Just need to get this off my chest



  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    She may have been, I read it as a little sarcastic lol.
    Appeared sarcastic to me!

    And rude.
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member

    I'm not running comparisons, I'm just saying that everyone has stuff they need to deal with - you either handle it or let it break you. If you know you're getting to your breaking point, focus on fixing it or else you're not going to be any good to the people who depend on you...

    good advice
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    MY mom suffered from migraines to the point that we had to take her to the ER at least once every month. They'd put her on morphine drip for a day or so. She saw a doc and he suggested getting regular massages...

    She goes 1 a week or every other week and it has been great for her! The lady just does a standard massage and works out the tension - migraines are MUCH less frequent now and that affected her health in great ways!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    folks have been recommending you hire help for your business, but it may be cheaper for you to hire a cleaning service instead. then you can focus on your business, and come home to a clean house and less stress.
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! geez! some peoples children.....anyway, life is tough, I'm sure you will preserver. Sometimes it helps writing something down and getting it off your chest. good luck to you and be positive.

    Thanks for this.... this is what is needed!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Wow... hate much? The woman is frustrated with her current lot in life (as we all are at some point, unless we never have anything negative in our lives). She doesn't need your rude comments.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, I never understand why some people deliberately come to a thread to leave rude, idiodic comments. If you are not helping the situation, move on.....

    By the way, you have vented and have come up with a solution, I hope that your frustrations and your husbands health improves rapidly.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    Wow...must be nice that you never get frustrated with your SO, and never want to vent and have a perfect life! Wow...what a GEM of a life you have!

    No kidding. This chick must be EXTREMELLY unhappy in some aspect of life. I always see that skinny picture next to some very rude comment. LOL sheesh.....doesn't it get hard to spend so much time thinking negative about everyone that isn't perfectly in line with her perfect little life? Wish I was like her....no wait. I DON'T
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    People are getting bent out of shape over this comment, but I kind of have to agree with her. I understand the OP must be in a hard place, however, if I were her husband and I knew she was venting and complaining about me on a website to total strangers, I would be mad. She needs to a) talk to her husband about how she feels, not total strangers on MFP and b) get him help.

    "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy. "

    Good luck!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    People are getting bent out of shape over this comment, but I kind of have to agree with her. I understand the OP must be in a hard place, however, if I were her husband and I knew she was venting and complaining about me on a website to total strangers, I would be mad. She needs to a) talk to her husband about how she feels, not total strangers on MFP and b) get him help.

    where do you get off calling yourself "PASTORJosh"?! when someone comes to MFP looking for support, that's what we should be giving her. fitness is not entirely about diet and exercise, but also STRESS plays a significant role in our health. if you can't be supportive, why be here at all?

    That's cute. This isn't the support forums. Also, she's complaining about a sick husband and oh my gosh, how she has to take care of him. Is that not what you do when you've got a sick S/O? Seriously? This is just sad. I feel bad for her husband.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    People are getting bent out of shape over this comment, but I kind of have to agree with her. I understand the OP must be in a hard place, however, if I were her husband and I knew she was venting and complaining about me on a website to total strangers, I would be mad. She needs to a) talk to her husband about how she feels, not total strangers on MFP and b) get him help.

    where do you get off calling yourself "PASTORJosh"?! when someone comes to MFP looking for support, that's what we should be giving her. fitness is not entirely about diet and exercise, but also STRESS plays a significant role in our health. if you can't be supportive, why be here at all?

    That's cute. This isn't the support forums. Also, she's complaining about a sick husband and oh my gosh, how she has to take care of him. Is that not what you do when you've got a sick S/O? Seriously? This is just sad. I feel bad for her husband.

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    That's cute. This isn't the support forums. Also, she's complaining about a sick husband and oh my gosh, how she has to take care of him. Is that not what you do when you've got a sick S/O? Seriously? This is just sad. I feel bad for her husband.
    Well, you and I read what she typed differently. I never read it as a complaint. I read it as needing to get something off her chest. She said she feels bad for him. She said she feels bad for feeling "pissy" or overworked. Maybe she sat down to type that small vent as a form of therapy. I have migraines. I know when I'm not pulling my own weight, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'd rather my husband write a small vent like that than to tell ME how frustrated he is.

    And, it's kind of sad that you're suggesting we need a "support forum" in order to offer support.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    That's cute. This isn't the support forums. Also, she's complaining about a sick husband and oh my gosh, how she has to take care of him. Is that not what you do when you've got a sick S/O? Seriously? This is just sad. I feel bad for her husband.

    Quick OP! Move this thread to the support forum so we can fix at least one of these problems. I also suggest to stop being human and getting frustrated, especially with your S/O, cause, you know, none of us ever do. :huh:

    Ps. It's not just him she has to take care of, it's the house, company and him. I can understand if she got a little run down and needed to vent.
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    People are getting bent out of shape over this comment, but I kind of have to agree with her. I understand the OP must be in a hard place, however, if I were her husband and I knew she was venting and complaining about me on a website to total strangers, I would be mad. She needs to a) talk to her husband about how she feels, not total strangers on MFP and b) get him help.

    where do you get off calling yourself "PASTORJosh"?! when someone comes to MFP looking for support, that's what we should be giving her. fitness is not entirely about diet and exercise, but also STRESS plays a significant role in our health. if you can't be supportive, why be here at all?

