Want to be built for speed not just comfort....



  • Halloween has come and gone and I survived ... I resisted the candy... when I went grocery shopping I even resisted the samples... all with a polite "no thank you" all except one little sample on Pumpkin pie .. and then I only had the one lil 1" square piece.... I figure all in all I did fairly well.. :bigsmile:
    Found a cool new drink too ... It is called Cascade Ice it is a soda water or sparkling water (with the bubbles) and fruit flavoring .. My hubby likes the Lemon and I like the Wild Berry and the Pomegrante berry... and the cool part of it is there is only 2 calories in an 8oz serving No Fat, NO Sodium, and NO Sugar... I would recommend it to anyone who wants a healthy alternative to soda or just something different and healthy to drink :drinker:
  • OMG I have to tell someone who will totally understand... :smile:
    Any way Got on the scale this morning and I was down to 221.8 that is like almost 2 pounds in a couple of days and the coolest part is it is that time of the month (:blushing: ) and I always weigh heavier then.. and then i had my daughter do my measurements this afternoon and I have droped about 3" in the last month on my chest, waist and 6" on my tighs and my hips staied the same but again might be a little bloaty.. but I am sooooooooo jazzed ..:bigsmile:
    heading to the gym to do a 60 min hard cardio on the Arc and treadmill and do a little core too.... :bigsmile:
    Wooohooo :drinker:
  • New picture taken at 220# in my profile pics....:blushing: I am going to try and take one at every 20# mark to track visual progress .. I know I have lost inches because the numbers are down about 3" everywhere and thhe jeans are falling down .. so that is progress.... Comments are welcome... Well off to the gym for an hour of cardio .. haven't been in 2 days because of sick child..
    need to go.. want to go.. have to go ... gotta do something i am going stir crazy... I shopped for 3 hours at the store then came home and unloaded put away grogeries and cleaned the kitchen.. did laundry and generally picked up ..
  • this is strange.. the more I work out and the more inches i lose the more i like to look at my body in the mirror .. LOL it just to me looks and feels like I am geting skinnier.. I am constantly askiing my husband to feel my waist and confirm that it is not all in my head ... I can see the bottoms on my rib cages and feel the ribs thru the fat easier.. The curves are becoming more prominant to me ..... :blushing:

    Both of my kids on different occasions have said that "mom's drug of choice is working out" ... my daughter even told that to her father ( my ex) ..LOL it is true hitting the gym and putting in a hard workout for an hour or so is my drug ofchoice ... not only am i feeling and seeing results but after I feel amazing especially when i can barely stumble out of the gym I feel energized with in 15 to 20 minutes later... I burn of soooo much everyday tension and stress.. which when you hav 3 kids that dont always pull their weight or a husband you rarely get to see because of work schedules or a job that you get fustrated with the things the company does... there can be a lot of everyday tension and stress... hi ho hi ho off to the gym I go..... LOL :drinker:

    I am already planning my thanksgiving .. light filling breakfast ( 2-300 calorie) hit the gym for 60-90 minutes of a hard sweaty workout ( aim for 700 - 900 calorie burn) ... go to my brother in laws for thanksgiving dinner have small portions of the things I love the most.. ( dinner is at 2 ish) then enjoy the afternoon with the family .. later that evening around 6 or so maybe have a salad or something low cal for dinner and fresh fruit or 100 cal popcorn for evening snack... I should do fairly good if I stick to that plan..
    Next week might just be a 6 day workout week instead of only 5 days.. well see how the body feels..
  • well it looks like I survived the Thanksgiving weekend with minimal impact to my diet... going in Iwas at 217# and by this morning I was 219# but the 2 pounds cold very easily be water weight since it is almost that t.o.m. I was not able to get to the gym that last few days we were so busy... thanksgiving day left for famil's at noon and didn't get home til 8ish and then we camped out at Walmart that night for the black friday sale and didnt get home or to sleep til after 7am friday... when I got up at noon got some house stuff done, Saturday hubby and I went to Cabela's in Lacey WA just the two of us but that was an all day trip... and Sunday more house stuff and grocery shopping... so was very active just no workouts...LOL
    I am probably going to be hating life after I work out tonight .. can't wait.

    Hope everyone had a great Holiday ...
  • it does move .. although at a snails pace it seems... This morning the scale registered 214.8# .. I am slowly working towards my goals... it is hard sometimes to stay motivated and on track when the results are seen at a snails pace... I know I know it took me a while to put the weight on there fore it will take time to take it off and a lot more hard work to take it off than to put it on but .... ugh.. LOL
    I did get a remark the other day that made me feel great though.. I walked into the gas station to get a lottery ticket Saturday evening and the gal behind the rigister asked me if I had lost a lot of weight lately... she said she barely recognized me and that I looked great... Haveing someone notice and say something about it makes all the difference in the world.. made me feel like I am not delusional that I am seeing results when i look in the mirror and that all my hard work at the gym and the sacrafices I have been making by not getting the seasonal sweets from the drive thru or the greasy french fries, saying no to the sodas, candies, and sweet desserts and grabing an piece of fruit instead has been paying off...

