The fat you eat is the fat you wear



  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Excess fat doesn't cause diabetes. Try again.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    That's an odd myth to state you still believe in despite all the studies that show its wrong. Besides all the studies, I also know first hand its wrong: I've lost 60lbs over a year and a half with high fat, high protein. In fact I went 6 weeks purposefully having bacon, beer and chocolate every day and still lost weight and gained strength. The highest proportion of calories over that year and a half has consistently been from fat too: steaks, bacon, cheeses, butter, etc etc etc

    Nope, fat definitely does not go right to your waistline, it just doesn't happen, don't worry about it. If you eat a surplus of any calories, it might, if your body deposits it there.

    Ha, undead post caught me too I guess...
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    My health was in no way a shambles on low carb. My conscience was, and my wallet was absolutely wrecked, but my health was much better, if for no other reason than I lost a lot of weight. I felt better than when I was trying to count calories while eating every type of sugary junkfood in the store while staying in a calorie deficit, too (I did not buy prepackaged Atkins snacks and meals and such).

    I think I can get the same results with plant based, take no hit to my conscience, and have slightly more money left over, because, like low carb, it is also free of twinkies and cookies. Or it is as long as I stay out of the chocolate section at Whole Foods and pretend I didn't hear that Oreos are vegan. We'll see. One week in, several pounds lost (some is water weight), feeling good now, and my appetite is manageable so far as long as I mostly stay out of the raisins. Damn you, raisins.