Someone PLEASE persuade me to buy the BodyMedia FIT!!

Hey y'all! I've been debating for the past few weeks on whether or not to order a BodyMedia FIT from Amazon. Initially I just wanted an HRM, but I'm also interested in seeing the number of calories I actually burn in an entire day, since both of my jobs require me to be constantly moving. This is the one I keep coming back to, but I'm just not entirely sold on it yet. Can anyone using one answer a few questions for me? I know there's a monthly subscription - what's the cost? Are you able to view how many calories you burn in a certain period of time ie. during a workout? Also, which one would you recommend? I'm looking at the Advantage since it's cheaper and I'm a struggling student :) But if it's really worth investing the extra money in, I might consider the Link or Core too. Thanks in advance, I appreciate any advice!


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I love my BMF. Being able to see my steps, calories, sleep patterns, and activity levels was really eye-opening for me. It definitely makes me get up and move more so I can hit all my daily goals as much as possible.

    The monthly subscription price is $6.99, but I bought mine from and it came with an extra armband and a years subscription included.

    As much as I love my BMF, I still use an HRM as well. There are some exercises that I do that the BMF doesn't record as accurately as an HRM due to reduced arm movement. So for those I take off the BMF then edit in the calorie burn readout from my HRM. The real time heart rate of the HRM is also something that I like being able to see since I can often tell my pacing while out running based on my heart rate.

    I find both of them to be valuable tools and am extremely happy to have both of them. That said, long term, I'll always use an HRM, but I do plan on eventually ending my BMF subscription.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    The subscription is $6.99 per month, but most come with at least 3 months free. You can adjust the slider online to determine burn between time periods. I have the Body Media Fit, so I have to sync to my computer to upload my data. That works fine for me. I don't need to see it every minute of every day. I find it very helpful to see how many calories I burn on a daily basis. I have lost 14.8 pounds in the 8 weeks that I have had mine. I think it is a great investment personally.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I love my bodymedia! I don't think I will ever live life without it again. If you want to know anything specific drop me a PM. :smile:
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    ...I know there's a monthly subscription - what's the cost? Are you able to view how many calories you burn in a certain period of time ie. during a workout? Also, which one would you recommend? I'm looking at the Advantage since it's cheaper and I'm a struggling student :) But if it's really worth investing the extra money in, I might consider the Link or Core too. Thanks in advance, I appreciate any advice!

    No clue about the cost, most have a period of free before the cost though.

    I use the bodybugg, which is the same technology packaged and sold by an inferior company, so my answers may not be entirely correct, but for mine I can select a time period when I plug it in.

    I LOVE mine because I find it completely accurate. I lose almost exactly what I am calculated to lose based on my food log and the burn it calculates. Also, I found that I burn much more than expected just at my job, since it isn't sedentary. Yay for being able to eat more!
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    I love mine. it's been an awesome tool to be able to track Calories burned, steps, and sleep. I work at my home at my desk all day and I sometimes forget to getup and move.. then I know after my 8 hour day if I've moved enough or if I need to get my butt up and do some extra burn.

    It's like a 2nd piece of clothing now :laugh:

    and worth the 6.99 a month.
  • nicolemariemclovin
    nicolemariemclovin Posts: 55 Member
    Lol yeah, that's a big reason I'm interested in it too - I have a feeling I am burning a lot more than I think and am, therefore, able to eat more :D I am DEFINITELY not one of those people that struggles to meet their calorie goals! Thanks for all the feedback everyone!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My husband's weightloss has been stalled for a couple of months - I talked him into getting the BMF earlier this month and he's already down another 4-5 lbs. I say get it. The info it gives is really fascinating. We're contemplating getting one for me now, too.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Have you thought about or heard about the Body by Vi 90 day health challenge? I use it and I love it. Here is the site you can get more info about it. I am now down 18lbs in 3.5 months

    Yeah, you're not allowed to promote what you're selling on this website.
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I've only had my Body Media Fit since Tuesday, but I'm loving it so far! Especially because, as it turns out, I'm more active than I thought, which means MORE FOOD FOR ME! :D

    I love having the data at hand. I'm finding it very motivating to see my steps per day, for example, and try to beat my personal best! I do agree with the poster above who mentioned using a HRM in addition. I'm not doing this now, but am planning to add it in to my "program," as the BMF is most accurate at measuring day-to-day activity and walking.

