

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have no idea what to tell you here. I have been following the program here, eating the calories I am supposed to eat according to MFP, getting some exercise, and it has been working for me.

    Under eating can prevent weight loss.

    How about your measurements? It's possible you are replacing fat with muscle so you aren't seeing a change on the scale.

    Everyone says that if you eat too little you won't lose any weight. Years ago I had a nervous breakdown and was not able to eat much for a whole week. I lost over 14lbs. Now, I'm NOT recommending it at all, but if you don't eat, your body uses the stored fat. Fact.

    14lb = 7000 calorie defecit a day.
  • TheOriginalGinging
    I can understand why you'd be frustrated. Think two things--Nutrition and Fitness. Not diet and exercise. I took a quick look at your diary and you're eating good foods but some days you're not eating enough. Some people don't eat after 7pm. I haven't tried that yet. Glad to hear your BP is good and no deficiencies. Did your Dr. check your thyroid levels? Also, maybe a nutritionist could help. Learn as much as you can about nutrition. Best wishes!! Add me if you'd like!! I've had some pretty frustration days, too!!
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I can understand why you'd be frustrated. Think two things--Nutrition and Fitness. Not diet and exercise. I took a quick look at your diary and you're eating good foods but some days you're not eating enough. Some people don't eat after 7pm. I haven't tried that yet. Glad to hear your BP is good and no deficiencies. Did your Dr. check your thyroid levels? Also, maybe a nutritionist could help. Learn as much as you can about nutrition. Best wishes!! Add me if you'd like!! I've had some pretty frustration days, too!!

    Yes, she checked my thyroid, and it was ok.
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    1600 hundred calories is good for u. let me tell u hang in there the 6weeks of starting this clean eating and exercising i DID NOT LOSE A POUND but now the weight is just coming off not every time u start a diet u lose the weight right away ur body built muscle this happen to a lot of us boost ur exercise it will come off
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I'm gonna try the fat2fit method. Eat 1850 and not eat back exercise calories unless I have a huge workout. Concentrate on more protein, worry less about fat. Not be so frustrated if I don't make all my calories everyday, but also try to make it up the rest of the week--not freak out if I go over some days. I'll be back in another month complaining if I still can't figure it out.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sounds like a great plan - well except th last sentence :wink:
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    In order to get in 1500-1700 calories a day I start my day with a protein shake that has approx. 400 calories.. Protein powder, banana, almond milk, nutella or peanut butter, old fashioned oats, coffee. Yum! Greek yogurt for morning snack. Close to 600 calories counted for before lunch.....
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I'm gonna try the fat2fit method. Eat 1850 and not eat back exercise calories unless I have a huge workout. Concentrate on more protein, worry less about fat. Not be so frustrated if I don't make all my calories everyday, but also try to make it up the rest of the week--not freak out if I go over some days. I'll be back in another month complaining if I still can't figure it out.



    It's just gonna take me some time to figure out how to eat that many calories.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I'm gonna try the fat2fit method. Eat 1850 and not eat back exercise calories unless I have a huge workout. Concentrate on more protein, worry less about fat. Not be so frustrated if I don't make all my calories everyday, but also try to make it up the rest of the week--not freak out if I go over some days. I'll be back in another month complaining if I still can't figure it out.



    It's just gonna take me some time to figure out how to eat that many calories.

    1850 wasn't in the fat2fit chart, I get 2047?? Eat 100g of nuts a day. 800 cals with protein and healthy fat, problem solved :-)
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I'm gonna try the fat2fit method. Eat 1850 and not eat back exercise calories unless I have a huge workout. Concentrate on more protein, worry less about fat. Not be so frustrated if I don't make all my calories everyday, but also try to make it up the rest of the week--not freak out if I go over some days. I'll be back in another month complaining if I still can't figure it out.

