Running/pace times on MFP

Hi everyone - I've been on MFP for two years now and still can't believe the pace times are not updated. I consistently run a 10:30 paced mile and never know how to log it. MPF only has a 10 minute pace and 11.5 min pace. That's a big difference!

Today I ran 5 miles at a 10:50 pace. I can't bring myself to log it in as 11.5 but it definitely wasn't a 10 min pace either. How do you guys log it in?


  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    If I didn't run on a treadmill and can't manually enter the Cals that is aid I go the next pace up or down if it's not too great and just note what the actual pace was. I know it's not the pace you actually might have done but if you want to log it then that's ow I do it. I ran an 8:20 and my only option was an 8:50 so I put that but noted the real time.
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    If I am inbetween I will log it as the slower one but adjust the time to fit the mileage.

    I agree the paces are very odd.
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    Create your own. Do you use HRM? Then you can log the cals.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Cheap fix: Try to run those paces on a treadmill that lets you enter weight so it's at least ballpark-accurate, and enter the stats into MFP by hand - once you have a pace entered with a given calorie number and time, it will be in your database and you can use it in the future (with different times).

    Better fix: get a runners watch and/or HRM that will give you calories burned.
  • irisia99
    irisia99 Posts: 58 Member
    I log it as the closest pace to what I'm running and I enter my own calories. I wear a Garmin HRM so it measures my pace, time, distance, and calories burned. (I am completely in love with my Garmin.)
  • whitneymws
    whitneymws Posts: 35 Member
    Create your own. Do you use HRM? Then you can log the cals.

    No - and you guys are all convincing me maybe I should get one! I use Nike+GPS. It does tell me calories burned but pretty sure I never entered my weight so not sure how it knows that.

    So what exactly is an HRM? Like one of those wrist bands? Is it better than using the Nike+GPS?
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    If you are going to get a Heart Rate Monitor, get on with the strap around your chest to be the most accurate. (Dont get the wrist only)If, like me, the biggest thing you want is calculating calories burned, you can go with something like the Polar FT4. I have this. It is about $50-60. It gives additional information and holds several uses in its history.

    I love mine. My weight loss increased after getting it because it is more accurate than either the machines or the MFP calculator.

    Hope this helps!
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    You need to work on sprints..the days you are not running long runs, practice come 50 to 100 meter sprints! My husband and I were cross country runners in high school! They will help!
  • bac0s
    bac0s Posts: 48 Member
    I just changed it to "running" and enter the calories my Garmin with hr monitor says I burned.
  • AJ_MotherRunner
    AJ_MotherRunner Posts: 175 Member
    Definitely HRM and enter it yourself with your own pace. : ) Good luck.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    It would be nice if they would let you enter the distance and total time for the run and keep more detailed stats. I use this site to record my runs in more detail:

    I created a login on there and use the workout log. If you put in your weight, distance (you can save certain routes and just refer to "Route A" on your workout log, which is nice), and time for the run, the Gmaps site calculates calories burnt along with your pace.

    I usually just enter stuff in MFP using whatever is closest to my pace.. I have an HRM which I wear when running, so I just adjust the calories manually.
  • I just always use my HRM because I ran into that same issue. Silliness!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I use a HR monitor log the time and i ensure the CAL are along the same lines as my HRM,
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    You need to get an HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) It will track your heart rate and then you can create your own here on MFP. Its a lot easier then just guessing.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    You can also split the difference. For example, for you 10:50 run, log half the time at 10 min and half at 11:30. Not exact, but nothing on here ever is, so at least it will get you in the ball park.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Create your own. Do you use HRM? Then you can log the cals.

    ^this. if you don't have a HRM, it is definitely worth the cost. oh and maybe try running outside instead? I find it more enjoyable to be outside and to create my own pace. Plus I have found I go faster outside without trying harder... the tredmill stunts my speed :smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Create your own custom exercise and use the calorie burn from your Nike thingie or a site like MapMyRun or Runkeeper, or a HRM.

    IE... LorinaLynn burned 393 calories doing 37 minutes of "Running 4.02 miles @6.6mph."
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    If you create a DailyBurn account, you can log your mileage and time to get a calorie burn, then manually enter the calories on here. That's how I do it.
  • greeneyedmama81
    greeneyedmama81 Posts: 78 Member

    That is the HRM I use. I really like it. I had a Polar but I lost the watch part. I don't see a difference between them. I'm an instant gratification girl and this one I could go to the store and buy where as the polar I had to order online. You might live somewhere where you can go compare the Polar to another one. I don't so I went with this and I've been very happy with it.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    check the proper cals on another website, then use whatever numbers you have to on MFP to get your proper cals logged. Then add a note stating the proper pace and time.