    I actually did that this weekend.. I decided that I wanted to make my holiday spice oatmeal cookies this weekend.. and to help keep me from nibbling on the dough or cookies as they came out of the oven I took an apple and sliced it up and sat it on the counter so after I put a sheet of cookies in the oven I slowly nibbled on a slice of crisp sweet apple... Yeah me .. LOL
  • I dont what it is but the last two weeks it is getting hard to find the time to get t othe gym after work... there seems to be all kinds of things that need to be taken care of at home wit hthe kids and the holidays...
    I am going to have to find time somehow to get in there for at least 30 minutes of cardio even if I don't get any weight training in... I am still doing realatively well with the calorie part.. even though I have gone over o nmy calorie allotment a few more days than I normally would I have still been losing weight and am down to 212.8 as of yesterday morning... I just need to get my flabby booty back into the gym on on the ARC trainer.... That thing kicks me a good one gets the heart rate up , the sweat pouring and the calories burnig :happy:
  • UGH.... I soo fell off my wagon.. the last 2 weeks or so I have barely been counting my calories, I haven't been to the gym, and I have been eating and not so much the goo stuff.. Now I am not going ot make my goal of 200# by Jan 1st.. I was down to 212 and as of this morning I am back up to 215.8 :grumble: I have no one to blame but my self .. I had all the excuses.. To cold or weather is bad to go to the gym, tired, wanting to hang with hubby and kids..

    So I told my hubby last night I NEED him to help me catch up to my wagon that after work today we ARE going to the gym for an hour ( 30 cardio and 30 weight training) for my lunch and snacks today I stopped at the store and picked up some apples, 2 oranges and some non salted almonds that is all Iam going to have during the day today and then I will go to the gym and later have a simple dinner grilled chicken or fish sounds good wit hsteamed veggies ...

    I have got to get back on track ..
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Congrats you are doing great and your positive attitude and honesty is inspiring. Just becareful not to overdo it with the workouts. Your body does need some time to recuperate especially after weight training. And be careful not to let your net calories slip under 1200 too regularly especially since you are working out so much.

    Merry Christmas and I look forward to continuing to follow your progress in the New Year!:flowerforyou:
  • Ok everyone the new picture was taken just 2 weeks ago in my ofice by my hubby but shows the progress from the 245 to 215
  • who knew that when one falls off their diet wagon it could be so hard to get back on track?? I can blame it on the holidays or the cold but the gym is heated and holiday dinners are not a daily thing sooooo any other valid excuses?? non that i can come up with... Tim ( hubby) has agreed that after new year he wll get into gym with me.. i think that will help... if i get in there and do cardio for 30-45 min 3 days a week and weight training 2 then it will be good...
  • New Years resolutions don't always stick so instead I am calling mine goals.. and they are fairly easy.. Improve upon what I am already doing for example ..
    1) Get back into the gym and be consistant, Minuim work out= 30-45 min of Cardio 3 days za week with strength training 2 days a week for a total of 5 days a week ... Can substitute a outdoor activity for gym time ie: hiking, mowing the yard etc... has to burn 500 cal or more on HRM
    2) Be constistant in logging my foods and stay with-in my daily calories and exceed the water...
    3) Reach ultimate weight loss goal of 170# by June 15th 2010.
    4) Work on sticking to financial budget staying out of the red and rely less on the credit card to get thru to til the next paycheck..

    These are the things I am focusing on for my 2010 goals
  • Just out of courisity I ran my BMI and BMR from before and now and this is the result....

    Previous: 247# 36.47% BMI 1858 BMR

    Now : 210# 31.04% BMI 1694 BMR

    Wow ... I am suprised.. . I adjusted my calorie goal from 1300 to 1200 and I have made a couple of goals

    1) 200 # by 2-14-10
    2) 190# by 3-31-10
    3) 180# by 4-30-10
    4) 170# by 5-31-10 ( I was around 175 when i meet and married my husband 3.5 years ago)
    5) the last 10 pounds by 7-30-10 ( giving my self an extra month for these pounds because I have heard the last 10 is the hardest)
    I would be happy at 170# but I figure the extra 5-10 will give me a cushion :-)

    so How do I plan on achieving this ....
    I have a membership to the gym that is paid for thru June 2010 so I am going to work out 5 days a week get back up to 60-90 minutes 5 days a week ... Main focus on Cardio and intergrate weights back in 2 days a week... with a focus on different areas of my body each time... after the membership expires I will be out doors for the summer walking, hiking, swimming and fishing every chance I can.. then in the fall to maintain my weight when the weather gets colder again go back to the gym ...

