Want to be built for speed not just comfort....

SturgeonGal Posts: 88
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I am realatively new here .. again... I have used the web site in the past but always have come up with an excuse to stop... This time I will hopefully be sucessful in my wieght loss ...
My husband tells me now that I am "made for comfort not for speed" that is not what I want not any more...
One thing I am doing different is not only do I have to aswer to myself and to MFP but I also have instigated the help of my daughter to keep tabs on me and push me to not give up..
I am currently 240# and my goal is to get down to 175# and be comfortable in my size 12 pants again not tight just comfortable... to be able to wear a 2 piece on the boat fishing and not be embarassed by my fat rolls ...
I am going to supplement my dieting with evening walks until the weather turns cold again and then I plan to join the gym and strart working out 3-4 days a week on cardio and weights for toning...

I know the skinny me is there hiding under all of this fat.... just have to find her


  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Well, welcome back SG!!! You are in the right mindset, and you can suceed!

  • good for you. (: evening walks, huh? that's a good idea. mabye i'll try that. :D but anywho. I know you can do it. anyone can with your mindset!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    This is a great site. Take the time to learn about all the great features and use them.
    You will succeed if you work hard.

    Take it one day at a time
    Stay open minded to new ideas
    Take baby steps
    Drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Think of this as a new way of life, not just a temporary diet.

    It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so there are no surprises.

    Find a group to be part of and check in with them every day.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love this site if you don't already. I :heart: it here. This site is so motivational, helpful, supportive, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!! :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Fell off the wagon for a bit :cry: but I am back on and so far so good .. lost 3 pounds might be mostly water weight but hay gotta take what ever we can get right.. at least some movement in the right direction on the scale is a good motivation to keep going :smile: Night before last i walked about a 3-4 mile loop by my house a good majority of it is up hill ... takes me about an hour to do and I am going for it again tonight after work just me and my iPod .. leave the kids and hubby at home so i can go at my own pace .. i find good up beat music helps keep the pace up the faster the beat the faster the pace so i got some of my kids Techno and harder rock music to listen to .. Eating a lot of fruits and veggies during the day .. sometimes it gets slow in my office and when i get bored i nibble soo i keep Sweet snap peas or other fruit and veggies on my desk cut into bite size finger foods.. and a 1 lt bottle of cold water in easy reach I found the side i put it on makes a difference if the water bottle is on my right in tend to drink less but if it is on my left i will tend to reach for it if I am snacky or thirsty.. strange huh.. wel lwhat ever works Right..

    Good luck to everyone.. think positive
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It's good to hear from you again. It took me over a year from the day I looked at the picture of myself that made me sick, til the day I made my first food plan and stuck to it. I hope you won't be as slow and hard-headed as I was.

    This can be the beginning of a journey to health and joy.

    Take it one day at a time and don't let anybody get in your way.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I think I did good this morning ....
    We have this exercise thing called a "Torso Track" you lay it one the ground, sit on your knees on a little cushion and place you hannds on the handles, extend your body out to the end of the track ( nearly full length) while engaging your abs bring your self back up... it is kind of like a reverse crunch or something .... supose to be good to tone the muscles in the ab core, back, arms and thighs .. I feel it mostly in my abs after i do a few .. right now I can do one set of 15 in the morning and am going to try and do another set after work (before dinner) and a third set before bed...
    Theory: If I do this I will strenghen the muscles under all this fat and there fore they will burn more calories and help with getting rid of the fat so we can see the pretty muscles... :smile: That's my story and I'm sticking to it... LOL

    Breakfast consisted of a cup of home made mocha and 1/2 of a banana nut muffin from Costco.
  • welcome! how do you like the excersise machiene? saw it on tv...keep up the good work!
  • welcome! how do you like the excersise machiene? saw it on tv...keep up the good work!

    It is great the only hard thing i find about it is the self decipline to use it on a regulra basis at home... But I am working on it .. When I do use it though I can feel it in my abs almost right away and that is a plus :happy:
  • I have made my food diary public so others can see what I am doing and how it effects my weight loss... If something works for me it may work for someone else too.... we are all different... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/SturgeonGal

    I have also started blogging and have found that it is easier to blog sometimes than to use the message boards I will still log on here from time to time but if you'd like to check out my blog... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/SturgeonGal

    Good luck on your weight loss journey...
  • Howdy all just thought I would check in here ..
    The pounds are continuing to drop at an average of 1/2 a pound ever couple of days so now I am oficially at 230# this morning the scale said 228# but I am not counting the los until it stays for a few days ... I know weight fluctuates and I shouldn't weigh daily but right now that is what is keeping me motivated... :smile:
    what ever it takes to keep going right ? :wink:
    I think I am going to go for a walk today maybe even see if I can break into a jog at some point... Not really built for running yet but no time like the present to try.... There are a couple of routes I can take a loop i know is 2.5 miles and another that will be over 4 miles... hmmm.... what to do.. LOL

    It is my day off work so why not take an hour or two for myself .. I deserve it .... well I better get my butt moving while I am motivated the longer i sit her the hard it will be to get going ....

    Hope you all are having a great day ...
  • I Did it .. I Did it ....
    I joined a gym today...
    We live on a hill and at the bottom of that hil just under 2 miles away is a Snap Fitness Gym... This afternoon I broke down.. talked my daughter into walking there and back with me and signed up for a family membership for 6 months ...
    on the walk i burned about 650 cal..
    Then when my son got home we went down to work out I focused on my weghts since I had alredy done cardio with the walk and I burned another 750 cal...

    the cal burn is per my Polar F6 HRM I have ...

