Turbo Jammers 7/13-7/19



  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thank you so much for your help! So if what you're saying is I should definately be eating more (I'm newer to this fitness thing, so I need all the help I can get!)- so I can increase what I'm eating at meal times? Or should I just be adding more "snacks" in between to make it like 6 "mini-meals" a day? I've never been the type of girl who is small-so I find myself worrying alot about what I'm eating and how much now that I am-which probably doesn't help my hunger issues..haha. I am in need of reassurance I guess is all I can say! If I eat more snacks through the day I feel like I'm eating all day long-which in turn makes me feel sort of guilty-but I guess that is not how I should be feeling because it is fine? Snacks like Specialk bars/granola/cereal/crackers? Are those the types of things it is ok to increase?
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    GRRRRR...I typed a huge post to everyone, and when I hit reply it disappeared! So here's the short version....

    Janet...glad to see you posting (you know we're the last two left from when this thread started back in January!) :heart:

    Angel, I agree with Ghanie, it sounds like you should be eating more, and it's a great suggestion to increase your calories in increments and see how it works for you. I've been maintaining my weight and BMI of about 15% for almost 7 months now and I eat around 2000-2200 calories a day. I eat alot of fruit to fill in between meals when I get hungry. Apples are great for curbing hunger...they have tons of fiber. Eating more frequent, smaller meals is something that's still difficult for me, and I really have to make it a goal. I've always had a tendency to not eat all day, then have a large meal late in the evening...which I still do sometimes. :blushing: I guess it's Progress...not Perfection! :laugh:

    Erika, great job on your workouts! :drinker:

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Thank you so much for your help! So if what you're saying is I should definately be eating more (I'm newer to this fitness thing, so I need all the help I can get!)- so I can increase what I'm eating at meal times? Or should I just be adding more "snacks" in between to make it like 6 "mini-meals" a day? I've never been the type of girl who is small-so I find myself worrying alot about what I'm eating and how much now that I am-which probably doesn't help my hunger issues..haha. I am in need of reassurance I guess is all I can say! If I eat more snacks through the day I feel like I'm eating all day long-which in turn makes me feel sort of guilty-but I guess that is not how I should be feeling because it is fine? Snacks like Specialk bars/granola/cereal/crackers? Are those the types of things it is ok to increase?

    Angel, another thing to do to up your cals a little it to increase your lean protein in your meals. For example, if your having 3 oz of chicken at dinner, up it to 4 oz. It will fill you up more, and you'll find it really doesn't take much to add another 100 or 200 calories. Personally, I try not to increase snack bar type foods, but rather try to focus more on whole foods such as lean meat, fruit and veggies. A few unsalted nuts (almonds are great) are another healthy way to increase your calories while getting energy, good fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Angel, yes you should be eating more.

    I think you should add a morning snack since you only have one snack in the afternoon. You should be eating every 2-3 hours. And find out how many calories that adds up to vs. how much MFP says you should be eating without exercise.

    If it doesn't reach your basic calorie allowance, go ahead and add things to your meals wherever you feel hungry most until it gets there. 1500 was based on a sedentary lifestyle at my height so if you're taller and/or more active, you're going to need even more.

    When that starts to get comfortable, it's time to start adding those calories you burn with exercise.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thank you so much for the help! I will start first by slowly increasing my calorie intake-trying to add fruits/veggies in between meals, as well as at meals (like the chicken idea, thanks!). This morning the plan is my moderate paced 4-mile bike, I was thinking oatmeal or a whole wheat bagel for breakfast, with a banana or apple. Any objections? I know the carbs in the "bread" type things are not always good for you-but how can I work those in in a good way? I really get cravings for SpecialK blueberry cereal--I've been having that for lunches a lot lately-bad idea?? Haha these are a bunch of really stupid questions but I'm trying to find the right balance as far as diet goes.:grumble:
    The late morning schedule is looking good!-its a Turbosculpt day! I was thinking about adding in a Cardioparty1 in the mid-afternoon as well-keeps me busy and what better thing to do on a day off!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all!:bigsmile:
    I didn't get on much this weekend..I try to ground myself from my computer more on weekends! Plus my boyfriend strained his back..and we all know that men can be a TAD overdramatic when they aren't well:laugh: But I love him...he got me flowers and a goodie vase...he's never done that!:heart:
    I did my CE Burn 1 on Sat (last week of burn!) and then helped a girl I coach run 3 miles! Sun am I did a long run..then did CE Burn Intervals with some girls at the Y while I was working..I am a tired girl:yawn:
    This morning I did Turbo Jam 20 min and then part of Punch, Kick, Jam..my leggies are a little tired from yesterday I can tell! :noway: I'll do some core later and some yoga!

    Lisa: Yes coaches are great to have..and save you money..so use them! Wow 19 years of marriage...GOOD FOR YOU!:happy: I always love to see marriages lasting these days! As far as eating before working out....it's all about each person. I do much better on an empty stomach (plus in fat burning mode!). I am trying to eat a little earlier in the evening though so not too close to bed!

    Megan: I've been going higher on my CE weights too! I'll be doing Push (the second period) next week...what are your thoughts on that? Way to go on the pull ups! Do you have a pull up bar? How is turbo kick going? Did you go to that training? Also, what all do you like on the "upgrade" to CE? I think I am getting that along with turbo kick soon! I also want to get TBB Insanity!

    Ghanie: I agree turbo sculpt isn't anything compared to CE or some types of yoga..it's amazing with yoga or ballet how much they work your legs WO weights! And GREAT job on the pushups! :flowerforyou: You gotta celebrate every accomplishment...and that's a big one!

    Janet: So glad to see you! My schedule too has been hectic..I am hoping this week to crank some very productive things out! Glad to see you still rocking it out though...I too sometimes eat a little more when busy. I notice if I get too much sodium (which is very easy..it's in EVERYTHING that comes in a package..etc) that I am bloated, retain water, etc. I watch it pretty closely. Eating late at night..I don't get on myself too much on that since I workout hard as soon as I get up early in the am..but might try to move it up a little. It is tough with your schedule..all you can do is follow the "rules" as much as possible with your schedule. In the end...that one thing won't break you!

    Erica: Good for you being active..the mircale isn't always the end goal..but starting! I love 20 min turbo..it's my FAV!

    lilangel: It's a hard question and one that takes time to get right! BTW..AWESOME job on the accomplishment! Some tips or ideas:
    *If you have a HRM that calulates calories..try wearing it all day for a few days..that will give you a good idea of how many cals you burn a day.
    *If you aren't feeling stressed or are dehydrated..chances are your feelings of hunger are because you aren't getting enough to eat. Think of it like this...if you aren't getting enough to eat..your body isn't properly fueled and your workouts will suffer!
    *If you are trying to maintain: Calories out=calories in! You can also calcuate approx cals burned by googling it to find a calculator.
    *I agree with the comment to get more protein. It makes you feel fuller longer and helps to build those sexy muscles!
    *Def do eat 5-6 meals a day, every 2-3 hours..that will DEF help to feel more full as you are constantly fueling your body..which is what food really is!
    *Be sure that you are getting enough water too...dehydration also causes you to feel hungry!
    *In the end..it's really each person. Every person has different body makeup and metabolism..even at the same weight. People have different ways of eating too..some people (even maintaining) will eat a little less cals some day so they can indulge a little on others.

    Have a GREAT week all...I am working on my nutrition as always. My body has been off the last few days..so weight is off..but I know I am doing all the right things so won't worry too much!:wink:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394