How do you combat soreness?



  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    okay maybe I need to stretch more. But I don't have a pool, I get a ton of sleep, and I don't know what number 3 is lol rollers? I am taking multivitamins that have fish oil in them... so far all I've done is cardio with some strength training. I don't have money for any other immediate relief strategies? this is where I hit the wall because I get so sore I stop working out and then I don't go back to working out hence why this is in the support forum, I refuse to fail this time, but I kinda can't get out of bed right now lol.

    All I can offer is what has worked for me.
    First - pain & sore are two different issues. Are you in pain or just sore? If you have a consistent pain that does not diminish over time. See a Doctor.
    If you are having post workout soreness.
    I have the habit of doing some serious deep yoga style stretching after a big workout. My little routine takes me about 10 - 15 min. (The info I was given is that this helps diminish the acid build up in the muscles after exercise that causes the soreness). In addition I drink lots of water during my workouts.
    And, I try and eat a little something within a few minute after working out. A piece of fruit, a whey protein smoothie, and some times a little chocolate milk (Not Nestle's Quick!!).
    But, even after all of the above, a long and hard workout will still leave me somewhat sore the next morning. For me, this goes away quickly as soon as I start moving.
    Best of luck finding something that works for you.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    You don't want to risk an injury so you may want take a day or two off. It should get easier as your body gets into better shape.

    You're correct and to clarify what I said earlier, if you're new to this then you'll be so sore it hurts to walk. If that's the case then take a couple days off. Do some stretching and very light warm up get the blood pumping in the sore area. You'll need to take a day or two breaks between the strength building to alleviate the soreness but within a few weeks you can quit worrying about being sore after the cardio exercises. There will be some minor soreness but nothing as terrible as when you started.
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    Doing Yoga might be a good addition to my workout, Its soreness, not pain.

    After my cool shower right after my workout, I make a smoothie with frozen fruit, fat free yogurt, and water with a scoop of S.E.I. Max Protein Powder.

    I'll continue my workout tomorrow and then take a break for a couple of days and start again on Monday. This isn't my first time working out hardcore, I used to just take painkillers to get through this but it looks like i'll tough it out like what many of you said and keep taking my supplements and my protein and add yoga.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    they are awful but... ice baths :(

    you can also take a tennis ball, rolling pin, LOL paper towel rack and use it to massage... great for reaching the whole leg quickly

    arnica gel helps as well ( health food stores usually carry it)

    good luck! :)
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    I feel so much better after doing some yoga stretching tonight. I found this site and it had a free video, this is just what I needed to help the soreness.

    Here is the video:

    Its a great site full of videos and I feel good enough to walk around and go up and down the stairs =)
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Yep I agree with a lot of answers posted. BUT just another tidbit about protein, eat a lot of it especially post workout because protein rebuilds and repairs.
  • callmecaptain
    stretch, water, Aleve, foam roller, workout again
    Exactly. The more you workout the less sore you'll be after the workouts. Honestly you should be sore after strength training or you didn't work out hard enough. You'll adjust before too long and won't be nearly as sore but that shouldn't go away entirely. I kill my legs on Fridays and I'm usually pretty sore for a couple days afterwards but stretching and some light exercise just enough to warm up the muscles does help.

    Remember, fat doesn't feel sore. Muscle does. You're making your body stronger so feel proud and embrace the soreness.

    Yes! Stretch, water and work out again in a few hours. I used to work out once a day and always sore but now I work out three time a day and I am seeing results faster and feeling less sore. Skip the protein, take some calcium! Calcium helps muscles
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    My second day using Yoga to help with soreness is still proving successful. 30 mins After my Protein smoothie, I did a light Yoga session today, and it is the end of the day and I feel great. I am 70% less sore than day 3 of my plan where I was bed ridden after my workout and shower.

    I have said it numerous times, but I am taking protein powder with my smoothie, eating a lean meat as part of my dinner, and drinking Ovaltine with light vanilla soymilk. I have enough protein and am taking multivitamins and adding yoga into my routine has been a lifesaver with dealing with soreness without using medications.

    Thank you everyone for your input, there is so much great information here! :bigsmile: