Grey's Anatomy season finale *SPOILER ALERT*



  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I agree that Derek is going to struggle with his hand injury. I don't think Mark is out of the woods. In fact I think he might go as well. I don't think Teddy is going to leave. I love Bailey and hope they feature her more. I think April and Jackson will get closer. Jackson will greieve Lexie's death. It was so sad that she died.

    Sorry Sassles - I read today on that the actress playing Teddy, her contract is over - the writer likes the character and the idea of her out in the world somewhere - so she might visit or be in other episodes to come as a special story line.

    I think the season might start and we find Jackson staying and April and him are married!!!

    With the plane crash and Lexie dying everyone else will forget the idea of leaving and stay put. I had heard that one "beloved character" was going to die but would never have guessed it to be Lexie!!
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    I was sad that Lexie died (crying my eyes out), but as a whole I didn't think this was a great finale. Although for me, season 6 will be near impossible to top, ever.
    I would just love it Christina decides to stay, deciding to work on her marriage with Owen and then Preston Burke turns up. Doubtful, but I would love it!

    I have wanted Burke to come back for years now to throw some drama in to the mix!!! i've always thought he's out there still loving her and missing her and one day wont be able to stand it and will come back!

    I don't see Isaiah Washington coming back to the show... probably too much bad blood there even with TR Knight gone. I was sad Lexie died... but when you think about it... it was one of the only viable options... if Derek, Meredith and Christina had died... there would have been riots... and I would have led them.

    I kinda hope she doesn't make Derek struggle too much... he gets really annoying when he struggles... like after he clipped that aneurysm in that preggo chick ... I'm not in the mood for that noise again. ...
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    I'm in Australia and we're only up to the episode where they had the "What if?" episode where Lexie was this junkie and Meredith and Karev were engaged. Weird, but I liked it.

    How far behind are we to you in the US?

    And yes...I'm one of those people who had to touch the "Don't Touch" button. I had to click on the "Spoiler Alert" thread even though I kind of didn't want to know. :sad:

    You're just barely halfway through the season we just finished
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    I used to like Grey's a lot - but the show has been steadily losing it for me. The epitome of "FAIL" was that ridiculous musical episode.

    And I guess it's bad to know inside information, since my dad's an air traffic controller, used to inspect planes, Air Force, blah blah...BUT:

    The moment the plane loses altitude and goes off the ATC radar they scramble rescue teams. That's what those transponders are for. Even smaller private planes have them. The plane could've blown an engine and the pilot tried to glide it down, hence why no massive explosion. However, doesn't match with there being a massive hole where "Derek just got sucked out". The helicopter? If it was searching for them I'm sure there would've been broken trees in that area. It was still daylight, and unless the plane had some secret cammo on it they would've noticed the trail. IF NOTHING ELSE, their on-board radar would've picked up metal-on-dirt and then sent someone down. They would NOT have been there THAT long into the night.

    Ummm...tons of doctors and none of them could grab a seat or some branches and make a bonfire?

    That said, I love Yang's line about calling it Seattle Mercy Grace Death. Shonda's taken this thing to the realm of ridiculous. BTW, anyone else notice that in the intro to the show you actually can see Izzie? Considering that Heigle's been talking about wanting back on the show (guess the acting thing isn't working as well) would this open the door to her returning and bringing on yet even more crazy drama with Karev?

    Killing off the character 20 min in? Not so good. I mean I was tunning out of the whole episode...Bailey's turned into a whiny teenager. Hunt firing Teddy for something that happened WEEKS or MONTHS ago makes ZERO sense in the timeline of things.

    You guys are right in that now Derek's too injured for the Harvard deal...however, I'm thinking that Meredith will put her foot down because now her father (who I'm sure will go back to the bottle after this blow) will need her, and Derek will cave to also stay by Mark, who will need his support.

    End of next season: Shonda turns them all into Zombies and thus Seattle Grace becomes the point of origin for the Zombie Apocalypse. Only Meredith survives, and then for the Series Finale in season 9, Meredith has to kill off all her friends, her child, and Derek to keep the disease from spreading. Then pan to some seagull in the parking lot picking at Derek's body and flying off, thus spreading the disease. Meredith becomes Seattle's version of Alice from "Resident Evil"
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    seriously? It's a TV drama... they are suppose to be riddled with inaccuracies... you don't watch them for how closely they resemble actual life... you watch them for the drama and character development.
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    I think it was awful. I am tired of Shonda Rhimes killing off characters every season finale. You can have quality drama without the death. It was worse because I was pulling for Mark and Lexie to finally get their act together, and be together. So even though I cried because she died, it was because of the acting. Plus the topping on the suck sundae--they are still stuck in the woods till next season! And more of the characters could die! (Yes if you can't tell, I am not happy with SR...)
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    I was crying almost as much as Meredith when Lexi died!

    It was great to see Christina and Mer so close again, I love their relationship. I'm terrified that Mark's going to die at the beginning of next season, really don't want him to go.

    I think Derek is going to struggle with surgery in the future. Would be great if he could take over as chief, but then what would Owen do?

    I also love Bailey's romance, hope it features more next season.

    My mom was making fun of me...I was bawling when Lexie died! And Mark was there with her:( Then Mer comes in to late and my mom tries to make me laugh saying" look, you cry just like her!"
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    Every season I say I'm not going to watch the season finale until the premiere. The finales always just make me angry, with how horrible they always are. I like the story, but it's just ridiculous the amount of horrible things happen to these people. I also like Private Practice, but occasionally I have to stop watching it, because that show is even worse about having all bad and no good.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Hunt firing Teddy for something that happened WEEKS or MONTHS ago makes ZERO sense in the timeline of things.

    Well - in defense of that part - he wasn't actually firing her. I mean, he was, but it was only so she wouldn't miss out on the opportunity that she was passing up to stay with him. It was an act of friendship, which they both realized, hence the huge crying hug when she rushed back in. He only fired her so she would go - and the reason was bogus because of that.
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    Hunt firing Teddy for something that happened WEEKS or MONTHS ago makes ZERO sense in the timeline of things.

    Well - in defense of that part - he wasn't actually firing her. I mean, he was, but it was only so she wouldn't miss out on the opportunity that she was passing up to stay with him. It was an act of friendship, which they both realized, hence the huge crying hug when she rushed back in. He only fired her so she would go - and the reason was bogus because of that.

    Gotcha...looking back on it with you saying that, I get it...thanks. :flowerforyou: