Someone PLEASE persuade me to buy the BodyMedia FIT!!



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    A lot of people on my friends list have been having issues with theirs. They don't feel it's accurate for them and they gain weight if they eat at the level the BMF tells them. Just FYI. It seems to work for me though.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I love my fit bit actually. I sold the body media fit because it kept costing me money. The fit bit is awesome :heart:
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Sort of agree with Rae, though I don't think I'm the friend she's talking about. My Body Bugg tells me my TDEE is around 2600 most days. I eat between 1800 - 2100. Logging, measuring, weighing, the works. I am losing, but not as much as I *should* be based on those numbers. However, it definitely encourages me to move more and more to get those numbers up.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Fooking awesome is all I can say- I kick myself not buying one sooner! I got mine last November.

    Makes tracking cals and exercise SO much better! I was amazed how off a lot of the MFP cal burn stats are for exercises! and off by a lot in the bad way!

    I could extoll the virtues all day long but others have so I will just say this:

    Bite the bullet and get one!
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    DO IT... DO IT NOW!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    i thought the food search and database was pretty terrible, honestly.
  • nicolemariemclovin
    nicolemariemclovin Posts: 55 Member
    I don't plan on entering all of my calories on there too, it just seems like to much work to do it on MFP plus on BMF. I guess I'd just take the number I get from here and manually enter it on the software for the BMF. I am the same as a few of you - I am trying to have somewhere between a 700 and 1000 calorie deficit a day, so some days I'll spend a couple hours at the gym to make sure I achieve that, and I think I might already be close to that deficit so the gym could be overdoing it. I eat a lot (usually 2000+ calories on an active day) but find that I am still hungry when I go to bed sometimes, and don't want to be cutting myself too short on calories. Thanks again for the feedback everyone! I am definitely leaning towards it now, I should just make the plunge and order it without giving myself the chance to change my mind!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    i thought the food search and database was pretty terrible, honestly.

    Most people still use MFP to track food.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    i thought the food search and database was pretty terrible, honestly.

    Most people still use MFP to track food.

    I still use MFP to track food and then I go and just enter the total on BM. I see a difference in calories burned and what MFP says. I agree with a previous poster...Mfp over estimates on exercise calories burned. But I for sure was not eating enough. I was stalled out and felt hungry then got mine and realized I was burning more than I thought so I manually upped my calories. Have had an average of 2 pounds a week lost since, exactly what they say, if you keep your deficit at 1000 a day.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I do "manual over rides" at both MFP and BMF.

    I track all my food on MFP then enter the entire days calories and nutrients as a single meal at BMF. That way I don't have to bother with the crappy BMF food database and can keep all of my food logs in one place since I had MFP for a year before getting a BMF.

    And I use my HRM calories to enter calories burned in MFP and never trust what MFP says for my burn since it's always wrong. (higher than my HRM about 98% of the time)

    But I'll also use my HRM to enter calories for certain exercises on my BMF since it doesn't record things with reduced arm movements accurately. So for those I take off the BMF and just manually enter the info from my HRM.

    Nothing is perfect on its own, but a melding of the three tools seems to work well. :)
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    I absolutly LOVE mine. I track my food on MFP and have my BM link adjusted to what MFP says and then I just log the extra calories on MFP so I know what I have extra to eat =)