Sweet, filling, and not a lot of calories?



  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    This is a really good recipe I tried recently (went over well with the BF so it's man tested and approved!): http://thekimchallenge.com/?p=8833. It's for chocolate protein muffins, about 100 calories each and 10 grams of protein. Delicious as a desert with a 1 tbsp of peanut butter. Just be careful, if he eats three or four he'll start to do some damage!
  • jess8822
    jess8822 Posts: 2
    agree with the dark chocolate idea....I do the 86% squares! they r a little bitter but if you keep them in the refrigerator and instead of biting into it (if the taste bothers you) suck on it and it does not taste so bitter and it last a little longer!! enjoy:)
  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    I have to go with the Vita line - The chocolate Vita-Tops or Vtia Brownies are 100 calories and A-MAY-ZING :)

    Also, if I want sweet but not chocolate, I mix up batch of Spice Muffins (using a box of Spice Cake and a can of pumpkin). Depending on size, they are around 80 cals each. They can also be "frosted" with a little Cool Whip. mmmmmm Not high on nutritional value, of course, but this satisfies my need for a treat.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I like skinny cow ice cream bars, they also have skinny cow candy, I also like mini rice cakes the carmel ones, kettlecorn is good also, fiber one bars are another good option, you can also make some healthy muffins, also seneca apple chips the carmel or cinnamon ones are really sweet,also lowfat pudding or sugarfree jello with light cool whip, I hope this helps
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I like Skinny Cow treats, fiber granola bars, and fruit myself. They still have sugar in them, but they are filling and gets that sweet craving without a ton of calories.
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    Try a tray bake. I also love chocolate and have a sweet tooth and my PT introduced me to this:

    Bran flakes or granola
    Dried Fruit
    Your favourite chocolate melted and used to stick together - I use 70% Cocoa Green & Blacks

    Once mixed together you can either pop in a baking tray then put in the fridge to harden or put in seperate cupcake holders so you can estimate calories more easily. Just keep track of what you put in calorie wise to the mixing bowl and then you can work out portion size.

    My portions average at 100-150 cals and curb the sugar cravings since I get my fav chocolate along with fibre, fruit and nuts. Sweet tooth defeated - EASY!!

    LOVE THIS IDEA!!! Thanks for sharing!:flowerforyou:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Raspberries, Peaches, Strawberries, Mandarin Oranges, blueberries, wildberry, etc (Four Berry Salad is my fave)
    Frozen Fruit Bars
    Sugar Free Jell-o
    No Sugar Added Applesauce
    Dark Chocolate squares
    Sweet n' Salty popcorn
    Fruit Parfait
    Tea Smoothies
    Banana Shake
    Greek Yogurt w/ Honey
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I like Luna bars a lot, but they're marketed specifically at women, so I'm not sure how much he'd like that :P I also like Zone Perfect cookie dough and mint flavors. Those tend to satisfy a chocolate craving for me and also fill me up a bit. These are typically about 200 calories.

    Ice cream-wise, I've found some good treats at Trader Joe's. My favorite are the S'Mores ice cream sandwiches.. they're about 250 calories, but YUM!!! Another lower calorie ice cream treat are fudge pops.. only 60 calories but they do the trick for me!

    Certain trail mixes are tasty as well.. the one I like best right now includes a few types of nuts, dried cranberries, and little chocolate/white chocolate/peanut butter chips. One serving (1/4 cup) is about 150 calories... it looks like a small amount, but I find the trail mix fills me up quite quickly.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    banana boats!!

    Split banana in half the long way....top each half with peanut butter, then add some dark chocolate chips :)
    we make these when we go camping we add mini marshmellows also and wrap them in aluminium foil and cook them in the campfire, they are sooooo yummy
  • KellyS_86
    KellyS_86 Posts: 25
    You could try baking some bits for him? Muffins sweetened with fruit juice or cookies with low amounts of sugar. But the best, simplest and easiest thing that I have found is a rice cake, ryvita or oat cake with a thin layer of crunchy peanut butter and half a tablespoon of sugarfree raspberry or strawberry jam (I use St Dalfour) I was eating a few at home one day and my boyfriend tried some and was hooked - perfect amount of good carb, protein and sweet ;)
  • i make these!


    but because im OBSESSED with reeses cups, i pop a tea spoon of peanut butter on top of them. super yummy and quite good for you! hoorah!
  • ajoy1332
    ajoy1332 Posts: 55 Member
    Besides fruit I love the no sugar added fudgesicles..only 40 calories a bar and helps my sweet tooth!
  • cinnamon rice cakes
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I have a MFP friend that has lost 66 pounds since Jan 2012 and yesterday she posted the recipe listed below

    ***YUMMY SNACK ALERT*** RED VELVET CUPCAKES...using only 3 ingredients: Duncan Hines Red Velvet cake mix, sprite zero & lite whipped cream. I've made soda cakes before to reduce the cals...but this was my favorite. Mix the cake mix with 12 ounces of the soda, pour into cupcake tins {helps with portion control} bake for 20-25 minutes on 350 degrees. The moment it comes out of the oven top the warm cupcake with a tablespoon of whipped cream straight from the freezer. YUM! Depending on the amount of cupcake mix you put in each tin...the cupcakes are pretty low in cals...mine came to only 130 cals for one with the whipped cream on top! :-)

    Also, look up cake mix with diet soda. I believe those are the only two ingredients.
  • lizzus
    lizzus Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not a big sweets-craver, but when I do, I go with sugar-free jello with lite Cool Whip. I suppose it's not very filling, but it does the trick for the craving. :)
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm in love with the Quaker caramel rice cakes. They're sweet and crunchy and not very loaded with calories. Delish. I also like apples with peanut butter and although not very sweet I love goldfish crackers because you get to eat alot of them for a serving size.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 688 Member
    The skinny cow snack products are wonderful. I also love the Clif Mojo bars (mountain mix and Pretzel are my faves) and Nature Valley Sweet and Salty bars are really good as well. All three of these are items I keep in my desk on a regular basis.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    My newest discovery.. apple nachos!! slice apples thinly and drizzle LIGHTLY heated caramel topping, and sprinkle with mini chocolate chips or coconut shavings or chocolate shavings. Look for low fat, less sugar or vegan options for the toppings.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Love this thread :) replying to keep it!!
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm a sugar-a-holic and I can attest that after a couple of weeks of eating well you don't crave the sugar as much. Not that I don't enjoy the sugar or anything (I'm not talking crazy now...) but I don't *crave* it like I used to. I still eat some cookie/candy/chocolate combo each day, and I usually have at least one snack that is a fruit rather than a veggie, but I work them into my calories and don't think twice about it.

    When I was on South Beach Diet a few years ago I used to make flavored ricotta cheese and eat it while my fiance (hubby now) at ice cream. It's filling and fairly healthy. I would mix an entire tub at once so I wasn't making individual servings all the time.

    1/2 c part-skim ricotta cheese
    1/4 tsp vanilla extract
    1 packet of splenda

    Mix together and enjoy! You can make tons of variations on this - add cinnamon, cocoa, use almond extract, add lemon zest, etc.