In need of advice/tips. Please no preaching.



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Just remember...the exercise has to be difficult enough where you can only do 5-7 reps or so in a row on your first set.

    For example, if you can push out 10 normal pushups in a row (for the 'Horizontal push' portion), then that is too easy and you need to move up to a harder exercise.

    If you can do more than 5-7 regular pullups in a row, you need to switch to side to side pullups (where you're pulling more with one hand than the other...if you do this, you need to double your reps so you're working each arm equally).

    I hope that makes sense.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Wow! I would love to see those kind of results, Cris! I think I will have to lose a bit more weight first as there is no way I could pull or push this body up. I will also have to look up most of the excercises because I have no idea what most of them are :embarassed:
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    No Preaching here, I generally have two meals a day and find it hard to eat half a plate of food if I go to a resturant. I take more home and have it for two more days. My problem is I have ulcerttive colitis and have been told that alot of people that have this arnt hungery. I can get up in the morning and go to work and not eat a thing till 2 in the afternoon and eat just half a sandwich. Everybodys body is different Just get a good check up and enjoy your life!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Wow! I would love to see those kind of results, Cris! I think I will have to lose a bit more weight first as there is no way I could pull or push this body up. I will also have to look up most of the excercises because I have no idea what most of them are :embarassed:

    That's the beauty of this workout works regardless of your strength level.

    If you can't do a normal pushup, do them from your knees. If you can't do a pushup from your negative pushups from your knees (basically you get in pushup position, and lower yourself to the floor as slooooooowwwwlly as possible). The same goes for pullups, get a chair, and use your legs to support just enough of your weight to force your arms to work.

    This workout is actually more effective the more out of shape you are. By the time I decided to get a gym membership, I was doing 25 handstand pushups for the vertical press, 50 one arm decline pushups with one leg in the air for the horizontal press...etc.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I cant see your diet, but maybe add some sunflower seeds to your salad, and handful of almonds as a snack, add some cashews to stir fry (which can be veggie stir fry) or have peanut butter toast for breakfast. Add some olive oil or coconut oil to your cooking. Instead of egg whites....use the whole egg.
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    Bump. I'm stealing the workout :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Bump. I'm stealing the workout :)


    If you need any help with it...let me know!
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Bump. I'm stealing the workout :)

    Holy hell.
    Your stomach looks AMAZING. Just thought I'd comment on that :happy:
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Adding myself in case one day I get inspired to work out :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Op - if you can't eat enough cals try adding high cal but small volume foods - 50g nuts is 400 cals with healthy fats and protein which will get you to your target cals.
    Looks like you need to work on body composition rather than losing weight which means weight training at maintenance or a very small deficit. The program cris posted looks fantastic if you can't get to a gym.

    Cris - thats an amazing change in 3 months, well done!!!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I have the same difficulty. But I noticed when I do more strength training (sit ups, crunches, push ups squats etc) I am so much more hungry... and can get in those extra calories.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Papa don't preach. I'm in trouble deep.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I am guessing that you are wondering how to eat up to 1800 calories.

    I eat 1800 calories, 100 carbs, 150 protein each day. Some days I am off...but this is the main goal.

    So, try virgin coconut oil in some oatmeal. Oatmeal 130 calories 130 calories coconut oil
    almonds 140 calories
    protein powder with milk 140 calories + 90 calories
    eggs with yokes 70 calories
    cheddar cheese in eggs 110 calories
    protein bars 180-210 calories.

    These are just a few ways to get calories up while keeping carbs at check.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    Bumping for Cris's workout. I'll start with the less difficult ones from each group and see how it goes. Don't know how far an old lady like me will get but I intend to find out. :smile:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Op - if you can't eat enough cals try adding high cal but small volume foods - 50g nuts is 400 cals with healthy fats and protein which will get you to your target cals.
    Looks like you need to work on body composition rather than losing weight which means weight training at maintenance or a very small deficit. The program cris posted looks fantastic if you can't get to a gym.

    Cris - thats an amazing change in 3 months, well done!!!

    Aww thanks!

    Seriously's not a difficult program to follow, and it usually leaves you feeling energized rather than worn (after you recover for a short bit lol). I loved it while doing it...and still switch back to it every couple months for a challenge. My current gym/weight workout is based directly on what I was doing at home.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Op - if you can't eat enough cals try adding high cal but small volume foods - 50g nuts is 400 cals with healthy fats and protein which will get you to your target cals.
    Looks like you need to work on body composition rather than losing weight which means weight training at maintenance or a very small deficit. The program cris posted looks fantastic if you can't get to a gym.

    Cris - thats an amazing change in 3 months, well done!!!

    Aww thanks!

    Seriously's not a difficult program to follow, and it usually leaves you feeling energized rather than worn (after you recover for a short bit lol). I loved it while doing it...and still switch back to it every couple months for a challenge. My current gym/weight workout is based directly on what I was doing at home.

    It's good to see what can be done without a gym. A lot of people go for stuff like 30ds DVD with teeny dumbells for home weight training, when really that's more cardio.
    You should make a seperate topic with your workout, it would help a lot of people get their home workouts right :-)

    Do you have any suggestions for lower body exercises that don't put any strain on the knee? I'm currently unable to do squats / lunges / leg extension or curls, so ive been pretty stuck for any kind of leg workout :-(
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Op - if you can't eat enough cals try adding high cal but small volume foods - 50g nuts is 400 cals with healthy fats and protein which will get you to your target cals.
    Looks like you need to work on body composition rather than losing weight which means weight training at maintenance or a very small deficit. The program cris posted looks fantastic if you can't get to a gym.

    Cris - thats an amazing change in 3 months, well done!!!

    Aww thanks!

    Seriously's not a difficult program to follow, and it usually leaves you feeling energized rather than worn (after you recover for a short bit lol). I loved it while doing it...and still switch back to it every couple months for a challenge. My current gym/weight workout is based directly on what I was doing at home.

    It's good to see what can be done without a gym. A lot of people go for stuff like 30ds DVD with teeny dumbells for home weight training, when really that's more cardio.
    You should make a seperate topic with your workout, it would help a lot of people get their home workouts right :-)

    Do you have any suggestions for lower body exercises that don't put any strain on the knee? I'm currently unable to do squats / lunges / leg extension or curls, so ive been pretty stuck for any kind of leg workout :-(

    I agree!
    You should really do your own thread for the workout! And if I get a chance to do before and after pics with it I'll gladly share with everyone! =)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Op - if you can't eat enough cals try adding high cal but small volume foods - 50g nuts is 400 cals with healthy fats and protein which will get you to your target cals.
    Looks like you need to work on body composition rather than losing weight which means weight training at maintenance or a very small deficit. The program cris posted looks fantastic if you can't get to a gym.

    Cris - thats an amazing change in 3 months, well done!!!

    Aww thanks!

    Seriously's not a difficult program to follow, and it usually leaves you feeling energized rather than worn (after you recover for a short bit lol). I loved it while doing it...and still switch back to it every couple months for a challenge. My current gym/weight workout is based directly on what I was doing at home.

    It's good to see what can be done without a gym. A lot of people go for stuff like 30ds DVD with teeny dumbells for home weight training, when really that's more cardio.
    You should make a seperate topic with your workout, it would help a lot of people get their home workouts right :-)

    Do you have any suggestions for lower body exercises that don't put any strain on the knee? I'm currently unable to do squats / lunges / leg extension or curls, so ive been pretty stuck for any kind of leg workout :-(

    The problem with lower body workouts, is that your body is designed in such a way that in order to utilize those muscles...your knee has to bend.

    About the only thing I could suggest, and this would only really work for your glutes, and perhaps your hamstrings, is to perform a 'time' based exercise, and do sets of time till failure.

    For example...slide to the edge of your computer chair. Extend your legs out until they're comfortably straight (which will mean slightly bent most likely, that's fine...your knee position isn't really important). Now...tighten your legs entirely, and try to lever your body upwards out of the chair (trust me, this isn't actually going to happen lol) by pushing your feet into the ground. Hold it until you can't anymore, that's 1rep. Do this 5x in a row, then take a break. Build up from 1 5 sets as your strength allows.

    You may get cramps in your leg muscles lol...this really is a difficult form of exercise.

    You can do a similar thing with your calves to engage your hamstrings, tighten your ENTIRE legs when you do)...but since most people can stand on tiptoe for substantial periods, it's best to get some weight involved there, and since you aren't bending your knees, this shouldn't be a problem.
  • joneskaw
    joneskaw Posts: 27
    bump for the 5 x 5 workout
  • joneskaw
    joneskaw Posts: 27
    Meant to say as well "thanks, Chris, and your transformation is inspiring!"