What keeps you going?



  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    In October, I finally had enough of myself contemplating to lose the weight I had put on over the past 5-7 years. I was a cross country/track runner in college, not the typcially skin & bones kind. 145 & 19% body fat (short and solid) compared to my 110lb teammates who were mostly 22-25% body fat. In grad school I added about 5lbs. Then I took a full time job and another 7-10lbs... then pregnancy (topped out at 200lbs). Enough said! :laugh:

    So, in order to hold myself accountable, I entered a pageant. There is nothing more motivating than knowing I have to stand on stage in a bikini in less than 7 months! (see my profile pics for the progress so far).

    The short term motivator is my measurements. I take them every monday and have kept track since the beginning.... it's amazing how good an inch can make you feel when the scale isn't moving!
  • abrandenberger
    My motivation is myself...I want to be healthier!! AND also my husband...he loves me for me...but I would just like to be toner...so he is really awesome about encouraging me...PLUS...I want to look dang good for the summer time!!!:smile:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    What keeps me going (with running specifically) is I'm following a training plan for a half marathon that requires certain distances on certain days and if I don't do the proper amount, it'll throw everything off and I won't be ready for that race on April 27!
    And also when I'm on the treadmill I look at the numbers and think, "Ok, make the calories go up to 400, at 25 minutes I'll take a water break," etc. That breaks it into small bits and helps me mentally.
  • lovemuffins
    My husband is coming home from Afghanistan in May after being gone for 15 months. I want to look as good as I did when he left or better!

    I am with you on this one!!! I have 298 days left until my husband comes home from Somewhere, Iraq!!! Every time I feel like I want to get off I just think about what he will say when we see each other again. :blushing:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Getting to eat more! :laugh:

    I'm a person of habit. If I normally do the elliptical for 45 minutes, than that's what I do. I really don't question it. I push myself because I feel better afterwards.