    Continue to log my food and stay with in my calorie goal 80% of the time... ( I figure that gives me a few days a year/ month that I can splurge for a special occassion or something) ... I have lowered my base calories to 1200 but realistically between 1200 and 1300 is good for me... not counting work out calories...

    I am going to keep making healthy choices and avoid the unhealthy snacks. beverages and desserts as much as possible but not totally deny my self completely just use extreme moderation... Soda pop just doesn't taste good to me much any more (unless having an occassional Pepsi and velvet) Chocolates are almost tooo sweeet and if I have more than one or two mini's in makes me feel icky... I would rather have fruit these days.. go figure... LOL

    Red meat is kept very low key ( 2-3 times a month on average) mainly have Chicken or fish and lots more veggies... Fried foods and preping foods by frying are becoming almost obsolete.. if I have to use oil I am using the least amount possible and trying to use olive or canola or a blend of the two when ever possible ...

    We are eating more stirfry.. lots of seasonings and veggies :-) every little bit helps..

    I am rambling but putting all this down i nwritting will give me a reminder and help keep me on track.. no excuses it is in writing ..
  • Made it to the gym today.. it was touch and go for a bit but I got in a 67 min workout and burned over 600 calories..

    I did 30 min on the elipitical trainer 0-2; Torso rotation, sit up, ab crunch, stair steper for 15 min...

    I feel good so far but I have a strange feeling I will be hating life tomorrow.. well see .. if not then I will get back into the gym tomorrow,,, :-)
  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome back!
  • thanks Sally,
    Well didnt get to the gym Sunday ended up having to spend 3 hours cleaning the boat, it had 2" of water above the floor and mold and moss starting to grow everywhere, so drained it and scrubbed it down guess the rain got in under the tarp and cover.. hmm..

    I did get to the gym Monday night thoughand had what I thought was a good work out kept my HR avg at 142 with a max HR of 166.. burned 756 calories in 74 minutes...

    bummed though the scale this weekend jumped from my 209.8 back up to 215 :sad: I have been busting my butt I should not see numbers like that .. there was no reason for a weight gain that i can see.. oh well gues i just have to work a lil harder
  • There are somedays when I get on the scale and see the end result of all my hard work and wonder why am I doing this... I have been so fustrated this week it seems i am taking 2 steps forward then 5 steps back ,... I was down to 209 last week I was soo jazzed and then this weekend i went right back up to 215 wtf it is not fair I have not been eating to much, I have been working out almost daily, I have even increased my workouts from 30 min to an hour ... it is sooo fustrating sometimes... something has got to give if i keep this up there is no way I will reach my goals...
  • Well it seems the weight is starting to come off again I am down to 208 and that puts me almost 40# down and 40-50# to go 170-175 would be a happy weight but I think I would like to try for 160-165 .. give myself a little weight room so to speak.. LOL ... I haven't been that low in years ( about 14+ or more) I am some what of a large bone broad shoulder type but I've been told that I have the kind of phisique that will sculpt nicely.. maybe.. it would be cool to see more muscle definitation and less flabby .. LOL
    i am researching and looking to getting a Body bugg so I can have more accurate output data.. I'll let ya all know if I get one.. Have a great day and think skinny thoughts :happy:
  • My new Body Bugg will be here some time today.. I can't wait to get it all set up so AI can start using it first thing tomorrow and everyday there after ... :-)
    I still will need to get my display so for now I will only be able to check it with my laptop at home to see where I am at but it will still be cool to have the data

    I am excited to see how it works and if it gives me the info I am looking for to help me achieve my goals
  • Just to let ya all know I am not gone.. but I have switched gears and am currently using the body bugg system since it is free for a while since I bought a budy bugg :-) So far I have lost 3.2 pounds in my first week..

    There are things that I am finding that I am not to tickled about with the Body Bugg.. First is there is no place to make personal notes and comments, second it does not appear to be that accurate in the amount of calories I burn in my workouts, I know I burned a lot more than the 2-300 it says I did... I am going to give it another week and then check with tech support if it is still doing it...

    I do like the data and having the arm band that tells me how many calories I have actually burned.. but I am starting to wonder if just using my HRM is a better idea.. I might change things and just come back to MFP instead, I should at least give my body bugg a chance..
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