Are you buying new clothes?



  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I am a stay at home mom so luckily i dont have to buy work clothes. I would like a couple things that fit nice to make me feel better but money is also very tight with 2 babies and only my husband working. So i'm going to try the thrift store idea and keep my eyes on the clearance racks. Also a coupel sundresses should probably hold me over for a bit!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Im trading with friends and getting some necessary things from goodwill
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I buy when I have to .. like a special occasion or a job interview. (most of my nicer things have gotten too big)

    BUT, Not too long ago I was smaller, much smaller.. so I have an assortment of sizes in my closet, and that is helping with my transitional period.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    I posted about this exact thing a few weeks ago. Im just waiting it out and wearing a belt all the time. My mom commented that i was "rockin the homeless look" lol
  • rachellem86
    rachellem86 Posts: 62 Member
    I bought a couple of new things at thrift stores and such because my work clothes were much too big and I was starting to look a bit unprofessional lol. However, now, some of my smaller clothes are starting to fit again!!!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Right now I'm 20 lbs down, but I was this size a couple years ago, so I kept most of my clothes. I've only had to buy a couple pairs of shorts and one pair of pants...and I went super cheap on em, because I don't plan on being this size for long!

    If you absolutely need to replace things, I'd honestly check out Target, WalMart, TJ Maxx...hell, even Goodwill. Just to get a few things that you need right now. Also, Old Navy has tons of sales and good deals on cheap staples. The sundresses idea is a good one since I know I can wear the same basic sundress at 148 lbs that I could about 15 lbs ago, it just fits a little different. Also, dresses that are a little big in the waist now, I just get a cheap belt (or you can even make your own out of fabric or a long scarf) and cinch the waist in a bit so it fits better.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I'm almost halfway to my goal, and I've had to start buying a few things to get me through. I've gone from an XL to L in shirts and from a 44 waist to a 38 waist in jeans. Still a work in progress - I expect to drop another shirt size and another 6 inches off my waist before I'm done.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Monday was the first time I actually bought some because my clothes are getting to big. I don't need to lose anymore even though I wouldn't mind losing another 5 so for now I'm just buying a few things at a time. I have lots of dresses I can still wear, it's just my pants that are baggy. I pulled a pair a shorts out last night to give away because they are just too big.

    One idea you can do is have a switch and swap party. What you do is you invite several of your friends/family over and everyone brings a bag of clothes they want to give away. You need to try to invite people who are your size that you are now and people who are the size you were. This works out really well because you can really get some nice things this way plus it's a lot of fun.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I have bought new stuff along the way. I started at XXLT and am now at L or LT. It feels really nice to have clothes that fit. I mostly shop big sales and clearance racks. Lots of cheap t-shirts and clearance stuff. I am getting close to my goal and can't wait to start buying nice stuff here and there.

    I personally think the new, smaller size along the way encourages you more. I would buy small amounts along the way of stuff that you like to wear. I have a couple nice weekend outfits, but my gym clothes are all way too big still because I don't care at the gym.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    My closet is getting bare as I've been weeding out the items that are just too big to wear without looking silly (especially my professional clothes). Just this morning I put on a button up, thought "well, today's the last time I wear this shirt", then decided as I was finishing getting ready that it was just too big to really wear even one more time. So I changed my outfit at the last second and that top went straight into the donate pile!

    I've bought a few new things but not many. Fortunately, I haven't gotten rid of many of my "skinny" clothes, so I can go "shopping" in my storage bins instead of at the store and wear things that have been tucked away for years. The things I've bought have been on sale, with coupons (hello, $3 shirt from Target!) or for a special event where I wanted to look nice in clothes that fit (i.e. my hubby's graduation from law school). I would suggest keeping your eyes open for deals at stores like Target (there are often coupons on their website for $ off apparel items that you can print), Walmart, TJMaxx, Kohls, JCPenney (great markdowns on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month!), etc. Also, I rarely leave a store without browsing the clearance racks - I've found tons of great things there for under $5!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I find I can get more use out of dresses - they don't fall down like pants. They seem to look good longer too. I just keep trying to find ways to get more use out of my old clothes - taking them in, belting, etc.

