in need of help



  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Eat your exercise calories. It is absolutely true that the closer you are to the goal the smaller your calorie deficit should be. Look at your calories each day as a target and not a suggestion!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice... As I sit here a lil overwhelmed. I'm very proud of the way I eat... & feel I have no sense of self control @ times, but I underestimate myself bc I'm always under goal... I'm just hoping I don't sabotage myself my eating the wrong things with the extra cal I will up it to... Trying to decide what to increase to... 1500 sounds decent... Right?

    I actually think you need a diet break. 1500 is probably too low. To get a better estimate, I would suggest you calculate your TDEE (calories burned in a day). Try and go to the BMR calculator. You put in your stats and then either:

    1) pick sedentary for the table plus eat exercise calories back or
    2) pick the activity level you are at including exercise and eat that amount every day and do not eat exercise calories back

    Remember - a deficit is included in these numbers already.

    Try eating at that level for at leats 4 weeks and see how that goes. After that - tweak as necessary.

    And please also think about dialling back the cardio and starting strength training.

    ETA: to be honest, you are eating so well now - anything you add will not be 'bad'. To get a better fat and higher calorie level, add avocados, peanut putter, nuts, seeds, full fat greek yoghurt etc,
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    Rx... Always wonder why when I close my diary, I'm "promised" a 10# loss in 5 wks but can't get the #s to go down
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Rx... Always wonder why when I close my diary, I'm "promised" a 10# loss in 5 wks but can't get the #s to go down

    Ignore that - it tells me I will lose like 0.2 lbs in 5 weeks - I am losing about a lb a week.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Out of the last six days (not counting today) you've left several hundred uneaten calories every day. One day you left 900, the rest were in the 300-500 range.

    First, how did you come up with 1390 as your Goal? With 20 pounds left to go, you should be set at "Lose 1/2 pound per week". That alone should put you at around 1600-1800 cals a day. BEFORE exercise. You are asking your body to essentially work all day, then exercise, and all on about 1300 TOTAL calories a day. No wonder. I'm surprised you aren't tired all the time. I didn't even bother to look at what you are eating. You need to fix your intake.

    Reset your goal. Eat your exercise calories. You can't afford not to at your weight.

    I had thought this too, because I hear it so much. I didn't say it because I'm not an expert, and I've only heard it from lay-people. Given that what she's been doing hasn't been showing results, it would certainly be what I would try in her place.
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    Rx... Always wonder why when I close my diary, I'm "promised" a 10# loss in 5 wks but can't get the #s to go down

    Ignore that - it tells me I will lose like 0.2 lbs in 5 weeks - I am losing about a lb a week.

    Holy Crap! Tx, I needed to hear that! Think I love u. Hahahaa lol
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Can you tell me what suma is?
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    Can you tell me what suma is?

    Here's a pg on it... But its an herbal supplement that helps me with my energy level... But has other benefits
    I couldn't go half the day w/o a 10am crash... Nowadays I can be up from 5am-11 pm or longer w/o the drag
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    Of course, all this talk @ food got me hungry... So I had a bowl of cereal... Think I'm gonna have another. Lol.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Thanks for that. Fatigue is a huge issue for me (sleep disorder & CFS). I'll give this a try (after checking on interactions, of course).
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    Thanks for that. Fatigue is a huge issue for me (sleep disorder & CFS). I'll give this a try (after checking on interactions, of course).

    Of course, check that. For me, its been life changing n I noticed a diff in days
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Definitely try eating more. I increased my calories to 2200 and started losing 2lbs a week. At a lower calorie level I was losing maybe .5 lbs a week and I need to lose 70 lbs...well 60 now LOL The increased calories take some adjusting. Try eating nuts, peanut butter or other full calorie healthy foods to get to the calories you need. I could not eat 2200 at first w/o having about 200-300 calories a day in nuts or a protein bar. Good luck!
  • rsbrace
    rsbrace Posts: 30
  • wranglerlaura
    Your body has this primal thing called starvation mode. This is one of those reflexive things your body will do and it will hang onto every ounce of fat that it can. Having to take a supplement for energy indicates that your body is trying to tell you something. I agree with those that suggest going to the eat more to weigh less. That is a hard concept to comprehend, but starvation mode is what kept the human race going in times of famine. Good luck on breaking your Plataea and remember to celebrate you success.
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    Your body has this primal thing called starvation mode. This is one of those reflexive things your body will do and it will hang onto every ounce of fat that it can. Having to take a supplement for energy indicates that your body is trying to tell you something. I agree with those that suggest going to the eat more to weigh less. That is a hard concept to comprehend, but starvation mode is what kept the human race going in times of famine. Good luck on breaking your Plataea and remember to celebrate you success.
