Wellbutrin and weight loss



  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    I take wellbutrin right now for nicotine cessation. I was very angry for the first week on it. I stuck with it though and feel normal. Hasn't affected my weight loss negatively at all.

    forgot to add that when I first started taking wellbutrin I was angry and very anxious.

    Also, if you have to take a U.A. you could possibly test positive for amphetamines.
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    good luck with Wellbutrin.. it completely changed my personality and i was *****ing out people i didn't even know because it made me the angriest, most sensitive, horrible person in the world. I didn't stay on it long enough to notice any weight change. good luck though.
  • nadyalh
    nadyalh Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on wellbutrin, 100mg for about 6 weeks. I haven't gained weight nor have I lost weight. The only side effect I have experienced is the appetite suppression. I have to make sure that I get my calories in because I'm not having the hunger cue. All in all, I really like wellbutrin. Hope it works for you!
  • becman1
    becman1 Posts: 10 Member
    Saw your post and I am taking 3 anti-depressants plus other meds. They changed one of mine to Wellbutrin because it will in most people, reduce appetite and aid in loosing weight. I have lost 23 lbs taking it. You should notice a difference. Drink plenty of water, more than ever and work out at least an hour or more. Resistence weights burns fat like crazy and increases metabolism. Now about the suicide. I have been there. I have someone to live for now, someone who loves me, died for me and someone I can trust in my life and heart, Jesus! Ask Him to forgive you of past and live in your heart today. He loves you and wants you alive and be:heart::heart: healthy.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    i was on 150 SR bupropion (general for of it) and it was great. general happiness energy all the time. lost some weight from that alone. and made my sex drive sky rocket lol. but later on when the dose increased i started getting random anxiety
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    Wish I could help, but Wellbutrin made me break out in hives. I was super allergic. Good luck though and I hope it works for you!
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    i've been on it since 2004

    300 mgs a day

    you won't lose weight forever on it....but myself....and several other people i know initially lost from 10 to 30 lbs on it the first few months

    it is used to help addictions to smoking and for people with eatingf disorders in addition to being an antidepressant

    there are side effects...but the proper dosage does wonders

    :drinker: best of luck in finding what's right for you
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Wellbutrin made me more depressed than I was, but I did lose about 17lbs before my doc switched me to Cymbalta, which made me gain quite a bit of weight. Its interesting to see how different one medication can be for different people
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I am looking for those that have been on Wellbutrin before. I am currently on Celexa 40 mg for depression starting in Nov 2011 when I became suicidal. Well, one of the biggest side effects of it is weight gain in which I have gained 15 lbs. I have been watching my diet and exercising faithfully 4 days/week with no success. Today, I saw my dr and told her of my concern. She said that my anti-depressant is very much the culprit, so we are transitioning me to Wellbutrin. For the next 2 weeks, I will be take 20 mg of Celexa along with my Wellbutrin then just Wellbutrin. I am looking for those that have been on it while trying to lose weight - any success? Any issues? She said if it works for me, I should notice a difference in a few weeks. I have worked really hard on my weight, and I don't want to start putting it back on again. These 15 lbs that I have "gained" really, really bother me. Thanks in advance.

    Wellbutrin is often used to help with weight loss, actually. I've been on it and I lost 10 lbs without trying. I gained that 10 lbs back when I stopped taking it :P

    My problem with wellbutrin was it increased my anxiety levels.

    It's very difficult to say how you will respond to it. You may love it. You may not. But it shouldn't hurt your weight loss efforts. Other anti-depressant meds can and do make weight loss harder, but wellbutrin shouldn't be one of them (unless you're one of those lucky sorts that respond oddly to the drug).
  • katewillbethinx2
    I took the brand name of Wellbutrin (versus the generic bupropion) and WOW did it work... it sent me into a hypomanic episode. I lost 24 lbs in a month and felt invincible. However... be warned.. its sort of the pay now or pay later kind of deal. It did wear off and I sank into a really, really deep depression. Take this all with a grain of salt as I was in a very bad relationship and I am currently in the process of changing my career because I hate my job so much. But I just added abilify 2 days ago and most people claim that they experience weight gain but I almost feel like I felt when I took Wellbutrin for the first time! I can barely stomach much food at all! I guess everyone is different and you really just need to listen to YOUR body and if something isn't working for you... STOP. Don't "try" to make it work.

