WOMEN! Please let me know your thoughts!



  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I'm on Loestrin, but my hormones were all out of whack before the BC, and actually added to my weight gain.. after getting on Loestrin my moods evened out, I felt better, and I was able to actually see results from my diet and exercise.

    Yay, Loestrin!
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    I've been on Nuva Ring for 4 years. I love it! No mood swings, or weird side effects, no weight gain, and its easy to remember because I just have to replace it once a month.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm on nuvaring. Amazing stuff. Put it in, set a reminder in your phone, take it out after three weeks, leave it out for one week, repeat. At first, it made a lot of things much easier. No bloating during or before periods, very easy to lose weight, same mood swings as usual (I am a crazy person so I can't really judge this very well. My moods were pretty bad before I started birth control and now they're not nearly as bad but that has nothing to do with the ring.) I've been on it for a few years now and I think my body has gotten used to it or something, because all of my period stuff has come back (cramping, crying during advair commercials, bloating, weight gain, etc) but I wouldn't change it. It's just so darn convenient. I live in the UK though and we have the NHS so I get it for free. Also, unlike any of the pills I've tried, there is no spotting with this, at least not after the first month. It's never fallen out, my husband can't feel it. It's a beautiful thing.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    I've been on Yasmin for about seven years for PCOS. I'm honestly not sure what it's done for me as far as weight gain/loss or whatever because I've been on it so long, although I seem a bit less emotionally "stable" when I'm off it. Stable might be the wrong word to use, just because of the connotations, but last January I was off the pill for about 35 days because I switched insurance, and due to shenanigans, wasn't able to get a refill on my BC for a few weeks. It was awful. I was so on-edge that month! I was a massive b*tch and cried at everything. Not sure if it was withdrawal, or if that's what I'm really like without my meds, or what. I think at some point my endocrinologist wants to take me off the pill for a few months and see what my body does...I'm not really looking forward to that... :|
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I was on Alesse (spelling might be a little off here...blaming short term memory!) at first and it was not strong enough for me. No noticeable weight gain.

    Then I was on Yasmine. Hell! I had huge side effects. In short, I could not eat dairy, lettuce, etc without getting massive pain and bloating afterwards. Took a few doctors (most thought I had Crohn's disease) until I found one that said: it's a side effect from Yasmine. I stopped taking it and 3 weeks later, I was back to eating everything I wanted. No noticeable weight gain (probably due to the fact I could not eat much).

    Then came Seasonale. You only get your period every 3 months. I takes times for your body to adjust (6months for me), but it worked for me for 2 years without side effects and no noticeable weight gain.

    However, I have noticed that ever since I started watching what I eat and working out more, it seems to not be strong enough anymore....so I'll be looking for a new BCP very soon.
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    I am on Beyaz right now and I LOVE it! No weight gain, but a huge libido increase, which is... well awesome. ;)

    I also took Seasonique, but I literally cried everyday and gained A LOT of weight.

    Orthtricyclin made me gain weight like crazy too.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Mirena hormonal IUD. I love it! I got it as soon as I could after my first child, kept it for a year and then had it taken out to start TTC #2. It only took one cycle afterwards and we were preggo! I got it again after my second child as well, and am quite happy.
    I don't have TOM anymore. I mean, I get cranky, and I may have a handful of cramps, but no actual ickiness.
    As stated, won't take forever to get cycles back in order when (if) you decide it's baby-making time.
    No pills to buy and remember to take.
    I forget it's there most of the time. Hurray!

    When I'm ovulating, there are certain positions during *ahem* happy times that are not comfortable. I think it's just because my cervix is all swollen from ovulation and the Mirena is more noticeable, but it's only for a couple of days and it's easy enough to just avoid those positions.
    I buy a lot of pregnancy tests since I don't have that monthly reminder of "Hey, no preggo!" However, I buy them from the dollar store, so it's not really a big deal.

    As far as weight is concerned, I have lost 100 pounds since my last pregnancy, all while having the Mirena. I don't find it any harder or easier to lose weight, but I never really tried without it, so not sure.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Depo Provera (the shot). I ADORE it, but it is common for people to gain weight on it (I lost 5 pounds between my first two shots, which not typical).

    This is why I am on MFP. I gained most of what I am trying to lose due to this shot. I also had a period that lasted 4 months.
    I personally would NOT recommend this.

    Yeah, it definitely doesn't work for everyone, but for me its awesome. Sucks that it takes so much more to get the weight off than put it on. Hope you're doing well!