    Good luck!
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
    not for a while!! lol Im wearing the same clothes I gained 40-50 lbs in!! what the crap so ill atlreast have to lose 50 before I can say they are way to big. and also i have a another complete wardobe i could wear if i get to 200-220
  • Wreak_Havoc
    Wreak_Havoc Posts: 597
    I posted about this exact thing a few weeks ago. Im just waiting it out and wearing a belt all the time. My mom commented that i was "rockin the homeless look" lol

    ROFLMAO My wife said about the same thing to me this morning!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I told myself for every 10lbs I lost, I would buy one outfit... That lasted for 20lbs.. then I just couldn't stop shopping. Luckily, I never threw out my high school jeans and tops because most of them fit me now. You deserve to enjoy your new body. Even if you are not done, why should you have to wait if you are already looking fabulous!... Just don't buy expensive stuff. TJMaxx and Marshalls are great for that.
  • Wreak_Havoc
    Wreak_Havoc Posts: 597
    Goodwill, Thrift Store, Second chance clothing shops.

    I buy a few things to get me by for under $10 total, Under-grow them donate them back and buy some more smaller ones. LOL I just realized! When I donate them back I can take the tax deduction! Doh'
  • thatdude3
    thatdude3 Posts: 33
    I broke down and bought new clothes because they were all so big on me. I waited until I had lost about 80 pounds but even now the new clothes are getting too big. It is getting expensive to keep buying new clothes so every now and then I buy a new pair of pants or two.
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    I kept a big pile of "skinny clothes" so I am slowly starting to move into those :) Put I plan on just shopping clearance until I get to goal
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Ugh, I went from 4XL to L in a year. It's tough really, deciding when to buy new clothes. I went weeks feeling like a hobo wearing larger clothes because I didn't want to buy new clothes, only to have them not fit me in a month or 2.
  • naswegan
    naswegan Posts: 9
    I have been going through the same issue as you, except I'd had a baby in December, so I also have a pile of maternity clothes that I don't know whether to keep for next time (if there IS a next time) or get rid of them to create more space! I actually chose the route of buying new clothes each time my standbys got too big, and this does indeed lead to a lot of wardrobe turnover and, thus, somewhat of a waste of money. I have donated many bags' worth of clothes to Goodwill and consigned the nicer duds over the past few months.

    At the same time, though, I can't say that I regret going this route as opposed to waiting it out. If you think about it, every size you drop is a small victory, right? Why shouldn't you celebrate that by buying a little something that fits well on the body you have right now and makes you feel confident? If you hold onto your old clothes, as they become 1, 2, 3+ sizes too big, they are going to hang differently (read: unflatteringly) on your smaller body. Yes, it feels good that your pants look baggy instead of skin-tight, but ultimately too-big clothing will only look frumpy, and if you worked hard to drop the weight I would think you'd want to show it off, one success at a time. Plus, if you wear clothes that are the correct size for your body (even if you know you will continue to shrink), you know that you have no choice but to continue to exert effort in order to maintain the smaller size or keep dropping weight. Baggier clothes give you the capability to backslide and to eat more- you have the extra room to grow if you so choose.

    I understand that it is financially impractical to purchase a whole new wardrobe every time you drop ten pounds, however. You have many options to remedy this. You can buy a few basics (dark wash jean, solid colored sweater, etc) that would get a lot of wear, to keep you going until you hit your next lower size. You can hit thrift stores like Goodwill, or consignment stores (Stuff, Etc., Plato's Closet, etc.) to pick up some pieces. Old Navy tends to have really good sales fairly often to stock up on basics. You can even round some friends up for a "clothing swap" and get some new-to-you pieces for free, plus unload your old stuff to someone who can use them.

    You can spend conservatively while still celebrating the victories you've experienced on your weight-loss journey. You don't want to wear a garbage bag until you are at your 'perfect weight'. You gotta rock the body you've got right now too. Where's the pleasure in losing weight if you can't show it off a little bit?

    Good luck and congrats on your progress! :)
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    If I didn't buy new clothes I'd be naked. There is no way I could hold up a size 24 pants anymore :)