What to do post-binge



  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Tomorrow is a brand new day!!:flowerforyou: Erase and ..err.. Start over!
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    You lack discipline.

    Wow... talk about judgment! Let he who is without fault cast the first stone!

    its a joke.... ive heard it many places but prolly one of the best is South Park... i doubt any hurt was meant
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, just get back on the horse. Try to find a different way to cope other than food.....not easy, but possible.

    This. Just know that one time will not mess up your hard work and if you.do get on the scale and see a little weight gain just know its water weight.

    Also, to help address the emotional binges.. i highly recommend a book by Geneen Roth called "When You Eat at the Refrigerator Pull Up a Chair". She battled with these types of eating isdues most of her life and now helps others through her books and workshops. Im not a reader but when I picked up the book I couldnt put it down... I felt like she was talking directly to me with all the things she discussed regarding emotional eating. It was also comforting knowing Im not the only person going through the things I have with emotional eating. Im proud to say that Ive pretty much now taken control of my eating problems and have since list 11 lbs:)

    You can do this.
  • cdgmblu
    cdgmblu Posts: 1
    I agree that you do ned to figure out a plan to be able to deal with this situation if it should arise again,.....but it is over with and nothing you can do about it except go forward ......we all mess up....forgive yourself and move on.
  • lking125
    lking125 Posts: 25
    Well, speaking of someone doing the same thing, today, and had a lot on mothers day, can't exactly say no to the kids. You just start over the next day. Live and learn. Don't beat yourself up over it. Its a normal part of life.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Well first off you didn't undue all your hard work by one high calorie day. If that was the case I would never progress because I do that every Sunday. It doesn't work like that! (thank goodness right?!)

    On Mondays I usually try to eat light. Makes me feel better. Both mentally and physically cuz I usually am still full lol.

    Don't let it bother you. If it happens like once a week you're just fine :)
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    it amazes me how much a simple forum post can motivate/inspire you. i'll be taking all your advice on board... i agree now that moving on and starting fresh the next day would be the best option, otherwise i'd be at risk of sulking/beating myself up over it ---> more sadness ---> more poor eating, lol. thanks a lot for all the positive responses everyone! :)
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    you should write a letter to yourself about the reasons why you shouldn't binge. and then every time you feel the overwhelming urge to eat everything in front of you, you read that letter and stay on plan. i don't know...it worked on How I Met Your Mother (sort of ;)
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I def. would not cut cals too low to "make up" for it. Maybe just an extra workout or two this week :) don't beat yourself up over it, I used to do that myself. And now(I've never had a problem with "binge" eating) if I eat something bad, I just try and work out a little harder :) chances ate If est that many cals I will be full of energy anyway! The other week I had some of my mommas meatloaf and mash potatoes (so bad for me I know, but who can turn down your fav. Dish that momma makes? Lol) and I was going to the gym anyway. So I did 30 extains of cardio. Got into the green in my cals and it felt great! Where I work out, they have 12 TVs in the cardio area and you just plug in your headphones and watch tv. It's easy to spend an exta half hour watching tv :) watched some storage wars lol yuuup
  • angelheaven23
    angelheaven23 Posts: 6 Member
    just dust yourself off and start as if it never happened. I ate a ton of cream cheese frosting since we had extra left from making cupcakes for preschool graduation and I didn't make it to the gym this am and I kept changing my mind about going this afternoon but at the last minute I packed up my kiddos and headed out to kickboxing. I felt so much better that I did it, and then I actually did realize that the frosting was not worth it, but I always get in moods to eat and practically gorge myself so much that I am uncomfortable and the guilt of that is not even worth it but we all fall off the wagon, it may be for a day, maybe for weeks or months but just finish where you left off and log it in your diary and put in an edit note so you see why you did what you did. Don't stress, I am the same way and it is easier said than done.
  • vrutwind
    vrutwind Posts: 25
    Don't stress about it! You can't undo days, weeks and months of progress in one day. After days like that though I do find my stomach feels sick afterwards, so I drink a lot of ginger tea for the next couple of days which helps settle it down and all of that liquid helps reduce the bloat.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    You lack discipline.

    You lack a ticker so we can see how much you have lost.
  • MaddiJoseph
    MaddiJoseph Posts: 117 Member
    I try to figure out why I did it and either avoid that situation or find some other way to cope. Ticked off? go work it out at the gym. Tired and exhausted? skip the junk food eat a healthy snack and crash early. Obviously it doesn't ALWAYS work and everyone goes over. Just check out my diary. Yesterday was a leftover day and the hubby wanted to grill out for supper and I had a bum ankle. No workout for me. It happens. You just stick with it the next day, but don't compensate. It's not worth it. It;s not worth the stress and the stress alone can help you hold weight. no fun. Good Luck!
  • MaddiJoseph
    MaddiJoseph Posts: 117 Member
    You lack discipline.

    You lack a ticker so we can see how much you have lost.

    That's the truth! No judgemental stuff on here! We're supposed to support each other!