Lifting someone/being picked up

kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
So im seeing this guy and the height diffrence is pretty big he's 6ft 2 im 5ft 2 (and 3/4) well we kissed for the first time a few days ago and i realized this would be a little bit of a challenge cause i was on my tippy toes and he was slouching at really almost wasnt enough anywho he keeps saying next time ill just pick you up so he is alot heavier than me he's 213 im 148 (65lbs) and he says he wont have any problem picking me up.....but im still scaried that he will have a hard time and he told me that he can lift alot more than what i weigh and it wont feel like anything but still ive been worried about this

So the question is, dudes/ladies do you think it'll be too hard for him to do it?

p.s i think this is the motivation i needed to get started again lol


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Well, theoretically I could and I'm a little 5'9" short *kitten*. It simply depends how strong he is.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    No worries. He can lift you.
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    My husband is about 180, I'm 160. The other night as a joke I told him to carry my lazy self to the couch (two rooms away) and he did. There was no straining, no huffing and puffing or anything.

    I don't think your guy will have any problems.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Don't worry about it. I can pick up my wife with ease and there's a bigger difference. I'm no bodybuilder either.

  • retriev00
    retriev00 Posts: 227 Member
    I wouldn't think he would have a problem if he's in okay shape.

    I weigh 190, and lifting someone your size would be no sweat for me.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    Is anyone else thinking about the Dirty Dancing scene? No? Just me huh?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The height difference won't matter as much if you're sitting down. Matters less when you're laying down, but I don't want to rush ya too much. :wink:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When my husband could pick me up again was one of my NSV's. What he didn't expect was that I could pick him up now too (thank you deadlifts).

    Hehe, yeah, it's sexy as heck when a guy can pick you up and carry your around... Let him!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    You get used to the height difference pretty fast. When I first met my husband it was awkward to kiss him too. (He's 6'4" and I'm 5'5") After just a little while though it was no big deal. He never had to pick me up. That was 22 1/2 years ago and we'll celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary this Tuesday. Frankly, it would be weird to kiss someone who was of asimilar height (not just for the obvious "why are you making out with someone other than your husband?" factor. :laugh: )
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    The height difference won't matter as much if you're sitting down. Matters less when you're laying down, but I don't want to rush ya too much. :wink:

    THIS!!! Have fun trying out different positions... :smooched:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Is anyone else thinking about the Dirty Dancing scene? No? Just me huh? know that movie huh?
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I know how you feel...
    I'm 5'4, 142 and my boyfriend is 6'0 190. Not much of a difference... I always feel self-conscious when he lifts me. But I got used to it, so don't worry.
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    Lol even you could lift you... a strong guy could probably do it with one eyebrow and a 'the rock' expression.

  • AllyBooMommyof2
    He'll be able to pick you up no sweat! Don't worry! I can't freakin wait till I'm skinny enough to be picked up!!!!! That's one of my secret goals lol!!!!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    My husband is 5'9", 135 lbs, and I'm 5'8", 161! It's awful! I can't wait until I'm as thin as him, if ever.
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    I think you'll be fine! :smile:

    I'm currently 143LBS (5'4''). Late last month in my Emt class, my instructor wanted one of us to volunteer to play 'victim', and this person was to be carried, lifted onto a stretcher, and also carried up and down the stairs. EVERYBODY looked at me! I'm like, "What the hell are you people looking at me for?!", not realizing I'm the "smallest" in class (oh boy, oh boy :happy: )
    The rest of the classmates had to pair up into group/partners of two, and had to carry me. One of the group, was two females who look like they're not capable of lifting heavier than 25 pounds :noway: . That literally made me scared for my life when they were prepping to carry me up and down the stairs, and I begged my instructor to not have my arms strapped in so that I can at least be able to grab onto something if they drop me :sad: (she said 'no' and that I had to trust 'em).

    Long story short, they didn't. They didn't wobble either (whew). I even have a couple guy friends who always love picking me up, and they are both like 5'8'' and probably in their 160's (twins), and they were able to pick me up with ease when I was in my 150's.

    Anyway, if they can carry me.......your boy most definitely can handle you! Trust him :wink:
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    Is anyone else thinking about the Dirty Dancing scene? No? Just me huh? know that movie huh?

    Yup, I can even quote parts too. Thats right.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm 5'9" 165 lbs and a female. I could easily pick up someone taller than me that weighed more than me. If he can't pick you up it isn't because of your weight, it's because he's weak. Shouldn't be a problem.
  • nicholettebell
    I think he'll be fine. My ex who was 5'10" could pick me up when I was at 220. I always screamed at him for doing that because I thought he was going to break his back! :laugh:
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 671
    I'm sure he will pick you up just fine. I can pick up a lot more than that and I'm a girl