck other quitter keep up the good work and hopefully i will too!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi Simplicity - Welcome and congrats on kicking the habit! :flowerforyou:

    I also used the patch as my aid to stop smoking and I found it worked really well. I've been off the patch for two weeks now and its not bad at all, you don't even really notice that you're not getting the nicotine anymore since it gradually weans you off of it.

    You can do it! I'm rooting for you! :bigsmile:

    My boyfriends dad just quit smoking last night. I'm so excited, happy, and proud of him... now if we can get him to start working out a little and changing his diet his health will be so much better. I'm still trying to convince my mom to quit - she already has emphysema and still goes at it like a chimney :cry: