Body by Vi



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I don't believe that soy protein is bad for you but if anyone has any research (not blog posts, research) suggesting that soy is bad for you then feel free to post it.

    The only negative commentary I've heard about soy protein was from the Perfect 10 Diet (Dr. Aziz was my doctor for about a year when I was working in mid-town and gave me the book). His primary contention was that not enough research had been done of the effects of ingesting soy with all the growth hormones and stuff farmers use on the crops. Beyond that I haven't seen anything one way or the other.

    Slightly better than a blog post, imo, but not by a whole lot.
  • Fight2bFiT
    Fight2bFiT Posts: 48 Member
    i am a personal trainer and have been around a lot of people who have/are competeing in bodybuilding, who get ripped up and have that defined and sexy body, and let me tell you, its NOT by a magical shake. i think a lot of these stories are the sellers themelves trying to sell the product. and ANYONE who eats crap and doesnt take care of their body is AUTOMATICALLY going to loose a lot the first month because of water weight and a change to their eating and i'm pretty sure a HUGE cut in calories. (thats why i'm sure it didnt work for anyone who was already eating healthy and xercise regularly bc their body is use to lower calories and thats what this is all about). their bodies will have a huge transformation at FIRST, but like others have mentioned, its not a magic pill or diet that is going to get the weight off and stay off. if you replace a meal with a 200cal shake, of course you are going to loose weight. will it stay off, MOST LIKELY not.

    eat clean: eat healthy and small portions every 2-3 hours and eat lean proteins, whole grains and LOTS of veggies and that will be WAY healthier for you than a replacment shake ;)

    Hope this helps;)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    i am a personal trainer and have been around a lot of people who have/are competeing in bodybuilding, who get ripped up and have that defined and sexy body, and let me tell you, its NOT by a magical shake. i think a lot of these stories are the sellers themelves trying to sell the product. and ANYONE who eats crap and doesnt take care of their body is AUTOMATICALLY going to loose a lot the first month because of water weight and a change to their eating and i'm pretty sure a HUGE cut in calories. (thats why i'm sure it didnt work for anyone who was already eating healthy and xercise regularly bc their body is use to lower calories and thats what this is all about). their bodies will have a huge transformation at FIRST, but like others have mentioned, its not a magic pill or diet that is going to get the weight off and stay off. if you replace a meal with a 200cal shake, of course you are going to loose weight. will it stay off, MOST LIKELY not.

    eat clean: eat healthy and small portions every 2-3 hours and eat lean proteins, whole grains and LOTS of veggies and that will be WAY healthier for you than a replacment shake ;)

    Hope this helps;)

    Whoah...You mean I actually have to work at it to improve??? Outrageous!
  • Fight2bFiT
    Fight2bFiT Posts: 48 Member
    i am a personal trainer and have been around a lot of people who have/are competeing in bodybuilding, who get ripped up and have that defined and sexy body, and let me tell you, its NOT by a magical shake. i think a lot of these stories are the sellers themelves trying to sell the product. and ANYONE who eats crap and doesnt take care of their body is AUTOMATICALLY going to loose a lot the first month because of water weight and a change to their eating and i'm pretty sure a HUGE cut in calories. (thats why i'm sure it didnt work for anyone who was already eating healthy and xercise regularly bc their body is use to lower calories and thats what this is all about). their bodies will have a huge transformation at FIRST, but like others have mentioned, its not a magic pill or diet that is going to get the weight off and stay off. if you replace a meal with a 200cal shake, of course you are going to loose weight. will it stay off, MOST LIKELY not.

    eat clean: eat healthy and small portions every 2-3 hours and eat lean proteins, whole grains and LOTS of veggies and that will be WAY healthier for you than a replacment shake ;)

    Hope this helps;)

    Whoah...You mean I actually have to work at it to improve??? Outrageous!

    haha, yea i know, sux, but that not only loses the weight but it produces self discipline and a healthy lifestyle, who woulda thunk??!?! LOL:)
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    Save your money. Eat right and workout. Body by Vi is a waste of money. I wish someone had told me this before I spent money on it.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    I am almost finished with my 90 day challenge. I have lost 25 lbs and last I checked, 12-ish inches (haven't done measurements in almost 2 weeks).

    The only thing I changed from my food/exercise was adding the shakes and they got me off of a year-long plateau. I plan to continue them after my challenge is over until I reach my goal weight, then go from 2 shakes to 1 per day for maintenance and nutrition. Hell, I might continue 2!

    My days are super long and I know they HAVE helped with my energy level. Plus I find them delicious. Just 8oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk and 2 scoops of shake mix. No extras. Love it and it's only 125 calories per shake for me. That's only 250 calories for breakfast and lunch, meaning I have TONS of calories left over that I can eat instead of drink.

    Might not be for everyone, but it has worked for me.
  • china1977
    china1977 Posts: 18 Member
    I respect all the diets and shakes. But my only thinking is that you should go for it, if you are going to be drinking them shakes for the rest of your life. I think if you are going to try it and you loose X amount of pounds then go off it thinking that you can keep it off without taking the shakes, is not correct. I think they are a quick fix and expensive. But good luck with whatever you decide. Everyone is different.
  • asantos1717
    asantos1717 Posts: 3 Member
    I respect all the diets and shakes. But my only thinking is that you should go for it, if you are going to be drinking them shakes for the rest of your life. I think if you are going to try it and you loose X amount of pounds then go off it thinking that you can keep it off without taking the shakes, is not correct. I think they are a quick fix and expensive. But good luck with whatever you decide. Everyone is different.

    I agree 100%
  • weightwatchers2
    As for the Balance kit with only 1 shake a day you are not going to see much of a difference weight wise. I went with the shape kit. In the long run it actually is cheaper being only a little over 1.00 a shake and you get all the nutrition that you need. Have you watched the video?
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I suggest eating fresh natural foods and getting your nutrients that way.

    It will be cheaper and better for you. And you will lose weight with it.

    Quick fixes and magical pills are never the answer for long term weight loss and healthy lifestyles.

    You need to teach yourself how to eat healthy or you will never be able to sustain your weight loss.

  • hina_syed_3
    hina_syed_3 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on my 3rd 90 day Challenge!
    and it works, and it's not a waste of money if you apply yourself and stick to it.
    And free is not a waste of money either.

    I lost over 10-15 pounds, and I've gained some muscles, I'm toning, and slimming myself down. I've lost over 10-12 inches off my waist, and hips.

    I use to have severe asthma/allergies attack, and since I started this in Nov 2011, I haven't had many attacks since then so I've saved money from the medications of that which is huge.

    I've cut back my junk food intake, I do not crave eating out as much as I use to, or eating greasy foods, or salty foods.

    Now one of my hugest things was I use to suffer from severe migraines, and nothing seemed to help. no Tylenol, no advil, aleve, excredrin, or any trips to the ER for stronger medicine was helping. I was sent from one clinic to another giving me MRI's Cat scans, and different kinds of tests to figure out what was wrong.
    And my migraines were gone within a week on these shakes.
    I'm on the Shape kit and have upgraded myself last week to the Fit Kit.
    The Nutra-cookies are really good, they come in 3 different flavors, and then the go/pro are also good energy supplements.
    and the shakes really do work.

    You just have to be willing to commit to it, that's why it's called a 90 day challenge not a 15 day challenge or a 30 day challenge, it's a 90 day challenge. Depending on the condition of your body your body works differently to adjust to the nutrients and all the nutrition. If you have stomach issues, it's all the fiber as your stomach is adjusting to it. But it does get better. I'm a customer but I'm also a promoter and I've seen some really good results with it.
    The only ones that says it doesn't work are people that didn't commit to it 100% and didn't stick to their calories, either they didn't eat enough calories in a day, or they ate too much.
    You need to eat while you're on the shakes, it's not just the shakes. You just need to stick through it. and it'll work!

    Also you have a lot of recipes to choose from and tons of support from tons of others on it.
    Definitely to check it out. and contact me if you have any questions.
    take care
  • hina_syed_3
    hina_syed_3 Posts: 29 Member
    Save your money. Eat right and workout. Body by Vi is a waste of money. I wish someone had told me this before I spent money on it.

    you probably didn't commit/apply yourself to it, which is why it didn't work for you and you found it a waste of money.
    it's like you buy a piece for your car, it's only a waste if you don't use it...but useful if you use it regularly.

    like in school, it's only a waste if you don't apply yourself in school with the work you do, and learn.
  • hina_syed_3
    hina_syed_3 Posts: 29 Member
    I suggest eating fresh natural foods and getting your nutrients that way.

    It will be cheaper and better for you. And you will lose weight with it.

    Quick fixes and magical pills are never the answer for long term weight loss and healthy lifestyles.

