i bet more that 80% of people here are home wreckers



  • callmecaptain
    I'm not much of a breaky person, but I am so replying to save those recipe links xD And dammit, I think I saw a snickers in the house earlier....noow I'm hungry!

    Yeah, what cruel person mentioned snickers!!!!! :noway:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Then he was playing XBox with my son (volleyball) and he hit the ceiling fan, shattering 2 of the 3 shades on it and raining glass all over the TV, table, chairs, carpet and said Toddler. :grumble: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    i break MYSELF more than i break things. i once dropped a computer keyboard on my foot and ended up with a hematoma the size of a golf ball. keyboard was fine.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    In our first apartment, my husband made the smart decision to leave his laptop on the floor, under some papers! So I accidentally stepped on it and broke the screen. I blamed it on the cat.

    And another time, he left his cell phone in his pocket and I did laundry. Amazingly though, it went through the washer and dryer and still worked!
  • linhmaimac
    linhmaimac Posts: 148 Member
    Ninjas dont break things, they break dance.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    The hubs has a lot of hobbies one of which is the yo yo. He seriously has a $150 yo yo. One Sunday I was up in the bedroom trying to escape from the lot of them and I hear glass break. Then The Boy yells up the stairs, "Nothing, Mom!". He was covering for his dad. I guess he thought I wouldn't notice that we no longer had a covering over the bare light bulb in the ceiling fan.
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Once smashed a lamp my mom made in a ceramics class... hanging out in the living room 'boxing' with a friend of mine... he pulled up a couch pillow to block my punch and i knocked the pillow into the lamp. Amazingly, when my mom went to work, she didn't see that 40% of the lamp was no longer...

    Spent the entire day trying to piece this damn thing together... with crazy glue and saran wrap (as a splint, of sorts). It being ceramic, some of the pieces turned to dust, so there were holes all over the place. She came home that evening and still didn't notice.... but my guilt (and more so, knowledge that when she inevitably found out, it would just be worse) propelled me to pulling her aside to tell her that I... uh... was reaching for the cat and knocked it over (I'm gonna tell her that we thought we were mike tyson and I punched a pillow into her favorite lamp? Nah). I get her to sit down next to the lamp.... and I stumble through my prepared speech... and when I say, "Uh... ma... something happened" She says "what?" reaches for a book she had thrown on the table. Somehow, that slight movement shifts the lamp just enough the make it crumble... there's a pause... and I say, "that."

    I think I'm still technically on punishment for that one...
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Everything gets broken or ruined.

    I buy a new pair of jeans, and rip them first day.

    I buy a new pair of sun glasses, drop them on the pavement and scratch the lenses on that day.

    I buy a new car, and park to close to a high curb, you know those really high ones that are above your door, then not realize it and slam my door into it opening it.

    I buy a new couch and the kids spill a giant mug of hot chocolate on it. The couch was white.

    Everything I own gets ruined. I am convinced that I am simply not allowed to have nice things.

    I'm not a homewrecker, the universe is a home wrecker.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Be careful, you'll get people coming in here saying you shouldn't make jokes about home wreckers because their XYZ had an affair and they still feel the pain.

  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Be careful, you'll get people coming in here saying you shouldn't make jokes about home wreckers because their XYZ had an affair and they still feel the pain.

    ^:laugh: Good one
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I have a ceremic Strawberry Shortcake Christmas tree ornament that I've hung on the tree every year since my 10th Birthday. A few years ago, there was some "light sabering" going on that took her out while I wasn't home. I love the fact that my husband carefully glued her back together. She sits on my dresser now.

    I thought I would be more upset, but that would be hypocritcal of me since I break crap all the time....I'm on my billionth set of wine glasses. I know you're probably thinking "this one just sauces it up and drops them or what have you," nope, I just talk with my hands and usually knock 'em right off the table!!!
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    2 kindles and a laptop in the past year. My phone went down the loo. So many glasses I actually need to buy more. Pretty often end up with train tickets in my pockets going round the washing machine - luckily they hold together so I don't spend the next 3 hours plucking paper fluff off everything!

    I tend to take things apart more than accidentally break them though. Started that very young - sat on the pavement with a hammer attempted to get inside a Matchbox car - why my mother let me have the hammer, I shall never know. Glad she did though - I now know they're terribly disappointing inside!
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    When my husband and I first got married, I didn't realize his favorite sweater was wool... I'm a hot water user, I wash all my clothes in hot water...

    Well, our 3 1/2 month old son would be lucky to wear that sweater now, and half of my husband's clothes now show his midriff....

    I fail as a wife.

    Needless to say, everything is cold now.
    lol....i wash everything in cold now too
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    18 years ago my nephew who was 3 at the time broke my CD player boom box and my acoustic guitar :'(

    I broke the locking device on windows in my sisters house when I was 18. Hehehehe forgot to unlock them before I pryed them open.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    ms clumsy umsy here... I break glasses, wine glasses, dishes ... part of it is im a KLUTZ the other part is i have a porcelain sink which when ANYTHING bumps it ...the sink shatters it. ..
    so YEAH! Im mad at my SINK. its a home wrecker... :mad:
    (but I STILL love it because its so pretty :heart: )

    ps.. also ooopsy!!! dropped a laptop....

    I am on my new one now....
  • Masflz
    Masflz Posts: 7
    For a second I thought, wow, is that off-topic or what? I've punched a hole through someone's carpet standing on it in high heels. I've broken an antique rocker by sitting in it. I learned to be very careful what I did, how I walked, and how I sat down and what I sat on. Now that I'm within 55 lbs of my goal weight, that is one more non-problem now. Thanks for making me think of it!
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    hahaha!!! Im a homewrecker!!! LOLZ... I like to wreck my home.
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    Um... my hubby calls me Breakers McGee for a reason. If it's in my hands, I manage to break it. He said there should be special titanium/rubber/military grade products made just for me. I can't help being Incredible Hulk strong!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I'm glad I cook so well, or I'd be a wife fail too....

    I dyed half my husband's laundry a delicious pink colour.

    I dyed half my daughter's summer clothes a mottled blue.

    I dropped a $300 vase.

    All of our coffee cups have been replaced. Twice.

    Our 12 place setting dishes? Down to 6.

    Also : four cell phones, two laptops, three lamps, the globe / lightbulb / fixture outside in 3 consecutive moves, the upstairs chandelier is tilting, I snagged a hole in our bamboo sheets, I had a nosebleed on my new $80 pillow ON THE FIRST NIGHT, and there is a dent in the wall I cannot explain.

  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Be careful, you'll get people coming in here saying you shouldn't make jokes about home wreckers because their XYZ had an affair and they still feel the pain.
    lollll iam so miss understood

    As a punishment for breaking spelling rules, your new name is Miss Understood.

    Miss Understood,
    You shouldn't be making jokes about homewreckers because my family leaves things around the house and I have stepped on them, stubbed my toes and I still feel the pain :smile: