Any advice guys



  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    Here is a simple trick for motivating yourself to exercise more: I don't take a shower unless I've sweat. Seems silly, but taking a shower has become totally useless unless I'm washing away some sweat. Even if I don't feel like doing much on a day or it's an 'off day,' I take the dog for a long walk, go for a bike ride, jog a mile - anything is better than nothing!

    And, I ALWAYS eat my calories back. I've seen people say they don't eat their exercise calories back. Dude, whatever! Your muscles need energy to recover, and it's another mini reward!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    You may be trying to stick to a program that is too hard for you right now. When I started, my goal had NOTHING to do with food, it was just to MOVE. That was it. Move for 1 hour everyday with one day off a week. I did that for an entire month and then, Once I got into moving, I started to run...

    Then, once I started to run (being 50 pounds over my weight just two years ago), I REALIZED that my body would FEEL better if I lost some weight. It is really HARD TO TRY TO RUN carrying a 50 pound pack of dog food on you.. SO, I set some calorie goals.

    Now, I'm halfway there and yes, I do get bummed out from time to time. I just make it a point to stick to my program AND I give myself permission from time to time (sometimes as often as once a week) to DO WHAT I WANT - eat, sleep, etc. and not pay any attention to my program for 24 hours.

    The voice in my head is MEAN. I try not to listen to her.... Take it easy on yourself, set realistic goals and take it ONE SMALL GOAL AT A TIME!

    good luck and feel free to friend me if you think I can help more!
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Find just one reason that you believe in. Focus on that.

    Mine is my kids
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    So I've been on this a long time and haven't properly committed. It's not that I don't want to lose weight, I really do but through different obstacles (injuries, medical issues, work problems) I've become quite down on myself.

    I'm finding it really hard to stay focused on mfp and my weightloss goals and feel like a failure, I'm finding it hard to push myself and find that I'm turning to food more and more and going back to my old ways.

    My MFP friends are great for pushing me and I have great support from my bf. I'm refusing to give up. I'm not looking for sympathy because I know there's loads in the same boat. I have "that dress" and the picture in my head of how I want to look. I have to lose weight for my health too but I'm finding it so hard right now.

    I left MFP for a few weeks and came back. I love this site and all my friends and the success stories etc. any advice would be great guys.

    For those of you who have met your goals did you have this problem? If you did, how did you overcome it?

    For those of you who are still on your way or struggling, how do you motivate yourself?


    Do these three things:

    Restart by logging, very carefully, everything you eat, and make sure you measure it. Try to eat only foods whose calorie content you can estimate (and it's always an estimate, even if you measure.)

    Take a 30 minute walk every day (or some other moderate exercise for the same time period.)

    Drink 8 glasses of water or whatever amount of water you find appropriate.

    Do not miss a day. .Do not increase the amount of exercise. Try to stick to these simple goals. If you think that it's too easy and are itching to increase, that will be a good sign that your motivation is building.

    For me, the main motivation has come from staying very accountable about what I was eating each day. I also decided to try Intermittent Fasting (IF) and in the IF group I started a thread in which I posted my plans and results pretty much every day.
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I'm right there with you on the struggling to find motivation. I just try to take it one day at a time. In the morning before I've eaten anything, I say...."I'm gonna do great today and at the end of the day, I'm going to feel proud of myself."
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for your response guys, theres good advice in there :) im not going to quit, never intended too, suppose I just need a sharp kick in the *kitten*

    there is a million excuses and justifications to not do something, just pick one, i get tired of all the whining and crying on here, that motivates me that i am above the excuses and do something about. i also think about the people who are starving in this world and the less fortunate, everyone on here has a better life than someone, if your on this site you have internet which is a luxury not a need, just when you think you got it bad, think about the homeless or the starving kids, that gets me to stop whining and crying and thinking self pity.