    I personally aim to eat in between sedentary (1750) and lightly active (2047-ish) at the moment - I am considered "moderately active" by fat2fit. I also have a hard time sometimes getting in all the calories.

    Nuts are a great way to get lots of calories without lots of volume. 2oz of my favorite Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Almonds is like 360ish calories.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    1850 wasn't in the fat2fit chart, I get 2047?? Eat 100g of nuts a day. 800 cals with protein and healthy fat, problem solved :-)

    The fat2fit chart is different for everyone who puts their info in.
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I'm gonna try the fat2fit method. Eat 1850 and not eat back exercise calories unless I have a huge workout. Concentrate on more protein, worry less about fat. Not be so frustrated if I don't make all my calories everyday, but also try to make it up the rest of the week--not freak out if I go over some days. I'll be back in another month complaining if I still can't figure it out.



    It's just gonna take me some time to figure out how to eat that many calories.

    1850 wasn't in the fat2fit chart, I get 2047?? Eat 100g of nuts a day. 800 cals with protein and healthy fat, problem solved :-)

    1850 is in between sedentary and lightly active. I'm not going to increase my calories by 400 in one go if I'm not sure I trust this TDEE calculation. I'm going to work on accuracy (and eating tons of nuts (oh dear I'm gonna be so broke)) for now and increase again later if I need to.

    Activity Level ... Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) ... 1787
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) ... 2047
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) ... 2308
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) ... 2569
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) ... 2829
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Sometimes it takes people a LONG time to start loosing. My mom was doing everything right and the weight would just not go away at first. Eventually it did.
  • Snotori
    Snotori Posts: 156
    I also feel your pain as far as struggling with your weight and I too have been on this for 2 months but have lost weight. I know there are obsessive people out there who say you have to watch this that and the other thing making sure they all balance out in the end but unless you are working off your last 10+ pounds I've learned all you really need to do is keep yourself under your calories. Now that doesn't mean go eat a bunch of candy but I've been eating pizza, Chinese, and even cheese and no I'm not talking the healthy things you buy or the frozen stuff that's special I mean the good pizza from a pizza place and Chinese from a Buffet.

    Ok I think I need to take you back a few year. See my husband did this first and I joined with him and read all I could about it and listened to people saying that I had to watch everything, drink only water, and making sure it all ended up green but well you are doing better then I did cause I gave up after a few days thinking there was NO WAY ON EARTH I could eat like that FOREVER!!! Well my husband staid on it yet did it his way. And lost 60+ pounds. I was totally jealous and tried every other pill, exercise program, and diet counter plan out there but pills are terrible for you and plans get you to buy their food or count their points without really telling you how to eat normal food or even go out to eat and basically being able to do it for the rest of your life. Well my husband gained a little back around Christmas (who doesn't right) and so he went back on this and I decided to go on it too since I didn't make any progress on the other things. Now don't get me wrong between it all I lost like 20 pounds but 20 pounds in 2 years isn't anything to brag about especially when I have a load more then that to loose. See I have this little problem of quitting after a week or so if I don't see progress. So my first day back on it I again got frustrated and my husband was like what's going on mine is all in there and green and I'm eating what you are what's wrong? It was then that he noticed what I was trying to do and said no no no showing that as long as calories are in the green I WILL LOOSE WEIGHT. Now the first week nothing happened and well trust me I was beginning to doubt him cause he lost it right away and I didn't. Well about 10 days after I lost my first pound and I was thinking it was a fluke until the next pound came off. Now I can't say it hasn't been frustrating not to be able to eat everything my husband can cause guys can eat more (totally not fair just saying!) but with exercise it's helped me be able to eat and not really be hungry. I've also learned that I don't have to drink just water (cause well I hate the stuff) but it does add in weight loss and our bodies run off it so at first I got a 24 ounce Gatorade bottle and fill it up 3 times a day knowing that's 9 glasses of water. Yes, I drink diet pop and there are people out there that gasp but I still have 100 pounds to loose have tried the no pop route for 2 months (was quite proud of myself) but lost nothing so I went back to diet figuring until that last 10 pounds were everything counts I'll live with the gasps knowing I get to drink something other then water. I also eat cheese and drink milk occasionally. I'm sorry people I love my dairy but it is expensive when it come to calories but like I say it's all a game and you have to decide where you want to give and take :P

