Scared of my weight...



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    it is health issues that usually are a factor that make people realize weight needs to come off..... happened to me. you are still young... I hope you can grasp the significance it is to lose for your health... focus and do it... you will be happy you did. you can do it!!

    This!! could not have said it any better. This is a crossroad in your life and you can either let it scare you to the point you do nothing about it or you can embrace it and use it as motivation to start on the path to better health and a new you... I did find out that I had Type 2 diabetes the week after I had that AHA moment and I thought of my sister who I lost to this disease in 1993 and I could have fallen back on old habits that got me to 560 lbs. but I made a choice that I was not going to let this disease or my weight define me anymore and that I deserve so much more than I had given myself over the last 39 years so I started my journey taking baby steps at first but continuing to put one foot in front of the other. In 3 weeks I will have reached my 3 year anniversary and as of now I have lost 306 lbs. over that time and literally saved my own life.... All things are possible you just have to believe that they are and work very hard to achieve them.. It all up to you..... Best of Luck....
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I know how you feel but you have got to get past the mental issue you are having with food. Keep everything tracked stay under your calories and you can give yourself the piece of mind that you are doing everything you can to change you situation. Add some friends for support and know that you aren't alone and this has happened to other people too, and your going to be just fine and the weight will come off and then you will have the babies you are hoping for. I speak from experience saying get healthy first for you and your future babies. Don't be afraid of food that's even worse, I keep everything charted down I know how much of each macro I need and I stay under them and then that helps ease my mind. Everything will be okay, just take a deep breath.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Outside of being very unhealthy and overweight, my wife and I wanted to have a baby. We tried on and off again for over a year. Finally after losing more than 300 lbs between us, we not only got our wish of being healthy, but we have a baby on the way. I agree with others when they say don't overdo the exercise. I have been rushed to the emergency room in March 2011 for deydration. If I have any advice, it is drink lots of water, on days you workout you should drink more than the recommended 64 oz. You should drink half your body weight in ounces a day. When I was rushed to the emergency room, I felt dizzy, nauseus, and thinks got blurry and bright. It felt like I was gonna die. My BP was like 80/40. If you eat you will not gain wait if you eat too much you will. Get with a dietician or set your goal here and try your best to follow. For exercise, maybe start with walking to get your body use to it, especially if you haven't done any exercise in the recent past. Don't let your starting weight scare you, we all started somewhere, I was almost 380 lbs and I was the same way, but then I thought hey that's the last time that number will be on the scale and it's the worst it will ever be and as you lose the weight it helps you realize, I know it sounds obvious, you are healthier than you were before. When I was heavy I would think one morning I will not wake up, it was very stressful at the time, now I don't even think about it. Keep going, getting healthy helps relieve alot of life stressers.