    It also measures sleep duration and efficiency, which is neat :)
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Have you thought about or heard about the Body by Vi 90 day health challenge? I use it and I love it. Here is the site you can get more info about it. I am now down 18lbs in 3.5 months

    Yeah, you're not allowed to promote what you're selling on this website.

    Not to mention, WTF does that junk have to do with a BMF?
  • nicolemariemclovin
    nicolemariemclovin Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks again everyone :) I think I'll just go ahead and order it!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    A lot of people do seem to like it. I considered it but was put off by the subscription. I went with a FitBit and FT7 combination as neither requires a subscription.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Are you able to view how many calories you burn in a certain period of time ie. during a workout?

    have both. a Polar HRM and the BodyMedia Fit that I am borrowing from a friend. You will need the wrist band accessory to allow you to see calories burned during a workout. otherwise you have to wait until you sync it up a computer to see your calories burned numbers. I dunno about the bluetooth one.
  • jayele72
    jayele72 Posts: 51 Member
    I also went with FitBit/Polar F7. Love them! No subscriptions and Im down 16lbs in 6 weeks!
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I have mixed feelings. I have the BMF LINK and I LOVE seeing the calories I burn. The only time I take it off is when I am in the shower. Now the thing I'm frustrated about, is it has not helped me to lose weight. I've been in the 170's since November, and I workout 6 days a week. Part of my problem I think, is I like to push myself to burn as much as I can, but I'm possibly not eating enough. I'm going to try to keep the burn a little lower and see if that works.
  • mjc65
    mjc65 Posts: 58 Member
    I have used it for about a year and it does make a difference. The fact you can track monthly reports has been an immense help to me - really would recommend it. I tend to use the My Fitness Pal Android app to come up with a total amount of calories etc consumed per day and then put this into the BodyMedia website to allow me to track pretty much everything.
  • mjc65
    mjc65 Posts: 58 Member
    And to get to vigorous activyt can be really tough sometimes, so it pushes you a lot as well. Moderate activity is quite easy, but more than that - you have to work at it.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I have mixed feelings. I have the BMF LINK and I LOVE seeing the calories I burn. The only time I take it off is when I am in the shower. Now the thing I'm frustrated about, is it has not helped me to lose weight. I've been in the 170's since November, and I workout 6 days a week. Part of my problem I think, is I like to push myself to burn as much as I can, but I'm possibly not eating enough. I'm going to try to keep the burn a little lower and see if that works.

    This sounds like me. I love seeing that large deficit, so I tried to keep mine around 1000. But I was close to my goal weight when I got my BMF originally and that was a bad idea for me. Once I finally snapped out of that mindset of needing to see a large deficit and started carefully eating into a deficit closer to 500-300, I started slowly losing again.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I've had mine for about a month, and like it a lot. It motivates me to move more and I like seeing my average deficit. Like others, I enter my total calories from MFP as one meal at the end of each day because the BMF calorie tracking is annoying. It hasn't really helped me lose weight, but it has confirmed that I'm doing the "right" things--ie. that what all the online calculators estimated my TDEE at was about right, and my deficit is about what thought it was, etc. The fact that you need a subscription is annoying, and it's going to be hard for me to wear it every day this summer, because it's not appropriate for my work wardrobe--I wish it were smaller or could be worn elsewhere. But overall, I'm a fan!
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I have mixed feelings. I have the BMF LINK and I LOVE seeing the calories I burn. The only time I take it off is when I am in the shower. Now the thing I'm frustrated about, is it has not helped me to lose weight. I've been in the 170's since November, and I workout 6 days a week. Part of my problem I think, is I like to push myself to burn as much as I can, but I'm possibly not eating enough. I'm going to try to keep the burn a little lower and see if that works.

    This sounds like me. I love seeing that large deficit, so I tried to keep mine around 1000. But I was close to my goal weight when I got my BMF originally and that was a bad idea for me. Once I finally snapped out of that mindset of needing to see a large deficit and started carefully eating into a deficit closer to 500-300, I started slowly losing again.

    What do you do to get your calories up without eating junk? I know about oil and nuts (my trainer doesn't want me eating peanuts, but is ok with almonds, walnuts, etc. As long as theory are plain and not in oils or anything) I need more things that are more calorie dense, since I am not that hungry. The problem is my deficit is usually over a 1000 and I just need to decrease it. I've said this before, but I'm really going to try to stop trying so hard and decrease my burn to get a smaller deficit. My problem is when I see I'm not going to reach at least 3000 calories burned I make myself go for a walk or dance around my apartment. I have to stop that, LOL.