Gaining weight becuz of my job,waitressing. Helpp!!!



  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    I worked in a restaurant and we were allowed to eat pretty much whatever we wanted and as much as we wanted, so I did. I tried eating at home, bringing my own meals and shakes, etc. Nothing worked because of the temptation. I lost more weight once I quit. I was on my feet all day but I was definitely eating more than I needed to because it was there.
  • bowlinmoe
    bowlinmoe Posts: 7
    Pretend it's poisonous?

  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    omg this use to be me, worked in an upscale italian restaurant. soooo amazing, 45 different wines, a wine club, pasta, half off food... we are told to sample" every meal.. yes it was hard. i tried to just eat a protein shake before my shift so i am full. also drank **** loads of coffee and water! the novelty eventually wore off as i felt it wasnt worth it.,. and once i saw how much cream was in the pasta sauces it was enough to send me running lmao!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Wait why are you eating other people's wedding food?

    THIS!!!! ^ ^ I would be totally upset if I knew that the waiters were eating up the wedding food THAT I PAID FOR!!!! :grumble:

    I said exactly this to my husband! I would be passed if I paid for food and found out the waitresses were eating it.

    To the OP. Take your lunch/dinner with you, and work on your self control. Or find a new job.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Everyone faces temptations on a daily basis... you only have to walk into any shop to see shelves stacked with chocolate, muffins, cakes, ice cream, cookies and all manner of less than healthy foods. I have to deal with it myself, and believe me, after an hour or two cycling, it really takes willpower to choose a nakd bar or some dried apple rather than cookies or a cake at Starbucks, lol. It is down to you learning to fill up mostly on good, nutritious foods, and just having the cake and other things as a treat, that fits into whatever goal you are set at. I find hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and pears very filling, and tend not to go for the less nutritious stuff so much if I fill up on those. You just need to basically start taking your own stuff with you and train yourself to eat that first. If you exercise a lot, I imagine you could fit in a treat each day, but make it one thing, and be sure you are still meeting your goals.

    It comes down to how much you want to be healthy and lean, and to be honest, too much refined sugar is not the way to go to achieve those things. I had a horrible addiction to refined sugar, and cut most of it out for a week, and found that helped me. I no longer crave things so much and can resist.
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    My job is being so annoying to me... Im a waitress at wedding clubs which it means lots of food around me all the time nd usually go over budget or eat lots of proceed foods (3days a week working). U can see all differnt kinds of appitizers nd everything + the dessert which i have the craving to,, 20 different kinds of cakes, ice creams, chocolates, cookies nd etc. for me its hard becuz i care bout my cals!..idk of i should take my foods to work from home and ONLY eat those ones or eat watever there as long as i watch my calorie intake, or what??? Really confused nd feel horrible nd dont really knw wat to do :( problem is that becuz im all working 1. I keep getting hungry which is horrible for me becuz there is only proceed and bad foods around me,,, its like i go to the gym like crazyy nd burn lots of cals in order to lose weight, but i ruin everythinggg at work!!,plz help me, wat would u do if u were me???? Wat should i do????

    You need to stop using you job as an excuse for eating too much or gaining weight when all you need to do is accept that it is YOUR fault and not your job's and take accountablity for your actions. You say your job is annoying because you work around food?? Woooow!! Just say NO!
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a cocktail waitress at a club too, and I know what you mean. It's all about self control, girl. Do you want that piece of cake or that hot body you've always wanted? You already know it's not good for you, so don't even think about it. Take your own healthy snacks, that's what I do. Drink lots of water and don't let yourself eat those bad foods! So not worth it. There's going to be temptation every single day of your life. Learn to resist it. You got this. Don't let food be your enemy. It's okay to treat yourself occasionally, but honestly-it's not worth it.
    If it's that hard, get a new job. Not to be harsh-but you can't blame your job for lack of self control. I know it's hard, trust me. I feel your pain. But if I can do it, so can you. Best of luck.
  • _emma
    _emma Posts: 21
    I'm dealing with this issue right now too.. I waitress at a country club and whenever we do big buffets, the wait staff gets to eat that at the end of the night and it's almost NEVER healthy. And on regular shifts, the employee meal is usually something easy to make a lot of like fries, chicken fingers, pasta, burgers, etc. There are also always fries out to nibble on, the list of available junk is endless. I feel like the only way I'll be able to really stay on top of what I'm eating while at work is if I pack food and keep everything there off limits. It's just too easy for me to eat one french fry and have it turn into 30 by the end of the night. Being on your feet for that long definitely does help though!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Find a guy named Will and use his power.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Strangely, when I was waitressing my weight dropped so low my doctor thought I was anorexic. (I wasn't, my bmi wasnt even low)
    I found handling food all day made me lose my appetite. Handling the dirty dishes made eating seem icky.
    I was always on my feet.
    Maybe I should go back to waitressing.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    My hubby & the kids always have junk that I love...and I made the choice to not eat any of it!! That is how bad I want to be thin!
    I pack my food and don't eat processed foods or take out. It's full of stuff I don't want to eat along with sugar & sodium too.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I work at a pizza place and strangely I've had no problems with it. I just eat the majority of my calories before going to work to get me through my shift. I also take my own snacks just in case.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Have any of the people who are making fun of the way she types stopped to consider that English might not be her first language?

    Honey, no. That's teenage netspeak. I've a teenage cousin who types the same way with all her friends and I've seen a few others type the same way.

    Other than that, I read the OP and was immediately squicked out. Who eats all day long at a wedding you aren't a guest of? I seriously hope we're talking about after the wedding is over and the caterer is giving the food to the staff. Otherwise - ewwwww. How many unwashed hands that have just been in or near someone's mouth are serving food at what I imagine would be a pretty upscale place?
  • hate2bheavy
    Wow, I cannot believe how critical these replies have been for someone who is seeking support. Aren't we all here because we have issues with self control? Of course she is not eating off of people's plates or stealing food! She is around food all the time and was looking for constructive ways to deal with the temptations. Thanks to the few people who were actually trying to help. To the others: people aren't posting questions to be criticized on how well they type (and I'm assuming she was just shortening words to save time) or to be questioned about their decisions...they are looking for useful tools. Don't bother responding if you don't have anything positive or helpful to say. The "community of pals" are supposed to be there to help. Let's do it!!