    Also if you are exercising A LOT you will be putting on muscle and if you loose 5 pounds of weight but put on muscle you will weigh more cause muscle weights more then fat! I learned that the hard way doing this crazy exercise program. I lost like 10 pounds but put on a load of muscle and was like how am I gaining well that's how I learned that and quite cause I wanted to loose not gain well now I'm back exercising but doing it so I don't add a bunch of muscle too fast so I can still see the scale going down :P

    I range about 1600 a day without any crazy exercises so we are doing about the same so I can't answer why you haven't lost yet.

    So just my opinion get loads of friend to keep your spirits up, eat healthy but don't deprive yourself too extremely or you will slip (trap I fell into my first time), and do low intensity but remember even low intensity for LONG periods of time will gain you muscle so maybe that's why you haven't lost yet?
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
  • brittneyrae2121
    I know exactly how you feel. For the past month I've been eating 1200 calories a day, 5 small meals or "snacks" a day, working out almost every morning and then walking or running again at night and I haven't seen any weight loss. What gives? I'm not starving myself because I'm no hungry at all through out the day since I'm eating so many times and I'm eating a lot of healthy options and eating all recommended servings sizes. It's seriously just super frustrating.. I know the scale isn't suppose to be the be all tell all, but when you aren't losing anything from it, it tends to make you feel deflated.
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    Thanks guys!! I underestimate how helpful it is to have a sounding board and especially to hear that there are so many others who just have to wait it out. I went to the store today, and I did a spectacular job if I do say so myself. I think maybe I'll take the Barnes and Noble gift card I got for Christmas and haven't used, and I'll grab some Moleskin notebooks to keep track of calories in and out, what stores I can get which foods, recipes, different exercises to try, some affirmations, how well I sleep and maybe even my BM's. There's no such thing as an unfinished journal in my life, so maybe that'll work better for long-term goals.

    Thanks again.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member

    Also if you are exercising A LOT you will be putting on muscle and if you loose 5 pounds of weight but put on muscle you will weigh more cause muscle weights more then fat! I learned that the hard way doing this crazy exercise program. I lost like 10 pounds but put on a load of muscle and was like how am I gaining well that's how I learned that and quite cause I wanted to loose not gain well now I'm back exercising but doing it so I don't add a bunch of muscle too fast so I can still see the scale going down :P

    Sorry to burst your bubble but you won't gain that much muscle, it's pretty much impossible to gain muscle on a calorie deficit. Maybe a pound or two when you first start heavy lifting but that's it. It takes a LOT of work and a specific high protein diet to gain decent amounts of muscle.
    If you were exercising a lot, its more likely the gain was glycogen / water retention for muscle repair.

    At the end of the day, the more muscle you have, the more cals you burn even at rest. You might not lose lbs when gaining muscle but will lose inches which are more important :-)
  • Dargealing
    Dargealing Posts: 58 Member
    I am right there with you on only needing to lose like 10 to 12 lbs. I have hit a plateau and the scale I swear has been sabotaged! and is stuck. I never eat back my calories. My clothes are fitting loser, so i losing inches, but the weight.. GRRH is right. This is the first time I have done it with counting every calorie I am eating. I have done Dr. Abravenels body type and he used to have a place where you could buy plateau pills and now he is no where to be found as far as finding them, but htey worked. I cn find 3 of the ingredients that are in them but not the hypothalumus substance.
    now as I have gotten older it seems ever harder than it ever was before.. but I am not going to give up. Hope you keep up the hard work ad that something will finally give..