some serious support needed. tears are falling

I've put so much work into losing weight. I've passed up so many desserts, fast food restaurants, and tempting moments to get where I am today. I am 70 pounds lighter than I was in January 2011. Fabulous...right?? One would think so. However as I was feeling so proud and happy with myself a few days ago, I decide to check my BMI because I was positive it would tell me something wonderful such as "melanie you are amazingly healthy, all that hard work has paid off and your number BMI is 24" Ok... maybe just a number would have appeared. So guess what??? I type in my height... my weight and then my heart sinks into my stomach. My BMI is 27 and I am still in the OVERWEIGHT range. Are you kidding me??? Here I am prancing around through the world feeling sexy and fit, but I was wrong. I probably looked like a fool everytime I wore something fitting, or bragged about losing so much weight. People probably thought I was full of ****.
so what's 15 pounds...right? WRONG. It doesn't matter if it's 15 pounds or 100 pounds. Being overweight sucks. I can't think of another word right now to describe it besides IT SUCKS!!!
AM I feeling sorry for myself right now and making big deal out of nothing? Probably.. some might think so but to me it's something. Im upset that i'm not as far as i thought i was. I'm upset that I'm letting 15 pounds ruin my day, and obviously bringing my mood down. My depressed mood is obvious to everyone. My husband has been asking me what's wrong, I don't want him to touch me or even look at me. He is super supportive. He tells me I'm beautiful and I look amazing, which by the way he also did even when I was 218 pounds! What's wrong with me??? I need to snap out of it. easier said than done.


  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    Try to focus on what you have accomplished and how you feel with the changes you see in the mirror (not on the scale or according to some BMI number). You can and will snap out of this. I feel frustrated lately too, I've been in a plateau for months and can't see how I can cut more calories or exercise even more than I am already, but we have to remain positive! :)
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    My brother-in-law has run the Chicago Marathon, London Marathon, Berlin Marathan, New York Marathon, and numerous others I can't remember right now. But needless to say, not anyone can run some of those, you have to qualify. He is strong, fit and health. His BMI says he's overweight.
    You know you've done incredible things to make yourself healthy. Keep prancing around feeling incredible. From your profile you look absolutely amazing. BMI is like the scale, it lies. Don't listen.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Don't worry about your BMI. What counts is that you have lost 70lbs, you're healthy, you've made the right changes, and you've worked hard! Body fat % is more important than BMI anyway. For example, professional athletes have BMIs often times that put them into the "overweight" range for their height, but then they have incredible body fat %...they're not overweight at all!

    BMI always makes me feel bad. It makes me feel bigger than I am. So screw it! You've accomplished a LOT and you're moving in the right direction. Great job on your weight loss!!
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    Girl, you have lost 70 lbs! That is AWESOME and you look AMAZING! You need to realize that those BMI numbers are a guideline, and in no way should cause you to cry. Think about how far you have come, how healthy you feel NOW as compared to when you began. You ARE sexy, and HEALTHY. And you are also an inspiration to all of us who are not yet at goal or near goal to keep going because hard work and consistency really do pay off.
    Dry those those tears and pat yourself on the back. You have acheived great success.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    BMI is not a very good individual measure of anything. It does not take body composition into account at all.
  • hollye31
    hollye31 Posts: 23 Member
    BMI is seen, by some people, as a pile of nonsense. You FEEL great, you think you LOOK great, so why let a number and grouping let this down. I think that as long as you are happy and at a sensible weight then I think thats fine. Don't beat yourself up over this because you have done so so so well! I'd be incredibly proud if I lost 70lbs!
    If its really getting to you, do everything you can to lose the last few pounds with all the motivation you have, but remember its how you feel and see yourself that matters!xx
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    push through have accomplished something INCREDIBLE...and the only one who can take credit for your loss is YOU...I am proud of you! Tomorrow (maybe even an hour from now) will be better. Dry your tears...we are all in this together
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand how you feel! I used to dance and play rugby all the time and never thought I was "overweight" (and I was maybe holding onto an extra 3-5lbs then) and when I "calculated" my BMI it always told me I was close to obese! I went and got my Dr. to do the more accurate test with the skin calpers and it was only 23 BMI! Lesson learned that you should never hold too much stock in what the height/weight calculations turn out like. You are absolutely beautiful and have a great body! You have come such a far way and if you need a reality check go find something that is 70lbs and carry it around and realize how awesome you really are! :)
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Please take BMI with a grain of salt hun! BMI does not account for alot of things and one of them is muscle! If you want a better way of knowing if you are healthy then have your body fat tested!!

    If you feel good then please don't let a number and some chart that was made by insurance companies years ago mess with your happiness.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Get your LMFAO on and sing it " I'm sexy and I know it"

    Be proud of what you have accomplished !!!!!!!!!Think about all the other overweight people who can't even move or look healthy. :glasses:
  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    Keep this in mind too. Muscle weighs more than fat. Even when I was at my healthies in the military according to my height and weight I was overweight....however in measuring my neck, waist, arms, tomoach, etc....I was actually perfectly fine.

    I wouldnt worry too much about the BMI unless you have an accurate BMI done. These are usually done in fitness clubs or by professional trainers and constitute a lot more that height and weight.

    Keep feeling proud of yourself. You are an amazing, beautiful woman who has already accomplished so much!!!!!
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    Here you go, Honey:

    Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI Is Bogus

    Big hugs. I haven't lost any weight in a month, but am two pants sizes down. Every time I get on the scale I want to cry, and then I look at my size 12 pants (that are starting to get a little loose) and I feel better.
  • withthebandgrl
    withthebandgrl Posts: 3 Member
    Don't listen to your BMI, it doesn't figure it all the muscle that you've been working hard to build!! As long as you feel and look healthy that's all that matters!!! You've worked so hard and I would feel incredible if I lost that amount of weight!! I know I'm only a few weeks in but it feels great to lose the weight I've lost already!!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    All I can say, is you need to look at your pics. See how far you've come. BMI is just a number. I've run 3 marathons and I'm still overweight.
    You've accomplished a lot, you look great, sounds like you feel great. Those are the things that matter.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Aww, sweetie you've come so far!! Everyone has down moments, but don't let it over take all the hard work you've put in so far, and how far you've come!!

    You've done an amazing job!! Be proud and celebrate that!!
  • sixisCHANGEDjk
    If the scales doesn't say it all, I can't imagine one measurement of BMI saying it all either. You've made great progress and look great and should be very proud of yourself. Keep your chin up and keep making great decisions.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Why the BMI Chart is *kitten*


    Both men are overweight, getting close to being obese, it's easy to tell which one you'd never think was overweight.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    BMI is not a very good individual measure of anything. It does not take body composition into account at all.

    I couldn't have said it better myself! Once upon a time I weighed 180lbs and according to the charts I was overweight.....until you looked at my body comp analysis. Don't let that arbitrary number get you in a bad place. What you've accomplished is wonderful!
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    bmi sucks, according to bmi Brad Pitt is over weight, I'm not kidding.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I think those bmi calculators vary according to what formula they use. I've also read articles that the bmi is sort of irrelevant, that the numbers were formulated by insurance companies years and years ago and are not based on scientific information, but on statistical data (ie, people who are this weight and height are more likely to die, this weight and height are less likely to die). It doesn't really tell you what your body fat percentage is, doesn't know how much muscle you have. You look awesome in your picture, so if I were you, I'd keep prancing around proud of myself. You HAVE done an amazing thing.