Are you buying new clothes?

Just curious what everyone else is doing. I've lost a good amount of weight and my clothes are all too big but i dont want to buy new clothes because i have quite a bit more to lose. It would kinda be a waste of money. So right now i'm wearing clothes that are getting pretty big on me. Thankfully i kept my jeans that were 2 sizes too small and they fit now. Well 2 of them do, the other 2 were too big and i donated. First time i've ever gotten rid of a pair of jeans for being too big- NSV! I think i may just stick with yoga pants and leggings, things that will at least last a couple months. OH and i ordered some clothes from american eagle. I use to buy XXL in the hoodies. I bought one in an XL and it was too big. How exciting is that :)


  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    I'm still kinda enjoying the pants I'm wearing. From my thighs looking like they were in sausage casings, to being slightly baggy gives me a thrill :bigsmile:
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 266 Member
    I've gone down 4 sizeds!! I buy stuff at goodwill, or other used clothing store. And I do laundry alot! It got to a point where I had to, Then I realized how much better I feel, and how much more motivated i am, when I'm wearing cloths that fit and look good on me.
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    Ohh, I've pretty much donated about 14 garbage bags of clothes since last year when I started losing weight and let's just say that I find myself buying quite a bit of new stuff, I can't help it, I want to look good and don't want to wear baggy stuff. My suggestion to you is to go to thrift stores, you can get jeans for like $5 or $10 bucks. I also go and just try on a bunch of stuff and remind myself that I can't afford to buy everything, but at least I can put it on at the store. I say at least buy yourself a new outfit every so often to keep you motivated :)
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    I waited until i'd lost 85 lbs to buy new clothes because I knew I'd need to buy clothes again if I did it too soon but apparently that was too soon because the clothes that I bought that were intentionally too small just recently are already looking big on me. I'm not buying another thing until I figure out what size i'm going to be....I imagine it wouldn't be so easy for some but I was fairly content wearing giant clothes. I used it to motivate me to get he rest of the weight off so I could go get some clothes that fit.

    I feel you though. That was my whole thing...i didn't want to waste money on clothes knowing I'd need to buy new clothes again in the not so distant future.
  • angeliis02
    angeliis02 Posts: 103 Member
    ugh. I'm having a hard time with clothes right now because of a recent weight gain. I have my fat pants from when I weighed more and my skinny pants from when I weighed less. Neither of them fit properly now. The smaller ones cause intense amounts of muffin top and the larger ones the *kitten*-end sags in (I have no butt at all, nada, flat as a pancake) and I have to wear belts to hold them up.

    I'm making it work though. I'm not going to buy much until I can't wear anything I own. Money is tight. I buy a little off some Facebook swap groups, a local Mommies Group, etc. I don't pay retail for anything.
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I kept a lot of my clothes as the weight went down, belting dresses and tops that were too big. For pants, I bought work pants (black) at Target every size. For about $20, a pair of pants that didn't fall down was worth it. I did hold off buying jeans until I got really close to my goal weight. Along the way I bought some new clothes, but not too much. I've bought a lot more now that I'm at my goal (ish) weight.

    Buy a couple of bottoms and tops that fit you really well every size or so, but save the majority of the shopping until you are closer to the end. Don't spend a ton of money on them. Shop Goodwill, other thrift stores, Target, Walmart, or any other cheaper clothing store for those in between sizes.
  • salina101902
    salina101902 Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently in the same boat as you. All of my clothes are getting WAY too big yet I still have quite a bit more to lose. What I am doing is buying certain things at certain times. For example, where I live now, we are approaching summer, so I do not need to buy jeans. Something else I am doing is going to consignment shops and buying clothes there. Cheap Cheap Cheap clothes, until I am down to my goal weight and buy myself a whole new wardrobe. Good Luck to you!
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    we are heading into warmer weather so I can wear my skirts and dresses, that might be a bit big (I am only down 25 lbs so far) I am trying not to buy new stuff yet but most of my dress clothes are falling off me.
    I have jeans in three different sizes so I just shuffle what fits... and I am hoping to be at my goal before the weather gets cold again so I can buy the right size and stick with it for life............ thats the whole idea anyways!!!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Well it's only been 22 lbs so far, yeah, so I do fit my clothes albeit they are baggy. I do have smaller clothes but by the end of this year a lot of new clothes will be needed... Garage sales prob this summer
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Thrift store- great idea! Thanks ladies!
  • beanerific518
    beanerific518 Posts: 152
    I started at a size 20 and now am in size 6 (still a work in progress). I had to buy new clothes in between. That being said, it turned me into a very savvy shopper. Coupons, sales, and thrift stores. Don't overbuy at each size as tempting as it might be. Keep a skeleton wardrobe to get you through. I won't lie - i've spent a small fortune on clothes, shoes (yes, shoes - I lost wieght even in my feet), undergarmets, coats, and a new wedding ring (my ring could not be sized down enough without ruining the channel settings). I don't regret a single penny - it has been worth it!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Buying properly fitting clothes makes you feel SOOO much better. I didn't replace my entire wardrobe, but I did buy at least a few pairs of work pants (cause there's no reason to look sloppy at work) and jeans every 20 pounds I went down. It'll give you bigger goals to aspire too--plus the scale sometimes lies, but your clothes size doesn't.
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    That is my conundrum. I'm currently living off of clothes from a prior weight loss. Those are running out. But I don't want to buy any clothes yet. As it is, I'm a little sad (not much) that some of the clothes that I've been hoping to fit into, I've bypassed and they are too big. Some of the clothes that I fit into now are winter clothes and will be too big by the time I need them again.

    Plus, I'm too cheap to spend money on something I won't wear for very long.
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    I bought a pair of jeans on sale at Walmart for $7 so I won't be upset when I get to toss them. I also bought a desperately needed button up shirt from Target for work and a black t-shirt (again from Walmart for $4) because I spilled bleach on my favorite black t-shirt. I really need a new bathing suit but I am hesitating to buy one although I am realizing that I am not going to lose as much weight as I thought before bathing suit season which has already begun here Florida. It will probably be a Walmart or Target special.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I had the same problem. I've lost almost 4 sizes, so wearing my "old" pants to work is not an option. I've had a couple of pants & skirts altered, I've bought a couple of pair from less expensive stores in 2 different sizes as I shrank out of one temp size quickly. I'm now wearing dresses that are too big, but put a sweater and belt over them, so they don't hang like a sack. Any other tricks? I've already spent more than I wanted on "temporary" clothes.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    I have decided not to buy until I have to. I cant afford to keep buying new clothes anyway. One of my jeans is falling off and the other is loose, I have been wearing them with a belt. I did have to buy a new pair of pants the other day, but went to the sale section and managed to find something there. I do need a new swimsuit, but am trying to delay it as long as possible. I also have some of the clothes that I have grown out of as I picked the weight up, so will use those hopefully as I get thinner.
  • afigueroa_pr
    afigueroa_pr Posts: 344
    I went from being a large (sometimes xl) to being a small.
    I've lost 53+ pounds
    All my clothes are so baggy right now and my lovely wife wants me to get new clothes. Don't get me wrong I look super on my new size but the baggy clothes, to me, are a reminder of what I was and what I don't want to be ever again.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I need to. Especially some new work clothes. I got a new job a year and a half ago, and therefore bought a lot of really cute clothes. Which are now all tooooo big. I think when I have a little extra money I'll go get my pants/skirts tailored and probably buy some new shirts. My casual, every day clothing choices are fine because I used to be around this same size about 3 years ago, so I'm now able to wear my clothes that I had gotten too fat to wear for the last few years.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Nope. Bball shorts and T-shirts until I hit my goal, then a whole new wardrobe.
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    My pants droop in the but and some of my shirts are looking larger when they shouldn't but I haven't bought new clothes either.. if you have to get just one pair of jeans or something I have 2 words for ya THRIFT STORE!! It only makes sense.. sometimes you can find a great buy in there and you don't have to spend 40-60 bucks on a pair of pants you are going to be shrinking out of shortly..