    Although I am a little sore today... I plan to work out again tomorrow .. I feel great... and I have burned 1400 calories in one day... 1400 WOW.. to me that is amazing.. I know I have to wat most of those back but .. WOW

    :drinker: :happy:
  • Just got back from the gym and although the increase in pounds this morning acording to the bathroom scale is depressing I am not going ot let it control my diet.. :grumble: :huh:
    I worked out for 1 hour and 40 minutes today. Started with 30 minutes of cardio then my core machines and upper body machines, then i cooled down with 20 minutes on the recumbent bike... I burned a total of 860 calories which I think is pretty good for a work out.. :happy:
    I had a sandwhich before I went ( about 30 min before) and when I got back I had a salad with Southwest Salsa in place of dressing... While at the gym I drank 2- 1 liter bottles of water... :drinker:
    After work tomorrow I will workout again and focus on my legs instead of my upper body ... :smile:
    If I stick with it for the 7 months I have paid for the gym working out 4-5 days a week then I should in all theory reach my goals by or before summer... even if the pounds don't all come off the fat should still melt off and I should be thin and toned and comfortably fitting into a size 12 or smaller.... :bigsmile:

    Lets start with 200 pounds and or 36" jeans by the end of the year... good place to start.. :smile:
  • I don't understand... WHY??? :huh: :noway:
    not sure what I am doing wrong exactly.. got on the scale this morning and I am back up to 231#.. I worked out all last week and was active this weekend with yard work ... My net calories has been generally around 1200 with the days at the gym when i can seem to eat back all the calories at a net of closer to 800...
    Could I be not eating enough especially on the workout days?
    Am I eating to much sodium? ( I have gone over a couple of days)
    Am I drionking to much water? ( I drink on average 5-8 liters a day)
    Is it that the fat I had is slowly being replaced with muscle that is denser?

    HELP!!! :grumble: :sad:
  • I am sooo freaking fustrated with the whole weightloss thing right now... :noway:
    I am busting my *kitten* at the gym 5 days a week and watching what I eat, saying no to the yummy stuff like sodas, and sweets and having the healthy stuff like water and fresh fruit...:smile: but am I gettin any where .. :huh:
    hell no I am bouncing around between 225 and 230 pounds..:explode:
    part of me wants to just give up .... :embarassed:
    either just eat and forget the whole weight loss idea or the opposite and not eat and starve my self to skinny... :noway: Both solutions I know are self destructive and will get me no where... I know this and there fore will not do either... :tongue:
    Instead I will keep logging the calories and working out 5 days a week and meet with my doctor on the 30th and find out what I am doing wrong... :huh:
    :grumble: but it is still so gosh dang fustrating and when i get on the scale I want to scream, cry and throw a temper tantrum :sad: :cry:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am sooo freaking fustrated with the whole weightloss thing right now... :noway:
    I am busting my *kitten* at the gym 5 days a week and watching what I eat, saying no to the yummy stuff like sodas, and sweets and having the healthy stuff like water and fresh fruit...:smile: but am I gettin any where .. :huh:
    hell no I am bouncing around between 225 and 230 pounds..:explode:
    part of me wants to just give up .... :embarassed:
    either just eat and forget the whole weight loss idea or the opposite and not eat and starve my self to skinny... :noway: Both solutions I know are self destructive and will get me no where... I know this and there fore will not do either... :tongue:
    Instead I will keep logging the calories and working out 5 days a week and meet with my doctor on the 30th and find out what I am doing wrong... :huh:
    :grumble: but it is still so gosh dang fustrating and when i get on the scale I want to scream, cry and throw a temper tantrum :sad: :cry:
    hang in there .........patience will go along way with this new lifestyle ... you can do it ......:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the encouragement...
    I am soo glad I paid for 7 months at the gym up front... it is keeping me going .. I soo wanted to just throw in the towel but ...
    I have worked so hard so far I just need to keep at it and get the balance right and it WILL come off .. Eventually...

    I made my food diary public too thinking heck if I am going to be accountable to my fellow MFP'ers then I can't hide what I have been doing .. IF I screw up something I have to log it and the whole MFP community can see if they want .. :blushing: if I keep it private I am still only accountable to myself .. right ?? :drinker:
  • IT MOVED ..in the right direction it moved... :drinker: I have been stalled or on the up swing for the last wek or so and getting really fustrated andthis morning I got on the scale.. couldn't help it .. there it sat beconing to me to step on it... so I did and I lost almost a pound.. . wooohoooo 226.6# yaahoo :laugh:
    now if it will only keep going down ..(( Crossing My Fingers )) :bigsmile:
  • deleted post .. .
  • HELP>>>>>
    it is a realatively quiet day at work and I am bored senseless and wanting to nibble ..
    the two glass jars of miniture candy bars on the counter less than 6 feet from me are calling my name...there are Snickers,, reeses, kitkat, all the yummy little candy bars... They may be small but they have 50-80 calories each... :grumble: :sad:
    "shellie come eat us we are yummy you know you want us.. " arg make them stop :grumble: ..
    I only have 305 calories left for the day and wont be able to get to the gym my son have a band concert tonight :noway: ....
    2 more hours to get thru..... :huh:
    I have to make it and resist the temptation I already had one :embarassed: No More ... Nope not going to do it...
    wish i could get away from the office but I am it just little ol' me til 5...
    shhhhh .. make the bad voices stop.. I just want the good ones... :huh:
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