people who lost weight without exercising



  • unifil
    unifil Posts: 39 Member
    weight loss is 90%diet.

    If you want to look good, watch what you eat.

    If you want to look good naked, watch what you eat and exercise.

    :-) love it!!! :-)
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I don't beleive that anyone can't lose weight while exercising. Exercise has nothing to do with weight loss, other than to burn more calories and create more of a deficit. You can certainly lose without exercising if you create a calorie deficit. But exercise has so many health benefits beyond weight loss, I wouldn't recommend it.

    "Exercise has nothing to do with weight loss..."

    Prove it. Show me the science on that one, please.

    Weight loss is simply burning more calories than you consume. Of course it can be done without burn calories sitting on a toilet and sleeping. Will the op or anyone have optimal results without But it is 100% possible.
  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    Ive done this weight loss thing before...49 years old.... I was an athlete through my 30's and then injuries. Gained weight and tried to lose without exercise and I ALWAYS gained it back. So here I am losing weight and getting fit at the same time... What a concept. I love to work out and I'm sure the weight will be gone forever with that old saying..."Eat less and exercise more" The exercise will keep you on track for a lifetime.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    They say "abs are made in the kitchen" for a reason. I think exercise is encouraged more for the mental health (stress relief, different coping mechanism than using food, etc) than for burning calories to lose weight. That's just my opinion.

    I always found when I tried to do lots of cardio... it made me super hungry and then I would just binge! And the vicious cycle began - exercise, binge, exercise to compensate.

    Do what feels right to you, but for right now it's easier for me to just eat less and do light exercising.

    I find if I do HIIT or intervals or circuit training I am less hungry. But if I spend an hour on steady state cardio I am starving. So I just try to keep it short and intense.
  • ryliejaiden
    ryliejaiden Posts: 68
    I eat 1200-1300 calories a day. I try to eat all organic, clean, whole foods from the earth. Any meat or fish I eat is usually salmon or extra lean chicken, and its always free range, or wild caught and organic. I try not to eat anything that has added sugar and have quit soda and candy cold turkey :) I've been here since April 22, and have lost just over 9lbs.
    My average weight loss is 2.6lbs a week. I have about 20 lbs left to lose.
  • ryliejaiden
    ryliejaiden Posts: 68
    Sorry that was a reply to this:
    I'm not exercising a ton right now and I'm consistently losing 2lbs a week. Just walks and hikes a couple times a week. I plan to concentrate on losing weight due to how I eat for now. Then once I am completely comfortable with what I eat and eating well has become a habit, then I will work harder on exercise. Baby steps for me :)

    sorry to get a bit side-tracked, but if you don't mind my asking about how many cals do you eat a day? 2lbs consistently is impressive, i'm jealous lol! mine weight loss is never consistent, bit frustrating :(

    I eat 1200-1300 calories a day. I try to eat all organic, clean, whole foods from the earth. Any meat or fish I eat is usually salmon or extra lean chicken, and its always free range, or wild caught and organic. I try not to eat anything that has added sugar and have quit soda and candy cold turkey :) I've been here since April 22, and have lost just over 9lbs.
    My average weight loss is 2.6lbs a week. I have about 20 lbs left to lose.