How far do you travel to go to the gym and workout???



  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    10 minute walk from my apartment. Any further and I simply would not go and I don't have a car.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    its a 3min walk lol
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    About 15 minutes in traffic after work, but its a Lifetime Onyx gym and completely worth it to me. I go four times a week, and on the off days I do yoga or something light at home.

    On the weekend it takes me 5 minutes to get there from home.
  • Rowena02148
    Rowena02148 Posts: 32 Member
    5mins drive.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    my gym is 10-15 minutes away depending on traffic, and the park I like to run at is down the street from the gym...

    sometimes I have considered running to the gym...but it's on some major streets with scary traffic. I prefer to run in parks and places without traffic...
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    1 block when I go do zumba.. 15 blocks when I go walk at the beach
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    About 5 minutes, no traffic. A YMCA, closest workout facitity for me. Has to be convenient, or I will stop going.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    About 10 minute drive :)
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    the gym is about 3 miles from my house, so maybe 5-10 minutes, and the track i run on is about 1/2 a mile from my house so it takes me maybe a minute to get there.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    My gym is about 5-10 minute drive, depending on traffic.
  • peacestar84
    peacestar84 Posts: 100
    Takes me 8-10 min to drive to the gym. 17 min bus ride. About 30 to walk but all up a very steep hill, so if I did that I would not bother working out, I'd just turn around and walk home and log that.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    My gym is about 15 mins away depending on traffic.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    Oh I love everyones suggestions to walk to the gym!!! mine is about a 5min car ride, so depending on the day I might just do that..... however.... could be a problem getting home if i am too exhusted to walk! lol
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    ur gonna hate me. 30 second walk to the little gym down the hallway of my apartment building.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    10 feet from the bed
  • Wintermoonlight
    Less than a Mile.
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone :)
    To those who were asking, Im paying $20 a month. Ive only had the membership for about a month so far, so the expense of gas there and back hasnt been a problem yet.... Im moving in a few weeks and then Ill only be down the street from the gym. Im sure Ill be able to go a lot more when that happens. :)
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    ur gonna hate me. 30 second walk to the little gym down the hallway of my apartment building.

    I wish!!! Id go all the time!!!
  • jfields42
    jfields42 Posts: 27
    I go to the gym in my apartment building. It is a 2 minute walk and no one seems to work out there. It is great for me because I can get a good workout with no distractions and can watch TV at the same time.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    My gym is about 6 miles from my apartment. 6 miles doesn't sound far, but the way to get there involves about 9 million stop traffic, it can take me like 10-15 minutes...traffic (which there usually is because I go after work) it's like 20-30 minutes. To go 6 miles. Stupid.

    There is one closer one, but it kinda sucks, so I go the extra 5 miles for the nice gym :)