    You need to teach yourself how to eat healthy or you will never be able to sustain your weight loss.

    Body by vi never claims to be magic pills or quick fixes.
    Body by vi 90 day Challenge is not a diet, nor only a weight loss program.
    It's a life style change of nutritional products that work differently for different people trying to reach their health goals whichever it is.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I've heard that Shakeology is superior to Body by Vi, but I wouldn't know as I've never done either. In my personal opinion both are a waste of money. But if you're really interested in it, I'd look into Shakeology too and then decide.
  • hina_syed_3
    hina_syed_3 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been looking at getting Body by Vi for a few months now. I honestly can't afford the Shape Kit right now I believe that is the $100 one, but I can for the question is, is it really worth it? Anyone use it and what happens after you finish the 90 day challenge? I am just not totally convinced...or rather I have lots of questions lol.

    Hey there, how are you?
    If you're looking for weight loss, depending on your health goal, shape kit is for people that want to lose 25 pounds or less. and Balance Kit is $49 (30 meals/shakes) is mainly for maintainance of your weight. Shape Kit (60 meals for $99).

    Yes it was worth it for me, because I wanted to improve my health and this is the way to go about it, I've seen so much difference in it for me. But you know everyone is different, and it all depends on you if you're ready to commit to this or not. Each 90 day is different, it's not the same or can be different. Depends on you. One 90 day you can do it to lose weight, another 90 day can be to get fit, another can be to do something else. everything is different. It's safe for pregnant/nursing moms to take, as it's extra nutrition, and they use it as an extra meal not as a meal replacement.
    def check it out.
    and if you have any questions ask me, i'd be more than happy to answer them.
    take care
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm fairly positive such results could be reached with proper diet and exercise.

    And any benefit from said product is likely temporary as you are not learning/re-learning how to adequately consume food/nutrition. Doesn't sound like a "lifestyle change" unless you intend on using these products forever.
    I suggest eating fresh natural foods and getting your nutrients that way.

    It will be cheaper and better for you. And you will lose weight with it.

    Quick fixes and magical pills are never the answer for long term weight loss and healthy lifestyles.

    You need to teach yourself how to eat healthy or you will never be able to sustain your weight loss.

    Body by vi never claims to be magic pills or quick fixes.
    Body by vi 90 day Challenge is not a diet, nor only a weight loss program.
    It's a life style change of nutritional products that work differently for different people trying to reach their health goals whichever it is.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    ive never tried it, though earlier this year i had a friend who did. she jogged 45 min a day and followed the diet.....

    the only loss that incurred was to her checking account.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm not doing a 90 day challenge. I drink it for breakfast as a meal replacement and sometimes when I just plain need more calories and protein in my day. I drink it because it's good and still has nutritional value.

    The husband started out on it with the one bag, and had it just for breakfast on most days. Then I had our baby, and now I'm using it... and he's using it twice a day. We're upping our order. It works as a calorie cutting tool, but it's not the be all and end all of being healthy.

    BTW, he started it almost four months ago.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    And this is a prime example of why I hate body by vi/anything by beach body. Multi level marketing at its finest.

    As you can see she has an agenda here.

    I have been looking at getting Body by Vi for a few months now. I honestly can't afford the Shape Kit right now I believe that is the $100 one, but I can for the question is, is it really worth it? Anyone use it and what happens after you finish the 90 day challenge? I am just not totally convinced...or rather I have lots of questions lol.

    Hey there, how are you?
    If you're looking for weight loss, depending on your health goal, shape kit is for people that want to lose 25 pounds or less. and Balance Kit is $49 (30 meals/shakes) is mainly for maintainance of your weight. Shape Kit (60 meals for $99).

    Yes it was worth it for me, because I wanted to improve my health and this is the way to go about it, I've seen so much difference in it for me. But you know everyone is different, and it all depends on you if you're ready to commit to this or not. Each 90 day is different, it's not the same or can be different. Depends on you. One 90 day you can do it to lose weight, another 90 day can be to get fit, another can be to do something else. everything is different. It's safe for pregnant/nursing moms to take, as it's extra nutrition, and they use it as an extra meal not as a meal replacement.
    def check it out.
    and if you have any questions ask me, i'd be more than happy to answer them.
    take care
  • hina_syed_3
    hina_syed_3 Posts: 29 Member
    What's the agenda?

    She asked the questions because she wanted answers and I answered them. There's no agenda there.
    Please do not assume if you do not know.