    Good luck!
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Some years back I heard that wellbutrin helps some people to stop smoking so I went to the doctor and asked him to prescibe it to me for that reason. My urge to smoke diminished within a couple of weeks, bareley wanted a cigarette anymore, BUT I started coming home with a bag of candy, icecream, gummy bears and so on EVERY day after work and would wolf all of it down the same evening!! Wellbutrin triggered a sugar craving in me like I never experienced before, needless to say I threw them out.:noway:
  • composerclark
    composerclark Posts: 38 Member
    I've been on Wellbutrin for years, with no side effects that I am aware of. The transitioning period from my previous antidepressant was difficult; I think it took a couple of weeks to feel back to my old self again. Wellbutrin does not seem to have hurt my attempts to loose weight; if I meet my calorie-loss goals, I loose weight.
  • Passionfruit525
    Passionfruit525 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Wellbutrin XL 300MG for 5 months now for depression and have lost 30 pounds WITHOUT a single days workout.It did give me a headache for weeks at first and sometimes I do still get some but as long as I'm not depressed I can over look that.
  • angi4466
    angi4466 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been on Wellbutrin for a little over 7 weeks. The first six weeks was on 150 mg dose and that changed nothing for me, so my doctor upped my dose to 300 mg. After one week on the increase, I have lost 4 pounds, have a lot more energy and my mood has improved greatly.

    Amazingly, I sit down to eat and halfway through a meal I am full and don't wish to eat any more. This is absolutely abnormal for me. Also I don't find myself obsessing about food, or cravings, etc. I am really pleased!!

    I understand that part of this is because many of us turn to food in depression and eat to fill the 'hole' inside. When the depression abates, naturally our desire to emotionally eat dies away. I know this logically, but I am amazed at how it is working for me.
  • dadthegreatest
    I use 450mg Wellbutin for 2.5 years. My Dr. told me it does not cause weight gain, so I could not use it as an excuse for my recent gain. LOL
  • halcy
    halcy Posts: 1
    I have taken Wellbutrin off and on for years. For me, during the first few weeks it stops my INSANE sugar cravings and kills my appetite just enough to help me get into a more healthy eating routine. The cravings & appetite do come back eventually, though, so sooner or later I have to do "the work". Personally, since a form of Wellbutrin is often prescribed for smoking cessation, I suspect that the same brain chemistry that gets people addicted to cigarettes gets others addicted to sugar - but that's just my opinion.

    Oddly, for me Wellbutrin is the one thing that helps my anxiety issues. Everything else has made my anxiety a zillion times worse.
  • LisaB55
    LisaB55 Posts: 35 Member
    I have been on several different antidepressants over the years but have been on Wellbutrin XR 150 mg for quite a while now along with some other psychoactive medications. I think it can be very difficult to assess the effects of medications when you are being treated for depression and other mental health conditions given the impact of those problems themselves on your mood. When you are depressed your appetite, energy level and sleep all often change. I have checked several of these medications including Wellbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro in Lexicomp, and ALL of them are associated with both increased appetite and decreased appetite and ALL of them are associated with weight gain and weight loss. You will notice that I say "associated with" not "cause". That is because drug studies can rarely determine cause and effect relationships and because the drug companies basically report any symptom anyone had while taking a medication during a drug trial. They have no way of knowing whether the drug actually caused that symptom. I am simply trying to point out that it can often be hard to know with any certainty that taking an antidepressant is the reason you lost or gained weight.
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    I've been on Wellbutrin 300XL for about 5 years. I didn't gain weight from it. If it does suppress my appetite then I'd hate to see what it would be like without it! Normally I want all my meals. Some days I'm starving all day, others I'll eat whenever I get around to it. It is what keeps me the most normal. I still very much have my full range of emotions (and appetite apparently) and am much more normal, without the desire to stay in bed all day and being anti social.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I was prescribed it to lose weight and to help me kick my carb addiction. I have no depression. It made me jittery, which did help me lose weight. Once I got over that side effect, the weight loss went away, and it didn't help with the carb addiction. What did help was finally making myself cut out a lot of carbs. Once I managed to get out of the carb cycle, I lost weight again.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    I was on it to help me quit smoking....It gave me heart palpitations, whacked out dreams, and made me go frigging nuts...like literally crying one second, then happy the next, then ready to kill someone right after that...kinda nuts. I did however lose 5 lbs my first week on it...but after day 13 I couldn't handle it anymore...and I have been on quite a few things for depression. I think it is worth a try, just watch yourself on it and if you start feeling odd call your doc right away:)

    ^^This! I took it for about two weeks to quit smoking and it made me insane. Rapid thoughts/speech, insomnia, mood swings, easily angered or upset and the final straw I tried to kill myself. It took another two weeks to be completely normal again.