Really? I gained two pounds when I made my biggest effort



  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    That's why I love mfp I get feedback right away.

    Thank you all for the support. Eventually I hope to post my good reasults!!!
    and Yes! I'm hiding my scale...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    you are aware that its most likely water weight, right?

    do you monitor your sodium? I recommend that people stay within the 1500-1800 range. Also, if you strength train, your muscles retain fluid...hence, water weight.

    I agree it's almost certainly water weight (your mucles retain water as part of their self-healing process after exercise). But what are you basing the recommendation of 1500-1800 on? Seems a bit arbitrary.

    It's hardly arbitrary. The MFP sodium goal is entirely too high. Do a little research on sodium. Your body does not need more than 1500mg of sodium. I say 1500-1800 because some people freak out about 1500 and feel better about 1800. Once you go above that, water retention is inevitable, and it can take a few days for it to subside.

    Ah, you're talking sodium. I thought you meant cals!

    (That said, if you're doing heavy exercise, that salt level's a bit low.... long distance runners need more, for instance, and there's a lot of individual variation in salt replacement needs. so yeah, it's still kind of an arbitrary recommendation. )
  • xxxMumof2xxx
    My milk was a pain, if I didn't eat well etc there wouldn't be enough. I still managed to put weight on though. Typical! I'm sure tie water and nothing else. Try weighing 2 weekly or monthly. If you aren't very heavy to start it will come off slower. The bigger you are the faster it comes off at the start.
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Water weight?
    Huh? Never thought of that... I'm also a breastfeeding mom and somebody told me that sometimes if baby is going through a growth spurt I'm mostly to retain fluids too.

    I'm really lost. I should read more about general diet first and what I should expect when starting one.

    I will be very prife,.......what ever you have done to lose weight, the curve of losing weight will not smoothly go down, at some point it will go up......but the overall is going down.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    OP - your confusion about water weight.

    There are 2 potential sources for water retention - variation in water weight as a result of your menstrual cycle, and water retention as part of the muscles' healing process after exercise. As I said earlier, if you're working out more, the latter is likely to be your culprit.

    When you work out, you get microscopic tears in your muscles. Healing these is how muscles 'grow' and strengthen. The process requires water retention (and one of the chemicals needed in the healing process is hydrophilic).
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Water weight?
    Huh? Never thought of that... I'm also a breastfeeding mom and somebody told me that sometimes if baby is going through a growth spurt I'm mostly to retain fluids too.

    I'm really lost. I should read more about general diet first and what I should expect when starting one.

    you aren't on a diet. you're changing your lifestyle. so stop looking at it as a day to day thing, and start looking at it from a new perspective.

    and your cycle refers to your menstrual cycle...

  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    where are you in your cycle?

    I had a baby 7 months ago and I'm still breastfeeding. I guess I wont have a menstrual cycle until I stop breastfeeding.

    I'm not sure that's typical (didn't happen to me, or anyone I know). I would check whether it's a side effect of your birth control, and if not, consult your doctor.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    where are you in your cycle?

    I had a baby 7 months ago and I'm still breastfeeding. I guess I wont have a menstrual cycle until I stop breastfeeding.

    I'm not sure that's typical (didn't happen to me, or anyone I know). I would check whether it's a side effect of your birth control, and if not, consult your doctor.

    It is completely normal and natural for a woman's cycles not to resume while she is breastfeeding. The body is smart - while the baby is still making a lot of demands on the mother's body (it takes a LOT of calories to make milk for an exclusively breastfed baby) it is natural not to ovulate, because the body simply doesn't have the resources to support both a breastfeeding baby and a pregnancy. I nursed my son until he was 18 months, and didn't get my cycle back until he was almost a year.

    Of course, everyone is different, and some women get their cycles back almost immediately after giving birth. But for most women who breastfeed, it takes quite a while for cycles to resume.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    ...and I totally forgot the other point I wanted to make!

    Proudmommy, I've heard from a lot of other moms that it was hard for them to lose weight while they were nursing... their bodies seemed to want to hold on to some extra weight as insurance, I suppose. Be careful about cutting your calories too drastically. I don't think MFP is set up to take nursing into account when setting a calorie goal. If I was in your shoes, I'd focus more on making sure I chose quality food over junk and getting exercise. Listen to your body, and if you are hungry, eat! Your body is working hard to feed your child.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    ...and I totally forgot the other point I wanted to make!

    Proudmommy, I've heard from a lot of other moms that it was hard for them to lose weight while they were nursing... their bodies seemed to want to hold on to some extra weight as insurance, I suppose. Be careful about cutting your calories too drastically. I don't think MFP is set up to take nursing into account when setting a calorie goal. If I was in your shoes, I'd focus more on making sure I chose quality food over junk and getting exercise. Listen to your body, and if you are hungry, eat! Your body is working hard to feed your child.

    Thanks for the input!

    My doctor told me that as well. She said she bf her 3 kids and didnt get her period until she stopped. Also told me that body holds onto the last pounds as a reserve for milk supply. I didn't want to believe but I think is true now. It's getting so hard to lose the last 10 lbs...
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    where are you in your cycle?

    I had a baby 7 months ago and I'm still breastfeeding. I guess I wont have a menstrual cycle until I stop breastfeeding.

    I'm not sure that's typical (didn't happen to me, or anyone I know). I would check whether it's a side effect of your birth control, and if not, consult your doctor.

    I asked my doc and she said it's completely normal. In fact, only around 10% of bf moms get their period while breastfeeding..