a half marathon or full????



  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    thanks every one....
    I have now broken down my goals... yup i am aiming a half marathon in September and i want to run/jog through it... to know whether i am on the right track i am signing up for another half a month before that and i think i will be walking half of it, my aim is just to finish in time and get my medal (definitely not looking to rank any where)
    i am starting a 12week program tomorrow and i have over 13 weeks to go before my first and another 35 days before the second.
    I hope to graduate to a full by February next year....

    another advice i want is about shoes i did buy myself shoes over a month back when i started with MFP but the are not "running" shoes though they are comfortable. i am thinking that if my training is on track i would buy another pair in July and train for over a month with it... your thoughts???

    I prefer Saucony Hurricane or Brooks shoes. Go to a running specialty store (not ****'s) they should be able to tell by looking at the wear of your current soles where you need support, etc.

    I am doing the C25K Pro app on my phone. Shape.com has a half marathon training guide on their website.

    Hope it helps!
  • lsorensen130
    lsorensen130 Posts: 32 Member
    I did my first half March 2011. I didn't train a whole lot, just ran once or twice a week and usually not more than 3 miles. I literally couldn't walk for 3 days afterwards. I agree with the post about whether you would feel like you really accomplished something if you walked most of it. Definitely start with a half :)
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    thanks every one....
    I have now broken down my goals... yup i am aiming a half marathon in September and i want to run/jog through it... to know whether i am on the right track i am signing up for another half a month before that and i think i will be walking half of it, my aim is just to finish in time and get my medal (definitely not looking to rank any where)
    i am starting a 12week program tomorrow and i have over 13 weeks to go before my first and another 35 days before the second.
    I hope to graduate to a full by February next year....

    another advice i want is about shoes i did buy myself shoes over a month back when i started with MFP but the are not "running" shoes though they are comfortable. i am thinking that if my training is on track i would buy another pair in July and train for over a month with it... your thoughts???

    I prefer Saucony Hurricane or Brooks shoes. Go to a running specialty store (not ****'s) they should be able to tell by looking at the wear of your current soles where you need support, etc.

    I am doing the C25K Pro app on my phone. Shape.com has a half marathon training guide on their website.

    Hope it helps!

    They just bleeped out D*cks.....dirty MFP...I meant the sporting goods store.
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    i did start with a C25K but twisted my leg.... nothing serious but didnot get back on track.
    right now i am aiming to cross the finish line with a half and it doesn't matter if i walk or run. i am building on my running but i walk any where between 20k in a week and i am upping it to 35 from this week ... i have a little over 11 weeks left and i hope to run half of my half by then also i am thnking of getting a bike so that i can train my legs a bit better on the cross training days..
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    I finished my second half marathon yesterday @2 hours 14 minutes (HRM data/unofficial).

    I am a runner. Since you already decided to do the half. My only tip is that you spend the money for an insole & the right shoes. Go to a sporting goods store where they test your arches & what kind of shoes would fit you best.

    I gotta say that crossing that finish line would be impossible for me without my shoes & insoles. BEST WISHES :)
  • ndrenee
    ndrenee Posts: 14 Member
    Definitely get fitted for running shoes at a running store. Everyone's feet are different so its best to get one that works best for you. One additional caveat on the half/full discussion. It can sometimes be difficult to lose weight while training for a distance race. You are burning so many calories and are constantly hungry. Just keep that in mind when figuring out your running goals and how they tie to your weight loss goals. When I am training for a half (or the one time I ran a full), I stop counting calories as I just listen to what my body is telling me it needs. I just try to stay away from processed foods as much as I can.