    BC is wildly different for everyone. I had been on ortho-tri before, which did pretty much nothing for heavy flow, then tried ortho-low, which caused me to cry for a month straight. I have a crazy schedule and travel a lot, so taking a pill at the same time every day is kind of difficult, which is why I tried depo in the first place. I know two people who had IUDs that failed to implant and ended up pregnant, which freaks me out. I notice that I get a bit more emotional/hungry the week before my shot window starts, but that is it.
  • acm130
    acm130 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in my 30s and have been on a number of different types of contraception. For me the easiest and most effective was orthotrycyclin. I took it for years and d/t problems w/ endometrious switched to a seasonique type regimen to minimize menstration (and the 3x year period was sooooo nice) I also did one cycle of Depo prior to that and gained 20+ in those 3 mos! In my experience, while hormones can play a role in weight gain (AEB the Depo debacle) it's also my food choices/activity (stating the obvious). The other thing to consider is sometimes hormonal fluctuations make me crave certain foods (carbs, fat, salt) and these foods exacerbate an already lethargic bloated apathetic me. Now that I've been logging foods and correlating it with days of the month and my cycle I'm aware of this tendency to want to eat deep fried cheese and lay on the couch wearing sweat pants.... Okay I was aware of it before, but now I'm trying not to excuse it and be more conscientious about my choices. Another option no one has mentioned is Fertility Awareness Method. It's not right for everyone (and it is NOT the same as the rythmn method) but if you are someone who is comfortable being in touch with your body and using a barrier method or abstaining from intercourse during ovulatory phase it could be right for you and a plus is it's basically free and non-pharmocologic and the things you apply with FAM can be used later down the road when you're trying to get preggers:smile:
  • violethaze
    violethaze Posts: 13
    I'm on Dianette for PCOS - no side affects to speak of, but it hasn't helped me to lose weight either. Some others (Yasmin being the best example) have been known to help with the weight loss.
  • MaddiJoseph
    MaddiJoseph Posts: 117 Member
    I've been on Nuvaring since I had my son. I ADORE it! It's simple. You put it in and forget it. I never have problems with it falling out and I'm half way to losing my baby weight. It's the best birth control I have ever used!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm on Loestrin 24 FE.. and I absolutely love it!

    No weight gain, made losing weight a breeze, and my periods only last 4 days max/are super light... which is wonderful consdering I can from super heavy, crampy, periods.
  • melissa_leah
    melissa_leah Posts: 107
    I am on Ocella ( generic YAZ), I haven't experienced any negative effects from it.

  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    Depo Provera (the shot). I ADORE it, but it is common for people to gain weight on it (I lost 5 pounds between my first two shots, which not typical).

    This is why I am on MFP. I gained most of what I am trying to lose due to this shot. I also had a period that lasted 4 months.
    I personally would NOT recommend this.

    That's why I got off of it! It didn't make me gain weight (I still was able to lose) but I had my period foreverrrrr. I take Yasmin now and love it. No crazy side effects, and my skin is clear!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    im fixed :D lol...but depo was a major fattie time for me, thats when i got my first strech marks, oh the memories!! frig.
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    Mirena, love it, no periods. I have put weight on since having it, but I dont think its the cause, as im losing it now Im eating better. I still get symptoms of pmt though, or may be im just a moody cow
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    im on the depo shot and noticed no change in weight. ive been on it for a year. i been losing weight with no problem!

    This. I love the shot, it's been almost a year since I switcjed from tricyclen. Quick doctors visit once every 3 months, no periods or cramps, and very effective. I dont think its affected my weight loss at all. I switched from the pill becuase Im lazy and would forget pills all the time, making me a very crazy hormonal beast :explode:
  • catattack13
    catattack13 Posts: 117
    I'm on Loestrin, but my hormones were all out of whack before the BC, and actually added to my weight gain.. after getting on Loestrin my moods evened out, I felt better, and I was able to actually see results from my diet and exercise.

    Yay, Loestrin!

    ^^^ same. I was on Seasonale a few years ago and it made me INSANE. no periods for 3 months, super period on month 4 with two weeks of pms and absurd cravings.
  • PhoebeC123
    PhoebeC123 Posts: 28
    Norimin contraceptive pill..
    Made my appetite huge :(
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I've tried everything, patches, shots, pills, implants and the only thing that didn't make me gain weight: the husband got a vasectomy ;)