Running/pace times on MFP



  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    You can also split the difference. For example, for you 10:50 run, log half the time at 10 min and half at 11:30. Not exact, but nothing on here ever is, so at least it will get you in the ball park.

    seems the best option if you don't have hrm
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    You need to get an HRM (Heart Rate Monitor)

    Nobody *needs* an HRM. I have lost every single one of my pounds without one. I usually just log my run as the slower pace. In the end, it is all just an estimate.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Create your own. Do you use HRM? Then you can log the cals.

    No - and you guys are all convincing me maybe I should get one! I use Nike+GPS. It does tell me calories burned but pretty sure I never entered my weight so not sure how it knows that.

    So what exactly is an HRM? Like one of those wrist bands? Is it better than using the Nike+GPS?

    I have the Polar FT7 and really like it. It's a watch (they call it the "computer") along with a chest strap. There are a lot of places to buy it, but I purchased it on here: There are also a lot of reviews on there if you'd like more info.

    If you have any questions, I am happy to (try to :P) answer them, though I am by no means an expert! :)
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Create your own. Do you use HRM? Then you can log the cals.

    ^^^ This Guy ...

    However, I do not have a HRM honestly I'm annoyed at how much technology you need to just get out there and RUN (okay so I do kinda want a HRM). If I didn't' do it on a treadmill (because let's face it 5 miles on a treadmill at the gym is a little awkward) I just take my time and distance, find an average and google average calories burned by weight etc etc ... I get a ballpark figure and go with it and add it manually. It may be more or less than my actual calories burned, but hey, I'm losing weight and I love running everything else kind of falls into place.
  • Starsighter78
    Starsighter78 Posts: 62 Member
    I use Nike+GPS.

    I <3 Nike+GPS. You can go in and enter your info (height/weight/bday) for a semi-more reliable accounting of calories. However, the only true measure is to get a heart-rate monitor or BMF or the like. :)
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    I created my own exercises with my pace times and, because I don't have a heart rate monitor, used other sites (I think Runners' World has a calculator somewhere on their site) and my mapmyrun app/website to calculate the calories.

    Hope that helps! Happy Running!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    As others mentioned...HRM.

    I have the Garmin Forerunner w/ HRM. Didn't even know I wanted/needed one, but my husband did : ) I Love it!!!

    Then, I just create the activity in MFP. I use it for Boot Camp and Zumba too.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    You need to get an HRM (Heart Rate Monitor)

    Nobody *needs* an HRM. I have lost every single one of my pounds without one. I usually just log my run as the slower pace. In the end, it is all just an estimate.

    YOU ROCK!!!
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    I created my own exercises with my pace times and, because I don't have a heart rate monitor, used other sites (I think Runners' World has a calculator somewhere on their site) and my mapmyrun app/website to calculate the calories.

    Hope that helps! Happy Running!

    You're Rad!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    MFP is great for weight loss, but in my opinion it falls short in terms of maximizing fitness.

    I have a HRM that I use in conjunction with (free). It's a really nice resource to get reports on running progress.
  • Simple solution - Increase your actual running pace to 10 minutes/mile.

    (Or get a Fit Bit monitor)
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    A little off topic but a great site for keeping track of your runs (lots of nerdy stats) as well as other workouts is I log everything there--runs, bike rides, weight keeps track of everything.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Create your own. Do you use HRM? Then you can log the cals.

    ^^This. I have created a lot of my own pace times then use the calories indicated on my HRM.
  • PeakToValley
    PeakToValley Posts: 8 Member
    For me, the difference in calories burned (according to MFP) between 5 miles run at a 10 min pace vs. 11.5 min pace is only 23 calories. So, at that level I'm not worried about it...nothing I'm doing needs to be tracked that precisely!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yep... calories per mile is pretty much the same at any running pace, so the easiest way would be to log it by the minute at a 10 minute mile pace. So no matter if you ran 5 miles in 55 minutes at 5.5mph, or 45 minutes at 6.7mph, just add a zero to the miles and log it at 50 minutes at 6mph.
  • whitneymws
    whitneymws Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys, wow! I'm not really trying to lose much more weight at this point. (I mean hey, I wouldn't complain if I lost a few more but who wouldn't, right? It's not my end-goal now though)

    But I'm on MFP just to keep a weekly record of my weight and really more to keep track of my fitness. So it's not so much really about how many calories I burned (sorry should have said that from the get-go) but keeping an accurate diary of what pace I ran and how far, etc. I'm trying to run a little bit faster/a little bit longer so I like having the long-term diary of everything I do fitness wise.

    Definitely gonna check out some of the sites you guys recommended! But prob gonna stick with my Nike+GPS - it's free and I like that it chimes in each mile to tell me my pace.

    Oh and I only run outside or on an indoor track. Can't run the treadmill for some reason - it's just not in me, I always feel like I'm going to fall off. :-)
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys, wow! I'm not really trying to lose much more weight at this point. (I mean hey, I wouldn't complain if I lost a few more but who wouldn't, right? It's not my end-goal now though)

    But I'm on MFP just to keep a weekly record of my weight and really more to keep track of my fitness. So it's not so much really about how many calories I burned (sorry should have said that from the get-go) but keeping an accurate diary of what pace I ran and how far, etc. I'm trying to run a little bit faster/a little bit longer so I like having the long-term diary of everything I do fitness wise.

    Definitely gonna check out some of the sites you guys recommended! But prob gonna stick with my Nike+GPS - it's free and I like that it chimes in each mile to tell me my pace.

    Oh and I only run outside or on an indoor track. Can't run the treadmill for some reason - it's just not in me, I always feel like I'm going to fall off. :-)

    You Rock, way to be excited about fitness and running :)

    If calories burned isn't that important then I say just enter your pace and time manually and get a ballpark figure of calories burned and just put it in there. That's honestly what I do because I want to keep an accurate track of my paces and time. I've entered various paces on my own on MFP.