Do I have a serious injury?



  • TeaRexParty
    TeaRexParty Posts: 125 Member
    I fell at work once and I knew I'd hurt my arm but I didn't think it was that bad. I worked at a group home so had been out with one of the girls and I even drove back to the house. But I called my supervisor to go have it checked because I couldn't straighten it. She had one of my coworkers drop me off and pick me up from the doctor so I never even missed work, lol. So when coming to pick me up this coworker who had been acting like I was being a total baby goes "so yea its fine isn't it?" She was pretty shocked to find out that in fact I'd broke my arm.

    So point being, you can have a fracture and not realize it. When you get hurt at work it's ALWAYS better to have it checked out so that it's covered by workers comp if you find out you're more hurt than you thought later. If you wait it's that much harder to go back and get it covered. Which I know another person already convinced you but just wanted to say I agree...go to the doctor.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I broke an ankle once and before my body hit the ground I was screaming and knew it was broken - took a year to fully heal.

    I few years later I fell in my driveway and had severe pain in the other leg but nothing like the first one so it wasn't broken, dragged myself inside and after a few hours I wondered why it still hurt and took a taxi to emergency and walked in. After they looked at xrays they askee how I could even walk in. It was broken with a fracture crack that only took 6 weeks to heal.

    If I had not gone to emergency it could have shifted position and been a big problem. Don't mess around - get it xrayed.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    my dad would say rub some dirt on it and walk it off
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    What a bunch of wussies in here. Rub some dirt on it and walk it off!

    buhhh haaaaaaaa you wrot exactly what i just wrote we think alike
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Just out of curiosity, how is your foot, ankle, and knee today?