Is it possible to get a flat stomach. (Excess skin)



  • piinchi
    piinchi Posts: 172 Member
    I love topics with great advice! OP, they're all right - slow and steady, lots of cardio, and ab exercises are good for keeping your midsection strong, which makes all other exercise better as well. Drink lots of water and avoid anything that may cause water retention for you - this differs for many people but most often its high-sodium/highly processed foods. It doesn't make you "Fat" overnight, but it can cause puffiness that gets discouraging. You got this, and I also appreciate all the great advice from everyone else too!
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I would say you will probably have some degree of loose skin :frown: especially if you have been overweight for quite a few years. When I was at my lightest (105 pounds lost) I had quite a lot of wrinkles on my stomach but it didn't hang over my pants or anything like that. My stomach still feels very soft and I have more small "rolls" where the skin is loose. I have been overweight all my life and I have had two children though so my situation may be a little different.

    I highly recommend spanx or a similar type of spandex undershirt. They really smooth you out and help prevent that loose saggy feeling. I am to the point now where I feel very naked without a spandex undershirt on under my clothes. Only myself and my husband know it's there and it helps me feel more confident. There is no shame in that! I think my worst issue is my batwing arms because they are harder to cover. I used to wear longer sleeve shirts but I have recently decided to go sleeveless this summer and hold my head up high. If they don't like it, they don't have to look.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey. I would honestly trade a ton of sagging skin for 100 + pounds of fat on my body any day! Try not to worry to much about the big picture and take it one day at a time :flowerforyou:
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Cardio to lose the weight, but also LOTS OF STRENGTH TRAINING to tighten up the underlying muscle for a more defined look that will ultimately assist your skin in looking tight and firm. That's what I read anyway lol I do believe that strength training is key though. I'd say cardio 30% (got to lose the weight somehow) and strength 70%. When I was 15 I pretty much lost 85lbs on strength training alone. :)
  • GodsyGirl
    GodsyGirl Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you to all the replies. I just love MFP!!