    That's cute. This isn't the support forums. Also, she's complaining about a sick husband and oh my gosh, how she has to take care of him. Is that not what you do when you've got a sick S/O? Seriously? This is just sad. I feel bad for her husband.

    I genuinely don't understand this - unless you misread her original post.

    She's not saying she doesn't like her husband or that he isn't worth it, just that it's getting her down.

    at what point does that make her a bad wife?
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    You sound like a gem.

    People are getting bent out of shape over this comment, but I kind of have to agree with her. I understand the OP must be in a hard place, however, if I were her husband and I knew she was venting and complaining about me on a website to total strangers, I would be mad. She needs to a) talk to her husband about how she feels, not total strangers on MFP and b) get him help.

    where do you get off calling yourself "PASTORJosh"?! when someone comes to MFP looking for support, that's what we should be giving her. fitness is not entirely about diet and exercise, but also STRESS plays a significant role in our health. if you can't be supportive, why be here at all?

    That's cute. This isn't the support forums. Also, she's complaining about a sick husband and oh my gosh, how she has to take care of him. Is that not what you do when you've got a sick S/O? Seriously? This is just sad. I feel bad for her husband.

    I genuinely don't understand this - unless you misread her original post.

    She's not saying she doesn't like her husband or that he isn't worth it, just that it's getting her down.

    at what point does that make her a bad wife?

    I never said she was a "bad wife." I made a comment based on how I read her post. And I read it as complaining.
  • trainorgirl
    trainorgirl Posts: 44
    You sound like a gem.

    I agree with her!!! Kudos to her for saying how it is!!! I hope your partner never gets cancer or anything major life threatening.. To me it sounds that you are mad that he gets sick because it means that you have to do more work... Clearly thats the only problem. otherwise you would be supportive to your partners needs and help as much as possible!!!! sometimes in relationships with your partner its not always 50/50 sometime one partner have to put more work in then the other, other times the other partner will put in more work but its all balances out!!! I think you keep too much score in your relationship!! keeping score as to how much time off he takes or how often he doesnt feel well and then wallow in your own frustrations because you have to do more.. Thats a shame!!! great GREAT teamwork you got going on!!! I can only wonder what would cause migraines!

    Here is a great poem to read over!!!!

    Love is patient, love is kind.
    It does not envy, it does not boast,
    it is not proud.
    It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
    it is not easily angered,
    it keeps no record of wrongs.
    Love does not delight in evil
    but rejoices with the truth.
    It always protects, always trusts,
    always hopes, always perseveres.
    Love never fails.
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member

    I too had very severe migraines for awhile, after about the 4th hospital visit I went to the neuro and got put on preventative medications. OMG, best idea ever. It took a few months to get the doses right and the correct meds, but once I did, I was basically migraine free!! I got one maybe once every other month and Excedrin took care of it right away. I would definitely look into this option.

    I do understand your frustration, but please try to understand how it can come across on a message board.

    Best of luck!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    My Hubby has had to take care of me for close to 4 years since I was injured in an accident. I'm glad I don't have to see a post like this about me... I agree. If you need help, get some...and I understand your need to vent. But, I think we are spoiled when illness and caretaking interfere with our lifestyles. On the other hand, you might need to think about how it would be if the shoe was on the other foot? You may want to talk to a counselor about how to better handle the situation. There may be ways you would be able to communicate your feelings to him? Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    Word to this.

    I realize it's probably very stressful handling all of that on your own and taking care of a sick person, but it's not the guy's fault. I used to get serious migraines frequently (since learned it was diet and anxiety related--migraine free for almost 3 months now!) and I know how debilitating they can be. Trust me, nobody (ok, no decent person) enjoys making their significant other take care of them like a child. I think instead of being resentful (and if you're not, it just comes across that way), I'd get him some medical attention and some temporary help with your family business.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders can be frustrating...it's certainly OK to vent. And there maybe more going on here than we know. So I'm hesitant to jump on the 'you sound like a gem' wagon. So some more background may be helpful -

    Has he seen a doctor for treatment?
    Are his ailments beyond his control? Or are they due to a poor diet, too much caffeine? Too much alcohol?
    Is he proactive about seeking some type of treatment? Or content to be miserable while you do all the work?
    Or perhaps he is truly plagued by these ailments and has found no relief through a doctor or medication? (I'm not saying this sarcastically!! I know a couple of people who suffer from migraines and it can be debilitating!)

    I would suggest seeing a Doctor and working together to resolve this energy draining issue. If you can afford to hire a part time employee that maybe a good solution.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member

    I too had very severe migraines for awhile, after about the 4th hospital visit I went to the neuro and got put on preventative medications. OMG, best idea ever. It took a few months to get the doses right and the correct meds, but once I did, I was basically migraine free!! I got one maybe once every other month and Excedrin took care of it right away. I would definitely look into this option.

    I do understand your frustration, but please try to understand how it can come across on a message board.

    Best of luck!
    This is what I suggested!